The Meltdowner

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Mikoto sent Mizuchi out the very next day with a letter addressed to Harry. As the weather outside was only getting worse to the point where Hogsmeade Weekends were getting moved, Mikoto wasn't counting on a quick response. In fact, she felt terribly guilty for sending her loyal owl out into the blizzard.

So before she flew out into the storm, Mikoto placed an Impervius charm on her owl to keep the cold and snow off her feathers.

Even so, Mizuchi seemed to struggle in the wind as she flew out. Hagrid however, reassured her that experienced owls, even small ones had experience fighting in terrible storms.

Meanwhile, Mikoto was grateful of the School Term starting again in January.

She missed Lily, and without many people in the castle, there was nothing to distract her much from the fact that the blizzard was keeping her from going out to love and dote on her favorite magical creatures.

However, even with the blizzard, Mikoto still had some creatures keeping her occupied. She kept a group of Salamanders in the Common Room fireplace for Hagrid to keep them out of the blizzard, which caused returning students to stare at the fireplace as the fire loving lizards scampered in and out of the logs.

Twiggles the Bowtruckle could also be seen lying on the floor, flipping through a book and staring at the pictures when not dwelling happily in Mikoto's hair or on her shoulder.

Some creatures, which had grown to house an unusual affection for Mikoto, kept sneaking into the castle to see her.

For instance, an entire herd of pure gold unicorn foals  were found crowded in front of the Fat Lady's portrait, neighing for Mikoto to come out and play, which frankly baffled Mikoto, Hagrid and Filch, the three of whom, could not surmise a theory to how in the world they snuck into the castle.

Filch for one, was found yelling himself hoarse at Mikoto, as the little unicorns had left a trail of sopping wet snow everywhere, right before Buckbeak the Hippogriff walked in on the two of them, carrying a dead ferret in his beak as a present for Mikoto.

Thankfully, Mikoto was saved from detention by a passing Professor Longbottom (who disliked Filch as much as the other students, having had his share of terrible experiences with him during his own school years.)

In the meantime, Mikoto and her friends spent their time after New years pouring through books in search of information on the Deathly Hallows.

"I'm afraid I can't give you much information." said Lily. "I only know that the three brothers from the story were the Peverel family. And the only Hallow our family's passed down is the Invisibility Cloak that James owns."

"And what does Master of Death mean?" Mikoto asked. "Do you know what that means at least?"

"No, not in the slightest I'm afraid. "said Lily. "Dad was always a bit cryptic about that. Though I don't think it means you become super powered magical force or anything. The term seems to sound more metaphorical. Like maybe somebody whose accepted Death is a master of it."

Mikoto, who was more used to living in a place where the concept of mastering something being an actual physical power, felt skeptical about this. However, she also felt that the Wizarding World was far different from the Scientific World.

In fact, Mikoto felt as if they were two separate worlds altogether. Just imagining anything from Academy City, like the foes she fought, or monstrous AIM Burst (long story), or even her Sisters, being in Hogwarts or places Wizarding related, felt outlandish and absurd.

Still, she had seen Shizuri Mugino on Platform 9 and 3/4.

And speaking of Mugino... that term, would finally come the time in which Mikoto's old life would collide with her new one.

It was a rainy day.. and a terrible time to rain as well, since Mikoto was at her first ever Quidditch practice.

Yes, the robes looked okay on her. Yes, she had a top of the line broomstick. Yes, as a Seeker, her eyesight was incredibly observant and good, able to spot the Golden Snitch in a matter of seconds after it was released.

However, could she fly on a Broomstick?

Hell no.

"EEE NOOO NOOOO!!!" Mikoto cried out for the 15th time during practice as she suddenly grabbed onto her broomstick like a pole while it tipped over vertically.

Her teammates groaned and covered their eyes as Mikoto fell off the broom, and instantly turned into her Horntail form, flapping her wings frantically to avoid hitting the ground.

However, since Mikoto was falling quickly, her flight became botched, and she ended up crashing into the Goal Posts on the other end of the field, knocking them over as she roared and crashed into the mud, the posts falling on her wings painfully.

Panya, who was one of the Chasers on the team. Part of the group of players that focused on scoring points by taking the main red ball, the Quaffle, and throwing it in the hoops, shook her head. "Cap, we can't do this, this is torturing her. Can't we just get Mel Hornby to play? She's got experience."

Lily shook her head fervently. "She's a Quidditch natural. She just needs to learn to fly that's all, she's got all the other right skills! Plus Hornby's sick with Dragon Pox. "

Rufus and Gus, the two Beaters of the team, heavily built boys, flew up, supporting Mikoto on her Broomstick.

"Either way." said Rufus. "We can't practice in this, the rain is way too heavy."

Indeed, the rain was slamming down on everyone, drenching them to the bone. Mikoto was especially having a tough time, as every time her emotions flared, her bangs sparked, and considering the state of water and electricity's relationship, Mikoto would sometimes shock her teammates, much to her embarrassment.

Mikoto groaned for a minute as Panya patted her sympathetically. through the massive rainy downpour however, she managed to see Uiharu and Kuroko sitting with Gil under their own umbrellas, having come to watch Mikoto practice. She then got an idea.

"Hold on a sec.." Mikoto muttered.

A few minutes later, Uiharu was sitting on Mikoto's Firebolt, laughing cheerfully as she caught the Golden Snitch that was hovering next to Panya's ear.

She stunned the rest of the team, showing no discomfort in the massive downpour, somehow able to see everything quite clearly.. flying in and catch the snitch within seconds each time of it's release.  And when one of the chasers needed a break, Uiharu went right in and scored a couple goals herself, baffling their superb Keeper, Hugo. (who was wearing a button that said 'Weasley Is Our King'.)

"You can't deny that she's better for this." Mikoto said later, as she and Lily stood in the Quidditch showers.

Lily poked her head out of the stall, steam filling the room while she handed Mikoto a bottle of shampoo, which Mikoto opened and began to lather her hair with.

"Sure, but.. we need you to confirm if it really is Vols, that was the point of this. If he recognizes Uiharu.."

"The match against Ravenclaw isn't for a month, and Vols is visiting in a week." said Mikoto. "Uiharu can continue coming to practice unofficially for a week, than after I meet Vols, I'll quit and Uiharu can have my broom and spot.."

"No, I'll get her a broom, A Nimbus 2018 should do the trick." said Lily. "You're keeping your broom, I want to teach you how to fly over the summer."

Mikoto gulped, knowing that Lily would definitely be able to force her to practice, given her Kuroko-level tenacity. Next summer was going to be a long one."

"Hey gals! Enjoying the hot water?" Tasha had entered the showers.

"HEY!!!" Panya screamed, covering her chest. "Excuse me! Knock!"

Tasha rolled her eyes. "Easy, we're all girls here. No worries by the way Mikoto, I've got Kuroko in a Full Body Bind Jinx till you're done."

"What is it?" Mikoto asked, stepping out and wrapping a towel around herself.

"We've got trouble." said Tasha. "Somebody's calling you out."

A little later, the entire Quidditch Team walked out into the sopping wet Quidditch field, holding umbrellas over their heads to see the message that had seemingly been burned into the entire field.

Across the field, burned into the grass was a message in Japanese.

"I recognized the word Railgun from when you were teaching me a bit of Kanji over break." said Tasha. "I can't think of anything else in this school it would refer to."

"I know you're here Railgun." Uiharu translated.

"Merlin's Trousers.." Gil gasped. "Somebody you know?"

Mikoto bent over and examined the burned grass.. no.. not burned, completely disintegrated.

Mikoto felt her body turn cold. "No way.. she couldn't be here.. "

Over her next few classes, Mikoto's unease wasn't hard to miss. She seemed pale most of the day, and for the first time in all of her school career, she didn't notice when McGonagall asked her to demonstrate turning a Pin Cushion into a hedgehog.

"Whatever's the matter with you today Misaka?" McGonagall asked. "Surely, you're not trying to attempt another highly difficult forbidden magic to save another Professor's career!"

"Actually Professor." said Panya, raising her hand. "Today, somebody left a threatening message for her in the Quidditch field, and.. well.. I think she knows who it is."

McGonagall nodded. "Yes, I heard. Well rest assured Misaka, while it is one thing to be able to get into the Hogwarts Grounds, getting in the castle itself is a completely different matter. There is no safer place on Earth."

"Um, not to be a downer Professor." said Kuroko, raising a hand. "But I got in.. easily."

"I will admit, Teleporting Espers are not a thing that Hogwarts has ever had to defend against in it's history." said McGonagall. "But if who this intruder is, is who I, and the Headmaster suspect.. then it will take far more than overactive laser beams to get into Hogwarts."

Mikoto felt her spirits lift at the sound of this. McGonagall and Tlaloc knew it was Mugino. They even knew about her ability. She didn't think it would be like that, since so far, she saw that Wizards had a rather blatant ignorance for things in the Muggle World, including how Esper abilities worked, but it seemed that after at least three espers were now attending Hogwarts, they had done their homework.

Perhaps it would be okay as long as she stayed in the castle.

Truth be told, Mikoto was not afraid of Mugino, not in the slightest. She was more powerful than her. Mikoto was the 3rd strongest, and Mugino was ranked Number 4. The only time they fought, Mikoto had been severely weakened by lack of rest for an entire week, and still she managed to give the Meltdowner a tough time, or at least fight on nearly even terms. If she was at full strength, she could definitely picture herself winning.

But Mikoto did not like endangering her classmates. The fact of the matter was, Mikoto was now certain that Esper abilities had some sort of.. resistance.. to Wizarding magic. Kuroko's penetration of Hogwarts defenses, Her electricity cutting through the curses of skilled Japanese wizards like paper. It might mean that a fight with Mugino in the castle would be tough for even the vastly skilled teachers, whom all had immense magical might when it came to dueling. (even little Professor Flitwick was a heavy threat, being able to cast a deadly Confundus Charm that would have you walking into walls and blibbering about cookies for no reason.)

The rest of the Hogwarts students had quite the opposite reaction to a Railgun V.S. Meltdowner scenario however.

Somehow, Mikoto's situation had slipped to the rest of the Castle, and even the fact that it was probably Mugino who made the threat had somehow reached their ears.

Students were chatting excitedly, wishing to see a super powered Esper battle for themselves. Some students even started placing bets, while others began asking Mikoto excitedly if an Esper fight was anything like a Wizarding Duel."

"This isn't just a fight between Espers!!" Mikoto would say in a frantic attempt to help her classmates understand. "it's a fight between Level 5s! People could get killed! Hell, I HAVE seen people die in these kinds of fights! so NO! Not a Duel. Nobody bows, nobody cares about manners! There's no 'stunning', just mayhem!!"

All that did however, was get them more excited, causing many students to start following Mikoto in the halls, as if hoping that Mugino would ambush her out of nowhere.

"You probably shouldn't have mentioned 'mayhem'." said Gil later in the Gryffindor Common Room. "That's the one word us hormone pumped teenagers like to hear in the 21st century."

"Yeah.. Muggles and Wizards alike.." Tasha said.

Mikoto sighed and made to turn back to her essay on Werewolves that had been assigned by Professor Graves, when she was interrupted by Elise and Panya.

"Mikoto! Oh my gosh! W-we just found it like that.. but.. you need to see this!!!"

Mikoto and Tasha hurried up to their dorm to find Mikoto's drawer pulled open.. all her stuff strewn about.. and not just that.. familiar looking burn scars were on the walls, some stones having disintegrated completely, letting in the downpour outside.

"This is insane." Mikoto stammered.

The word 'Traitor' was carved into the headboard of her bed, as if with a knife.

Mikoto gritted her teeth. "She's in the castle, that bastard.."

"We have to tell the Headmaster!" said Tasha.

"No, this ends tonight." said Mikoto. "No casualties, no witnesses, just thumping her till she gets off my back.. I'll even fight dirty and use my wand if I have to."

As Mizuchi wasn't back yet, Mikoto took one of the school's handsome tawny owls and scribbled a hasty note.

You want a piece of me?

Fine, but leave the others out of it!

Tonight, 11:00. third floor. We'll settle this.

Signed, Railgun.

Mikoto rolled up the note and gave it to the tawny.

"Careful, the person I'm sending this to has a temper." said Mikoto.

The tawny hooted reassuringly before fluttering into the castle, apparently knowing where in the castle this person was.

Mikoto didn't receive any response, but that night, she got up all the same. She had purposely picked a spot in the castle where the Prefects and Teachers didn't tend to patrol.  The only possible trouble might be Peeves, but he knew better nowadays than to mess with her, treating her with as much respect as he did the Slytherin Ghost known as the Bloody Baron.

And then there was Filch, who seemed to be everywhere due to his knowledge of the castle and it's passageways. He was the only one who so far was stupid enough not to be afraid of Mikoto, having never come across her when she was angry. (some students secretly hoped Filch would make Mikoto angry one day, and emerge the next morning as an electrocuted corpse.)

Mikoto would have to figure out a way to repel the Caretaker as she and Mugino duked it out.

That night, Mikoto was very adept at sneaking through the castle, as unlike other misbehaving students, she would use static to cling to the walls and ceiling, allowing her to crawl and sneak past unsuspecting teachers and prefects below.

When she reached her destination, the hall was empty, and it was 5 minutes till 11.

She stood there for a minute, wearing her pajamas, wishing maybe that she could've thought to change her clothes before going out.

As she stood there, Mrs. Norris, Filch's cat, who would alert her master to any trouble makers, slinked out of the dark, her yellow lamp-like eyes staring at Mikoto.

"I wouldn't if I were you." Mikoto said. "The person I'm meeting will blast you and your master to kingdom come in a heartbeat. "

Mrs. Norris seemed annoyed by Mikoto's comment, or maybe it was just Mikoto's powers naturally irritating her cat senses. Either way, she slinked away, and Mikoto prayed dearly that she hadn't gone to get Filch.

(By far, Mrs. Norris is the only cat Mikoto ever disliked)

"Well well, there you are.."

Mikoto looked up to see her there.. Mugino.

The tea colored hair, it was her alright. Shizuri was currently wearing a light green coat over a black shirt, and a skirt with high knee black socks.

Mugino snorted at Mikoto's pajamas, which had been hand knitted for her by Ginny. "Nice outfit.. what is this, a slumber party?"

"I kind of wanted to sleep tonight, but then you ruined my evening." Mikoto growled back. "What do you want Mugino?"

"As if you didn't know!" Mugino growled, as she spoke several spheres made of green photon energy began to circle around her. "Espers getting attacked.. The Level 5s being controlled!! And yet, us two are the only ones not under control. My reason is that I escaped. But you.. oh you.. here you are.. GOING TO SCHOOL WITH THEM!!!"

Mugino pointed at Mikoto furiously. "You have something to do with this! You're the reason Academy City is getting thrown to hell!!"

"It's not like that!" Mikoto growled. "I escaped the same as you. I'm here cause they took me in.. it's not their fault! The Japanese Wizarding Community just hired a corrupt leader!"

"Shut up!!" Mugino roared. "I'll have no more of your lies.. I'll just KILL you!!"

Mugino held out a hand, and a sphere appeared there, firing a massive barrage of photon beams. More beams fired from the spheres surrounding her.

Mikoto yelled and let electricity explode from her hands, bending Mugino's beams and sending them bending away from her, carving into the castle walls like a butcher knife on butter.

And the two of them clashed.

Mikoto leapt into the air, and jumped from wall to wall, using electricity in her feet to boost her jumping as well as cling to the walls. She twirled like an acrobat, firing lightning from her palms.

Shizuri moved several Photon Spheres in front of her, using the electro power within them to redirect Mikoto's attacks away, the lightning blasts carving trenches in the floor around her.

She sent back a few dozen Photon beams, causing Mikoto to cross her arms in mid air to electromagnetically deflect the attack.

However, the immense force of Mugino's power still hammered Mikoto back, causing her to collide with a wall.

Mikoto coughed up blood and fell to the floor as Mugino began to charge up more beams.

However, Mikoto was prepared. She knew that Mugino's ability was immensely difficult to aim in close quarter fights, and they were in a pretty tight hallway.

Mikoto leapt in close and bent her body flexibly to dodge the beams aimed at her before landing a crescent kick into Mugino's jaw.

Mugino spit out a little blood and glared at Mikoto furiously. "Little flat chested brat!"

"Oh, you're going to regret that one." Mikoto growled the moment she heard the insult.

"Not likely!!" Mugino roared holding up several Photon Spheres. "I've been getting stronger since our last fight! You might not even be the 'Number 3' anymore!"

"I've got a few tricks too!" Mikoto said. "Piertotum Locomotor!!"

Mikoto whipped out her wand, and instantly several suits of armor came to life, jumping off their pedestals and whipping out swords, ball chains, and axes, yelling with metallic voices.

"The hell!?" Mugino roared as the suits of armor charged at her. "You think THIS will faze me!?"

"Diffindo!!" Mikoto cast a severing charm on a tapestry hanging above as Mugino blasted the armors apart.

Mugino squealed as the giant heavy tapestry fell on her covering her, and she beat it aside with an arm.

"Duro!" Mikoto cast another charm on the tapestry, and it instantly became hard as steel, falling on Mugino far more painfully this time.

As Shizuri was distracted by the hardened tapestry Mikoto pointed her wand at the floor. "Aguamenti!"

A large geyser of water sprayed from Mikoto's wand and turned the floor absolutely sloshing wet.

Mikoto let electricity explode from her body, and lightning coursed through the water, blasting into Mugino's body in an instant, causing her to scream painfully.

"ENOUGH!!" Mugino created an incredible 360 energy blast around, vaporizing the water and sending Mikoto hurling back , her wand flying out of her hand and clattering down a set of stairs.

"Crap.." Mikoto muttered as she heard her wand clatter farther and farther away.

"Got any more tricks?" Mugino growled.

"Yeah.. howabout THISSS!!!?" Mikoto leapt into the air, transforming into a dragon at the same time, coming down roaring as a combination of flames and lightning gushed from her jaws.

"WHAT!?" Mugino screamed with shock as the dragon exploded through the hall.

A few moments later, the two ton dragon and Number 4 Esper fell through the ceiling of the Entrance hall, having smashed through several floors.

Mikoto landed on her talons as Mugino gripped onto her horns, having avoided damage by using the dragon's body as a cushion.

Mikoto grunted and changed back to her human form, gasping as Mugino fell to her knees doing the same.

She couldn't risk turning into a dragon again. That had been a last resort that she hoped would finish the fight. Which in retrospect wasn't wise to use in the castle in the first place. Because of this Mikoto was beginning to wish she scheduled the fight in the Forbidden Forest where a dragon could go all out without trouble.

Mugino held up several Meltdowner spheres, looking furious. "A DRAGON!? What the hell have you been doing here!?"

"Like I'm going to tell you!!!" Mikoto growled, taking a Sickle out of her pocket.

The two of them prepared to fire their attacks, but before they could, an echoing yell rang through the room.


Filch hobbled in as fast as he could, breathing hard, Mrs Norris following close behind. "AHA!! I'VE CAUGHT YOU!! You little-"

Mikoto and Shizuri both glared at Filch, their eyes livid enough to melt volcanoes with just a stare.

"DON'T INTERFERE.." The both of them said, electricity and photon energy burning the very air.

Filch went extremely pale, and then hobbled out of the room, yelling madly with fear.

"Now where were we?" said Mugino.

Mugino screamed and combined all her beams into one ginormous energy blast, sending it shooting at Mikoto.

At the same time, Mikoto used a Sickle to fire a devastating Railgun  attack, the move colliding with Shizuri's photon beam.

For a second the two attacks struggled against each other like a collision beam struggle in a Dragon Ball anime.

Then the orange streak that was a Railgun, cleaved straight through the center of the Photon blast.. and an explosion shook the castle, signaling the winner of the battle.

Mugino lay against the wall on the other side of the room, panting hard blood trickling down her forehead, as Mikoto calmed down, taking deep breaths as she clutched her side.

"It's over Mugino." Mikoto panted.

"It most certainly is!!"

Mikoto's heart and stomach felt like they sank all the way into the Chamber of Secrets below as she saw Professor McGonagall and Tlaloc stride into the hall, accompanied by Professor Graves and Longbottom.

Mikoto stuttered out a few sounds, but she couldn't find the words to express the guilt McGonagall had the ability to make her feel.

"Explain now!" said McGonagall, looking from Mugino, to Mikoto.

After Mikoto's explanation, McGonagall shook her head.

"I can most certainly understand your motives for wanting to diffuse the situation without casualties." said McGonagall. "What escapes me is why you didn't let a proper adult handle a situation that could've easily, and quietly been managed!!"

"With all due respect Minerva." said Graves. "Given this Meltdowner's abilities, I doubt the situation would've been handled 'quietly'.  Though either way, Misaka, you should've alerted the teachers to your troubles."

Mikoto bowed her head. They were right. Whether or not Mikoto could handle the situation, it was highly irresponsible not to tell the teachers the situation, especially when it was their students in danger.

"Mikoto, I understand you come from a place where telling a teacher wouldn't make any difference in the same situation." said Tlaloc. "Most of the youths in Academy City are far more powerful than even their teachers.. I understand that because of that life, letting us know wouldn't have occurred to you as a wise decision at the time you made it. So we will be lenient on you this once."

"Yes sir.." Mikoto said, her head still bowed.

"10 points from Gryffindor. " said McGonagall. "And you will have Detention this Friday. As for you! Young lady."

"Yeah?" Mugino growled, before calling McGonagall something foul enough that Ginny Weasley would have stuffed soap in her mouth.

McGonagall flicked her wand, and immediately Mugino choked as her tongue rolled up in her mouth. A Tongue Tying curse.

"Your cheek is noted." said McGonagall. "I can assure you, Ms. Misaka and the rest of this Castle's inhabitants have nothing to do with your terrible situation. However, you are free to stay in the castle if you wish as an asylum against those who hunt you. But should you make any more trouble, I will most gladly assist Misaka in showing you just how grand of a Hogwarts Welcome I can give..Graves, if you could escort them to the Hospital Wing."

"Sure thing Minerva." said Graves. "Come along Misaka, help me with her.."

Together, Mikoto and Graves heaved Mugino to her feet and walked off.

When they reached the Hospital Wing, Madam Pomfrey was furiously fussy.

"First Potter gets maimed nearly every school year he's ever been here, than YOU have to come in and stir things up with Psychic fights!?" Pomfrey yammered as she checked Mikoto's various cuts and bruises and felt her ribs. "Oh dear were you trying to kill each other!?"

"More or less." said Mugino grumpily from where she sat on a nearby bed.

"Only if I had to." said Mikoto.

"What kind of terribly dangerous unhealthy world is Academy City!?" Pomfrey exclaimed furiously as she began to use her wand to mend Mikoto's bones and injuries before moving on to Mugino. "They had BETTER have a very good healer, oh yes!"

"We have a doctor named Heaven Canceler. He's pretty good." said Mikoto.

"With a name like that!? He sounds positively goofy!!" Pomfrey said.

"He has a face like a frog." said Mikoto. "But he's alright, and he cares about us."

"Well I suppose if you have that working for you." said Pomfrey, looking like she approved somewhat. "But either way, Muggle Medicine, so highly unreliable!!"

"Hold this up to your head.." Pomfrey snapped, putting a bag of ice in Mikoto's head and getting her to place it against her forehead. "Your skull is a little banged up, but the spell to repair it leaves a very sore sensation, so keep that there for about 12 minutes."

"You too!" Pomfrey said, giving Mugino an ice pack. "Now, you two behave while I fetch the pain numbing potion!"

As Madam Pomfrey walked out, Mikoto and Mugino looked at each other.

"So.." said Mugino. "You really have nothing to do with it then?"

"Nope." said Mikoto.

"And, you learning magic stuff?"

"Apparently some espers awaken magic abilities just by going through the curriculum in Academy City, and we don't even know it." said Mikoto. "I felt it would be cool to learn to use it.. and I like it. You could too. You could see Hogwarts right?"

Shizuri shook her head. "I'd rather not.. magic tricks are for people who want them.. I don't.. I'm perfectly fine with a life of no more stupid deranged power.."

"Fine by me.." said Mikoto. "Just letting you know.."

There was a long silence.

"Can we.. um... start over?" Mikoto asked.

Mugino looked at Mikoto. "That's very nice of you.."


"But no thanks." said Mugino. "I'm perfectly happy hating you."

"Oh.." Mikoto grunted.

And so the rest of the night was spent with two espers fervently ignoring each other.

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