Chapter 2: A New Enemy and an Old Adversary

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Aaron's POV

     "How?!" Croaked Aragorn as he gave me a started look. I shook my head as I thought about it.

     "I also can't figure this out either. I didn't know how they did that but I heard some theories about this." Aragorn and the others gave me a stunned look as I just shrug it off.

     "One theory was that the enemy was cursed with cursed magic. Another theory was that one of them had dark element magic that could wipe the world off it's course in seconds. All I know was that they split up the job between them." The others started to demand me to give them the evidence but I just told them off.

     "But I felt that there was something amiss, like there was a puzzle piece, the last one that completes the puzzle. I felt that the two of them did not do this on their own, someone hired them to do this." The others look at each other worriedly and nodded at me.

     "We'll figure this out, together." I smiled at what the others said and nodded, confirmed that I allowed them to figure it out with me. I took a look at my watch and realized that it was late.

     "Guys, I will show you guys the evidence of that kidnapping at my home. For now, we have to be careful....." Suddenly my mark on my hand glowed and I cursed.

     "Oh come on, Satan! Seriously?!" I sighed an exaggerated sigh and murmured curses under my breath. I just stared at the mark in frustration as I could feel Satan's presence in my mind, telling me to come to him straight away and I just sighed.

     "Sorry guys. I will see you tomorrow. I still have jobs to do by that annoying best friend of my father. Good night." I heard my friends greeted me goodbye as I rushed out into the night, wondering why that bastard ask me a favor in the midst of celebrating my graduation.

-----in the Nephilim Council Meeting Place-----

     "Aaron, Thank God you came!" Satan hugged me as he saw me running to the meeting room a few minutes late.

     "Why do you need me here?" Satan hesitated before answering my question.

     "Another girl at the age of 12 gotten kidnapped in the secluded street near the café where we went for tea before." I immediately cursed before rushing to that place, trying to find evidence about the kidnapping. I stare at the wall for a short while before I see some black substance moving.

     "Impossible!" I touch the dark substance, intrigued when I felt someone pulling my hand back from that substance. I turned around only to meet the eye of Amera and Kein.

     "Lady Amera, Lord Kein." I bowed, knowing that they were the Goddess of Light and God of Darkness in this world. They nodded at me and smiled but still watched the black substance warily.

     "I can sense large amount of darkness in this black substance, sister." Kein said as he touched the black substance with his finger and watched as it curled around his finger like it was a tree bark. Amera nodded at her brother as she  could feel the darkness admitted from the black substance as well.  I tried to touch the black substance again as if I was in a trance but Amera pulled me back.

     "Careful Aaron. This black substance contains strong amounts of darkness that can manipulate the person's mind who is near it. I can sense darkness radiating from you Aaron. Why is it?" I shrugged at the question Amera asked me.

     "I don't know. I never sensed that kind of darkness since....."I shuddered at the thought of my dark self that I tried to suppress it during that time when I was still younger around 15. I still remember all the times that I turned into my other persona and killed many people. I stared shakily at my hands as I remembered how many blood had I shed using my own two hands. I still remember all the nightmares of my other self telling me to join the dark side and I still remember how many times I got tortured in my dreams and how many times I screamed until I woke up from that nightmare. I saw Amera looking worried at me but I shy away from her gaze and instead stared at the wall, trying to down my fear, sadness, anger and darkness but nothing was working. I winced as I could hear my other persona in my ear, urging me to take revenge against all those who opposed me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and wince as that person gently rubbed circles on my back. I unconsciously shifted my body towards the person who put a hand on my shoulder as he was rubbing circles on my back softly, trying to calm me down.

     "Shh. It is okay, Aaron. It is okay." I shifted my body closer against the person, realizing the person as Kein as I slowly lull myself to sleep by the rhythm of Kein rubbing my back in circles. The last thing I saw before sleep took me was the gentle smile of Kein towards my sleeping form.


Kein's POV

     "Brother, it's time to go." I nodded as I held Aaron in my arms. I heard Aaron whimper in sadness as I carried him bridal style. Both Amera and I stared at Aaron in worry, wondering what had happened that had caused Aaron to be in this condition. We both nodded and teleported ourselves to the Nephilim Council's meeting room. 

-----Nephilim Council Meeting Room-----

     "Hey Lord Kein." Satan greeted me before turning to my older sister. "Lady Amera." My older sister nodded and Satan's gaze was on Aaron.

     "Aaron!" He looked at us. "How did he get into this position and why was he whimpering? Could someone just tell me what's HAPPENING TO HIM?!?!" Satan looked at us in a panicked look and we both flinched.

      "Satan, Aaron almost touched the inky substance while investigating the cause of the kidnapping of the 12 years old girl. It unlocked the darkness in himself that he tried to suppress. I could sense the darkness in him and would like you to tell us about his darkness." Amera said to Satan gently but Satan shook his head. 

     "Aaron never said about his darkness so I did not know about it. But if you want you could ask his friends. They know about his darkness more than I do." Amera and I both frowned as we remembered how Aaron was last year. At that time Aaron was carefree albeit that he had some sadness in his eyes. All three of us nodded and Satan pulled Amera and I into a hug without disturbing Aaron.

     "Be careful you two. Don't be too rash and come here safely." Satan looked worryingly to Amera.

     "Be careful. There are people who want to kidnap a girl like you as you have magic power beyond other's capability." Amera protested a bit but Satan put out a hand to stop her.

     "I know that you could take care of yourself but still, be careful. Those people will do all those dirty tricks to lure you into this kidnapping trap." Amera nodded and we both teleported to Aragorn's room.

-----Aragorn's room-----

Aragorn's POV

     I stared at the stars as my mind wondered to where Aaron was as I hadn't seen him after the graduation celebration. Suddenly there was a blinding light and a young boy and a young girl came into view. I say a man in their arms and I immediately knew who was this.

     "Aaron!" I rushed to Amera and Kein, ready to hold Aaron from their arms but Amera and Kein told me to listen to them after they placed Aaron onto my bed because their news was urgent. I nodded and let them put Aaron on my bed. I lead them to the group discussion table and told them to sit there. They sat on the chairs around the table and asked me their question.

     "Aragorn, there was something you haven't told us, wasn't there?" I nodded and mentioned them to continue.

     "Aragorn, my older sister sensed some darkness in Aaron. Why was that?" I looked down at the floor sheepishly and sighed.

     "Aaron had another persona." I took at peek of Amera and Kein and saw that they both looked at me in surprise with a hint of anger.

     "Why didn't you tell us earlier when we had first met?!" I stared at them defyingly and looked sadly at Aaron.

     "He didn't want me to tell you in case you both became worried about his well-being." They look at Aaron as well and their expression soften.

     "So he had a dark persona." I nodded at what Kein said and they both looked at me.

     "When did he say he had it?" I looked down at the floor in defeat.

     "When he was 13. He had it from 13 until now but he did not do any damage after he was 18 because he had locked that dark side of him inside himself." Kein and Amera nodded and frowned.

     "What's wrong?" Both Amera and Kein looked at each other worryingly.

     "Don't freak out about this but....." Kein began. ".....the black substance was almost touched by Aaron and he became like this....." Kein pointed to Aaron where we all saw that Aaron was twisting and turning in the sheets."...... I believe the thing that made the black substance is one of the relics that Aaron wanted to find. The enemy had the second one."  I cursed and stared at both of them.

     "If that's true then the power of the enemy and the power of Aaron is tied. We need to get the second relic back." Both Kein and Amera nodded. I took one last look at Aaron and smiled sadly.

     "Lord Kein, Lady Amera, both of you have to come to the meeting tomorrow to discuss about how to take back the relic from the enemy's clutches." Kein and Amera nodded at me and teleported away while I laid down on the sofa, falling asleep instantly.

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