Fantastic Beasts

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(This chapter was especially difficult to write due to Hagrid's accent being all over the place. I somehow think JK Rowling sort of just winged it whenever she wrote Hagrid's accent. The important thing to remember is that 'ing' is always written as 'in' except for with 'Something' which is always written as 'Summat'. As for contractions, it get's really difficult when writing Hagrid. So if I ever do a sequel for this book on account of my fans wanting me to, let it be known that the Hagrid chapters will be extremely exhausting for me.)

When Lily awoke the next morning, she nearly flew into a panic when she saw that Mikoto's Four Poster bed was empty with the curtains drawn back. She had half the mind to wake her other classmates when the door to the dormitory opened, and Mikoto walked in, wearing a tracksuit and sneakers, her face flushed and sweat pouring down her face.

"Wh-where did you go so early!?" stammered Lily. "It's 7:30!"

"I always run in the mornings back in Academy City." Mikoto said. "Well, we have PE classes at the start of every day, so since I haven't been keeping in shape for a while, I thought I'd keep up the tradition you know?"

"You went jogging?" said Lily. "Where did you go?"

"Around the lake, several laps." said Mikoto. "Saw something huge in there while I was running. Are there like.. Krakens in the lake?"

"The Giant Squid." said Lily.

"Impossible." said Mikoto. "A Giant Squid wouldn't survive the lack of salinity in a freshwater lake, nor could it survive in that sort of water pressure and exposure to the sun.  Plus a Giant Squid's full length is nowhere near the enormity of that monster."

"You can ask Hagrid about that, he cares for all the magical creatures on the grounds." said Lily. "He's invited me for tea later, you can come with me. Anyways, Breakfast is starting about now.. we should probably get going."

"After I get a chance to shower." said Mikoto.

"By the way, where did you get the tracksuit?" Lily asked.

"I lent it.." yawned Tasha as she sat up, scratching her head tiredly. "She told me before we turned in last night that she'd like to go for a run in the morning, so I gave it to her."

One by one, the other girls in the dorm began to wake up.

There were a total of 3 other Fourth Years in the Girl's dorm.

The first was Panya Patil, a rather studious girl, but despite her studious attitude was very easy going and laid back. (yes, there is a relation to Pavarti Patil.)

The second was Elise Gabby, a black haired girl was abnormally quiet.

The third was Liu Chuang, a Chinese girl who was amicable and an ordinary teenage girl by most respects. All of them awoke rather eagerly, as if determined to speak to Mikoto first.

But Tasha held up a hand. "Girls.. questions can be held on the weekends when we have time. Right now.. we have a day to get into."

Breakfast seemed like a pretty ordinary affair. Mikoto walked down with the other girls, wearing Hogwarts robes, and the various tables were filled with students filling their plates with food and discussing the morning's classes.

As soon as they sat down Gil and Al had already walked over, in the company of Scorpius.

"Scorpius Malfoy." said Scorpius, giving Mikoto a handshake. "Er, welcome I guess."

"Thanks." said Mikoto. "Cool name."

Scorpius raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not making fun." Mikoto admitted. "I think the name's pretty cool."

"It works well, he can be granted the glorious nickname 'Scorpion King'." said Al.

"Hey!" Scorpius muttered, blushing. "You didn't have to mention that."

"Rose mentions it."

At that statement, Scorpius blushed a deeper red.

"Well, it's our first year without James throwing giggling gillywater in our Pumpkin Juice, so I think this is a cause for celebration!" said Lily as she began to pile bacon and eggs onto Mikoto's plate.  "Plus, our good dear Mikoto is now officially a Hogwarts Gryffindor!"

"Y-yeah.." Al said, going red at the mention of Mikoto's name.

Scorpius elbowed Al and grinned, nodding at Mikoto, and making a gesture to Al as if saying "Go on!".

But Al shook his head, looking nervous beyond belief before walking back towards the Slytherin table.

"Eat up." said Gil, patting Mikoto on the back as he sat next to her. "You're going to need it!"

"Just a little nervous that's all.. not exactly the kind of school I pictured myself going to." said Mikoto.

"You're getting special tutoring, you'll do fine." said Gil.  "Oh by the way, McGonagall told me to give you this, it's your special schedule.

Mikoto took the parchment and looked it over. "Well, I'm going to the same basic classes as you guys, but instead of the classes you were allowed to pick in Third year, I have tutoring classes.  Guess that's a good schedule."

"Heads up girls." said Gil, nodding up at the windows. "Looks like Mail's here."

Flocks of owls soared through the windows.. gliding and flapping down to the Great Hall below. Many of them carrying packages or letters.

As the only Great Horned Owl in the flocks, Mizuchi was easily spotted, soaring down to Mikoto, a set of large packages tied to his leg.

"Can owls carry that much!?" Mikoto stammered.

"Mizuchi can apparently." said Lily as the Great Horned Owl landed on the table.

"Thanks." said Mikoto, petting the magnificent owl's head before it nibbled her ear and flew back in the direction of the school's Owlry.

Mikoto opened up the packages, finding everything from Hogwarts robes fresh from Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, and various textbooks, including the Standard Book of Spells grades 1 to 4, and something which greatly interested Mikoto more than the other books.. Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them by Newt Scamander.

Mikoto picked up the creature book, suddenly reminded of Henry the Niffler. "Hey Gil, where's Henry?"

"In my trunk, he'll be fine, I left him with tons of shiny stuff so he won't go rampaging through the dorms or anything." said Gil. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh." Mikoto felt pink patches appear on her cheeks. "Just, he's cute that's all."

Mikoto began flipping through the glossed pages of the book. "Is there a class on magic creatures?"

"Yes actually, Care of Magical Creatures." said Tasha. "Hagrid teaches it. But it's one of the classes you have to select during third year, and you've got tutoring instead."

"Oh.." Mikoto muttered, disappointment filling her slightly.

"On the bright side, looks like you've got all your classes with us!" said Gil gleefully. "Check it out, 9:00 we've got Defense Against the Dark Arts together, should be fun!"

"Weird, 4th years usually get it on 4th or 5th period." said Tasha.

"Who cares, it's practically the least boring class in this place." said Gil.

"Who teaches it?" Mikoto asked.

"Professor Graves." said Tasha. "he's American. Shrewd, single minded, but he's a pretty good teacher. His grandfather was an Auror for the MACUSA, he was killed by Grindlewald."

"Auror?" Mikoto asked.

"Dark Wizard Catcher." said Lily. "Dad's an Auror, so is my Uncle Ron. Apparently Professor Graves was an Auror for a while at the American Wizarding community.

"Why teach at Hogwarts then? Why not teach at an American Wizarding school?" asked Mikoto.

"Lot of rumors on that Sister." said Gil. "Be a pain to go through them all, but one thing's for sure, you're in for a treat. He's really been there!"

(Percival Graves from the Fantastic Beasts movie is the Grandfather in question)

As it turned out, Graves was a rather intimidating looking man, with sleek gelled back hair, and a strong look to him. He wore a trench coat, similar to how an American Detective might wear in a crime drama.

"My name, is Graves." said Professor Graves simply, writing his name on the chalk board. "You can refer to me by Professor, or Mr. Graves. But let it be known here, and now. I'm not here to be your best friend.. I'm not here to baby or coddle you."

Graves stared at his students with a rather cold glare, as if willing his students to understand what he said. "You may be wondering why I'm introducing myself to a class that has had me for 3 years now.. well, rumor is we have a new student here, and I want her to know what I'm about."

Graves looked at Mikoto. "Ms. Misaka, can you tell me what Defense Against the Dark Arts is?"

"Um, you defend yourself... against Dark Arts." said Mikoto.

"Heh, the class title speaks for itself." said Graves, nodding as the rest of the class sniggered. "I'll admit, that question was a bit of a stupid one.. let me be more specific then. What is the 'Dark Arts'? Don't be worried about getting this wrong, you're new to this, so I just want your best guess."

"Um, evil magic?" said Mikoto. "Magic that's forbidden, maybe outlawed. Perhaps banned by the Ministry. Magic that's potentially dangerous."

"Well well, a good guess, 1 point for Gryffindor for how very well educated that guess was." said Graves. "Yes, that is what this class is about, but for now, until your tutoring begins, I cannot explain further. Now, we continue with our first lesson of the semester."

Graves started writing on the board again. He wrote the words. "Unforgivable Curses."

"As Mikoto so intelligently said before, Dark Arts can very well include illegal or banned magic, potentially disasterous to practice." said Graves. "As such, the three most terribly banned curses, which earn you a life sentence in Azkaban unless used under special circumstances, are known as the Unforgivable Curses."

Graves turned around. "You're probably used to me saying this by now, but, put away your books, this introduction is practical."

There was a large shuffling around the room as students struggled to put their books back in their bags.

"Now." said Graves. "I've been given special permission from the Ministry to perform these curses so that you know precisely how they look. Granted, that makes this lesson VERY serious. No goofing off, or you're out of the classroom till I'm done. Any misuse of the information I teach you will be regarded with great severity."

And so Graves's lesson began.

Mikoto could see why the rest of the class respected him. He treated each and everything he taught them with absolute sincere seriousness, as if he absolutely believed he was preparing his students for the dangers of the real world.

When class was over, and everyone was leaving for their next period, Graves waved Mikoto down. "You stay, we've got Tutoring for the next hour."

Mikoto nodded, staying seated as everyone else left, taking out her First Year version of The Dark Arts, A Guide to Self Defense."

"Put that away." said Graves. "Like I said before, my lessons are practical. You'll only need that for homework."

Graves began guiding Mikoto through using First Grade level defensive jinxes, and showing her information on a various set of Dark Creatures which these jinxes were effective against.  Mikoto soon began to see that just memorizing spells and waving your wand wasn't all there was to magic. One needed to use specific wand movements, memorize rootwords for spells and so on.

But by the end of the class, Graves was thoroughly impressed.

Graves examined a set of burn marks Mikoto had made with a Verdilimous curse she had used on a nearby desk. "Usually takes a month before First years even make a spark.. you just mastered that spell in 15 minutes."

"That's good right?" said Mikoto.

"More than good." said Graves, shaking his head and chuckling. "Girl, you're a downright prodigy. Quick question though, if you encountered a gargoyle in a dark alley at some point, what would you REALLY do? What's your first reaction?"

"Blast it to smithereens with a Railgun." said Mikoto.

Graves raised an eyebrow.

"I can use my power to add a bit of an electromagnetic oomph to a coin I flick. That creates a projectile several times faster than the speed of sound, like a miniature version of the most destructive Muggle projectile weapon ever invented." said Mikoto.

"Basically, a projectile that makes a Reductor Curse look like a water pistol." said Graves. "Yes, my mother was a No-Maj, I've seen it in a science journal.  Misaka, let me be clear. It's true, your powers would probably be effective against most of the monsters and dark things of the world I'll teach about, but it's also important to remember, that as constant as your left arm is, or your right leg, that doesn't mean you will always have your left arm or right  leg, you need to learn to use alternative methods of defense. so always remember what I teach you, got it?"

"Yeah." said Mikoto, nodding. She might not know this man very well, but she was beginning to respect him as much as Gil did.

Mikoto's next classes were no less interesting. Transfiguration, which was taught by Professor McGonagall, was probably the most difficult class Mikoto encountered. Instead of diving into turning a rocking chair into a toucan, the class first had to sit down and write notes on the exact anatomy of the toucan in question.

Mikoto's Transfiguration tutoring session was also difficult, but on a lesser scale, since she was instead noting the anatomy of a hedgehog in preparation for turning it into a teacup.

After witnessing McGonagall turn into a tabby cat and back, Mikoto had excitedly asked when she would learn to do that, but unfortunately, McGonagall responded curtly that Animagi transformations were something she'd have to achieve on her own at the right age, and achieve a license for.

Charms, was a class that Mikoto especially excelled at. Professor Flitwick, who was so incredibly old, that students suspected he was the oldest teacher in Hogwarts (besides Professor Binns), was incredibly energetic for his age. A tiny man, who was shorter than even the First Years. He was so amazed by Mikoto's natural ability at Charms, he burst into ecstatic squeaks when Mikoto managed to perfect a Summoning Charm her first day in class without having even started her tutelage or received prior instruction.

Potions, was taught by a rather beefy man known as Horace Slughorn. Mikoto didn't really think potions suited her. The different smells and aromas made her head swim, and the sight of the liquids reminded her of the terrible drugs she had to endure when she became an esper. However, she did well enough during the tutoring session and managed to produce a passable hiccupping solution, despite the overcoming sense of nausea she had from even smelling the fumes.

History of Magic however, was probably the only class Mikoto couldn't find any interest in whatsoever.

Considering the brutality and gore of Wizarding History, Mikoto was at a lost to how any teacher in the universe could possibly make it sound boring. Professor Binns, had succeeded and excelled in that challenge. He was the only Ghost teacher in Hogwarts, floating pearly white, it was rumored that Binns fell asleep next to the fire place, died in his sleep, and got up to teach the next day without paying any attention to his apparent death.

His terrible droning voice, caused the entire classroom to go into an immediate comatose state. Mikoto, by sheer overwhelming willpower, was one of the few students in the room who was able to summon the strength to stay awake long enough to take notes.

A student from the most prestigious Muggle Middle School in the world would NOT be beaten by a ghost with a boring voice.

Even the Ace of Tokiwadai eventually succumbed to Binn's power however, when she stayed for his tutoring session, and he kept droning on like nothing had happened, Mikoto fell into a deep dazed stupor, finding herself in a day dream where she was dancing in a flower field with her favorite frog mascot that she had loved since childhood.

The last class Mikoto attended, Herbology, was taught by Professor Longbottom, who, judging by her classmate's treatment of him, seemed to be the coolest teacher in school next to Professor Graves. (Neville would've done it in 3 books).

He was a kind round faced teacher, who often made jokes, and was understandable of struggling students. He greeted Mikoto with a heartly chuckle and a clap on the back, which Mikoto, being Japanese, wasn't quite used to.  But even she managed to overcome her culture gap and grow to love Professor Longbottom.

After all classes ended at 5, Mikoto had to admit, it felt like any other school of the European culture. she wondered if the Japanese Wizarding school had a system similar to the schools she used to attend in Academy City.

(Start each morning with a bow, etc. etc.)

It was after classes ended however, Mikoto discovered the class she truly excelled at.

At around 6, Mikoto accompanied Lily down to a small hut next to the Forbidden forest, where the Hagrid she had heard so much about supposedly dwelled.

"So, he's like.. a giant?" Mikoto asked.

"Half Giant, but he's really nice, and he really knows his stuff when it comes to magical creatures." said Lily. "Well.. though.. it's just that.."

"That what?" Mikoto asked.

"He has a thing for.. fierce.. creatures." Lily said.


"Like ferocious." Lily said.

"He likes monsters then?" said Mikoto.

"Yep." said Lily. "And sometimes illegal monsters.."

"Oh." said Mikoto.

"Dad told me that it's because monsters present more of a challenge, so he likes them." said Lily. "But really, he's a nice person. The most kindhearted person you could ever meet."

Lily walked over to the hut, with Mikoto following close behind. As they reached the door, Mikoto noticed a beautiful animal standing in a pen close to the hut.

It had the head of a bird of prey with fierce yellow eyes, and massive steel colored feather wings. It had the back body of a horse, with it's front legs being talons. It was like a horse version of a Griffin.

"That's Buckbeak." said Lily. "A Hippogriff."

"Hippo?" Mikoto said. "More like beautiful.."

"Careful, they're really big on manners." said Lily. "Insult one, or don't practice proper etiquette, and you'll be in the Hospital Wing before you can blink."

Mikoto felt a longing sensation in her. Like whenever she saw a stray kitten in Academy City. She wanted to stroke it's feathers, pat it's beak, maybe feed it something, anything.

Lily knocked on the hut's door, and immediately there was the sound of large barking.

"Down Fang! Whoa there!" said a voice as the sound of a dog scraping at the door was heard.

When the door opened, Mikoto almost jumped with fright.

It was a massive man. His hands were the size of dinner plates, his shoes could've held baby dolphins. He bore a massive coat, and his hair and beard were wild and tangled, hiding most of his face, almost as if he were Santa Claus's jungle dwelling cousin. He must have been at least 12 feet tall. However, despite the ginormous man's wild appearance, his eyes looked warm and full of kindness.

Next to him, a small black puppy barked and sniffed Mikoto's feet amicably.

"Well well! Lily! Didn' 'spect you to come visitin' till an hour lat'r!" said Hagrid with a kind chuckle. "An' who migh' this be?"

"Mikoto Misaka." said Mikoto, feeling awestruck by the man. "I take it you're Hagrid?"

"Thas' me alright!" said Hagrid. "Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts, and yer Care o' Magical Creatures Teacher, if yeh manage to take my class o' course. Well, don' dally out in the cold! Come in! Come in! I'm jus' makin' a cup'o'tea."

Mikoto and Lily hurried into the warm hut and sat down at the small table as Hagrid began taking a kettle out from the fireplace.

Mikoto wasn't big on British tea. Japanese or Chinese teas were distinctly different from the strangely sweet and cream filled teas of the European regions, but she took it politely and merely declined the offer for cream or sugar. 

As she sipped her tea, Fang, the puppy (not the original Fang, dogs only live so long) jumped up onto Mikoto's lap.

"Fang don' take to people so quickly usually." said Hagrid, giving Mikoto a smile. "She gets excited, no doubt abou' that.  But yeh usually hafta know her o' little bit longer before she's that friendly with yeh."

Mikoto smiled and pet the puppy. "glad to hear that, I'm actually not used to animals liking me so much.. especially cats, they kind of avoid me."

"So this is the Esper Harry wrote me abou'!" said Hagrid.

"That's right." said Lily. "She's an Electromaster. She can generate electricity."

"Ah righ'" said Hagrid, looking very interested. "So.. wha's it like? havin' powers like that?'

"Darn annoying." said Mikoto. "I emit a weak electrical field, so cats hate me, and I LOVE cats.. every time I use my powers seriously I cause a blackout, one of my best friends calls me.. get this.. Bug Zapper.  I wish I became a Teleporter instead, way less hassle."

"You won' need that power trus' me." said Hagrid, giving Mikoto a wink. "Yer going to learn to Apparate before long. Bu' I imagine a power like yers would be useful in Auror work."

"Professor Graves seemed to like her." said Lily with a nod. "Said she was a natural."

"Did he now?" said Hagrid. "Tha's quite rare fer him."

Hagrid spent the entirety of the visit asking about Mikoto and Lily's classes, and Mikoto had to admit, Hagrid was wonderful to talk to. Despite his accent being rather difficult on Mikoto's non-native English skills, he was very interesting to get to know, especially when he talked about his duties caring for the Magical Creatures on the school grounds and in the forest alike.

"Dem Unicorns see, when der young, love jus' bout anybody." Hagrid said at one point. "Bu' once dey get old enough, dey will on'y trust girls. It's interestin' ho'ever, cos they still seem to go fer me jus' fine."

For some reason, it was the Magical Creatures that always held Mikoto's attention. Every time Hagrid spoke about them, she would remember another passage from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them which she had read during her lunch period. Every time, feeling a larger sense of longing..

It was just getting dim outside, and Hagrid was just about to walk the two girls back up to the castle however, when the visit got a little bit more exciting.  There was a sudden bellow outside, as if a large animal were in distress.

"Stay here!" said Hagrid seriously. He ran out the door of the house and looked around as Mikoto and Lily watched from the window.

It was incredible.

A massive rhino-like creature, with a single long horn on it's head and a thick tail.  the end of it's head where the horn grew seemed bulbous to an extent, and glowed somewhat with an unstable air.

"Is that.. an Erumpent?" Mikoto whispered.

"Yeah, I think." whispered Lily. "How'd you know?"

"I looked it up in my book cause I remembered Al mentioned something about Necessarius having one." Mikoto whispered back. "This one's female for sure, it's too close to mating season and she hasn't blown herself up yet, that's what males typically do."

"R-really?" said Lily.

"You don't know that?" Mikoto said, feeling surprised.

"Of course not, we don't exactly memorize that book." said Lily.

"WHOAH!!! SHELBY!" Hagrid yelled, as the Erumpent stomped around, rampaging through a pumpkin patch. "CALM DOWN GIRL!! SHELBY!!"

The Erumpent merely responded to Hagrid by charging at him, attempting to gore him with her horn.

Hagrid managed to get out of the way in time as the Erumpent's horn stabbed into a tree, and the trunk of the tree turned molten upon impact, before swiftly exploding. Of course, Erumpent Horns had explosive capabilities.

Mikoto felt something stir in her as she watched the Erumpent again. There it was, that confusing feeling..


Mikoto immediately ran out the door of the hut. Lily stood up and ran after her. "M-MIKOTO! What are you doing!?"

Mikoto ran over the Erumpent and immediately clutched it's nose with a hand. "CALM...  Shelby.. Calm.."

Shelby stopped stomping and immediately slowed her breathing.

Mikoto eyed Shelby for a bit as Hagrid and Lily looked at each other, than back at Mikoto.

"I see." said Mikoto. "Show it to me.."

Shelby raised her right foreleg, on the bottom of her padded foot, a thorn was sticking out.

"Hagrid.." Mikoto said. "I'm not sure what to do from here."

Hagrid nodded. "Tha's the simple part fortunately.. "

Before Mikoto knew it, Hagrid was showing her the proper method to treat a Erumpent wound, even going so far as to let Mikoto apply the bandages and help remove the thorn.

By the time they were finished, it was very dark, and probably past curfew for 4th years, but the Erumpent was happily humming around, nuzzling up next to Mikoto especially, letting her pat the animal on the horn.

"Tha' was good work!" said Hagrid. "And yer not in my class?"

Can only take core classes for now." said Mikoto.

Hagrid nodded, a twinkle in his eyes. "Well, Mikoto Misaka, Tha's probably abou' ta change.

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