My ex is a pervert : final

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Author's pov
Y/n frustrated with what happened at the party went home.

She couldn't stop thinking about what Jungkook said .

I guess people never change.

That's what she was thinking as she reached her House.

She went to put the passcode but something else caught her eye.

Her eyes widened in panic as she saw the bills papers scattered in front of her door.

"But I gave money to Eun byeol to pay everything..."

Eun byeol- y/n's little sister and her only family

She quickly put on the passcode and went inside looking for eun byeol calling her out again and again.

But there was no trace of her.

She went to her room and found a Letter.

I am sorry but I can't live like this anymore. I wanna be an idol and I can't pretend to give up on my dreams just because we don't have a family.
Ik you are working hard for us but I promise to return all of your money once I debut.

Y/n's eyes widened reading that letter.

She started breathing heavily worried for you her sister.

She quickly took out her phone with trembling hands.

" Eun byeol ah , Pick up the God damn phone! "

Even after calling her several times she didn't pick up.

Y/n dropped to the floor, worry, frustration and anger all hitting her at once.

Tears flowed down her eyes as all the frustration and pain she kept inside her poured out at once.

She sat there and kept crying for a long time.


The next day y/n woke up with a mild headache and decided to stay at home.

She tried calling her sister a few more times but couldn't reach her out.

Her head started pounding more.

She was yet to be paid her salary so all the money she had was just 10000 won.

It could only feed her for the day.

Her headache wasn't going away either.

She decided to stay home and skip meals and tried to calculate whatever she could pay.

She got a text from her landlord asking for the rent which was not paid for 3 months.

He was warning her to leave the house.

All she could see was darkness and she tried to search for eun byeol.

The next few days she called every agency see could but she couldn't find her anywhere .

She didn't eat anything and instead paid all the bills except rent.

That's why in frustration not finding any help she called one person she could think of.

Her legs stumbled into her apartment her stomach and head throbbing not being able to walk straight.

She called Jungkook while feeling dizzy.


She could hear his voice but it kept getting fainter .

Somehow she managed to say " Jungkook .. I need your help "

" What happened y/n ? Are you ok? "

" Jungkook it's just.. just " before she could speak she felt everything around her getting dark as her legs lost strength and she fainted.

While Jungkook kept calling her on the other side.


Jungkook still remembered her apartment as he quickly left his place grabbed his car keys and rushed to her apartment.

While he told taehyung to go home and he will call him if anything serious happened to y/n.

As he reached there he quickly pressed the elevator's buttons but as it was taking too long he muttered under his breath .

"Fuck it"

As he dashed towards the stairs .

He passed an old lady by the stairs as she looked up at him in concern.

But soon she recognised that face " Jungkook? Did he and y/n get back together? "

She frowned in confusion but decided to not be nosy.

He quickly reached her door and his hands went to type the code but stopped midway.

Is it still the same?

His movements slowed down as he typed the 4 numbers.


September 1

His birthday.

And it opened..

It was still the same.

His eyes softened and he regretted everything he did for the past years .

He went inside looking for y/n calling out her name.

" Y/n ! Y/n ! Y/n ! "

But his eyes soon fell at the balcony in her small apartment as he found her small figure lying on the small floor there.

His eyes widened as he saw her lying there he quickly went towards her and bent down .

" Y/n! Y/n , I am here, open your eyes hmm? " As he touched her forehead he found out it was burning hot.

" She is burning up."

He picked her up in bridal style and took her to her bedroom as he quickly called a doctor.


" She is gonna be fine , it was a weakness and high temperature which led her to faint, make sure she is well fed and her temperature's down"

The doctor stated as Jungkook bowed to him and showed him his way out.

He came back with a bowl of cold water and a cloth .

But he hesitated to get her shirt off.

He still did it anyway as getting her temperature down was important.

While he was going to unbutton her shirt hesitantly .

It felt wrong to him and he didn't want to ruin their relationship even more.

So he closed his eyes while unbuttoning her shirt when he tried to peek she was wearing a tshirt underneath as he sighed in relief and continued trying to get her temperature down.

He got the cloth wet and then kept on her forehead as her features seemed to relax a bit.

Jungkook lost himself while looking at her , her beautiful eyes and features which looked so calm as she was peacefully sleeping. It made her look like a princess.

" How did this happen y/n?...."


Y/n slowly opened her eyes adjusting to the light of the room.

She was confused about finding herself in her bedroom.

She felt something wet on her forehead and as she saw a cloth on it .

As she kept looking around her eyes fell on Jungkook ,who fell asleep on the floor beside her bed holding her hand.

She was surprised to find him there but as her eyes fell on his hand holding hers and her eyes softened.

She tried to get up which woke him up.

"Oh you are awake?.. umm I just.."

"It's ok" she let out looking away from him as he awkwardly tried to explain what he was doing beside her.

There was awkward silence between them as they avoided looking at each other.

After a few minutes Jungkook got up as he awkwardly let out " I - I think I should go.. your medicines are right there and I am sorry I had to break into your house , you called me and I - "

"Thank you "  she suddenly said catching him off-guard.

"Huh? "

She finally looked at him as she said " Thank you Jungkook , You saved me "


He was shocked.

After everything that happened, A 'thank you' was the last thing he expected her to say.

"Do you wanna stay for breakfast? "
She asked as he was again surprised with her acting all normal.

"No...umm... it's ok I can just go- "

"Stay Jungkook" she said as she tried to get up as he panicked and went towards her preventing her from getting up.

" You shouldn't get up, you are still weak Y/n"

"Well breakfast isn't gonna be made by itself? " She said causing him to let out a small smile.

"If you want I can, while you fresh up, what do you say ? "

"I think you should after making me suffer as your PA" She said as his smile dropped.

"I - I am sorry- "

"I am kidding " She said with a straight face as she went towards the bathroom without sparing him a glance.

Feisty Y/n was back.

Y/n has always been this way , she was straight forward and never hesitated to tell people anything.

That's why Jungkook was shocked that when he saw her again she had gotten so quiet and let people dominate her.


They were silently eating while stealing glances at each other.

They both knew they needed to talk but no one was ready to start.

"You have gotten good at cooking"
She said breaking the silence.

"Yeah, It became a hobby.." He answered awkwardly.

As they both were done eating, they cleaned up.

"You should go sit in the living room, I will bring your medicine" Jungkook said as she nodded.

She sat down on the couch her thoughts going around of how she should start the conversation with Jungkook.

"But wait.. why should I?? He is the one who should apologise, he cheated on me?!!.. but he saved me last night.. uhhh I DON'T KNOW!!" As she was mumbling to herself here on the other hand Jungkook was doing the same.

As he took the medicine and glass of water with him while He talked to himself.

" Jungkook! Get yourself together, you are going to tell her everything and make her yours- wait does that sound cheesy? Will she even want me to come back?!! "

With both of their thoughts going crazy both of them pulled themselves together as Jungkook went into the living room.

He gave Y/n her medicine and while she was drinking water he decided to start talking.

" I am sorry"

He said as Y/n choked on the water coughing loudly.

"Are you ok?!" he panicked but y/n was more shocked her eyes widening.

"Huh? What did you say? "

" When ?"

" Just now? "

" I said when?.."

" Jungkook I swear to god don't play dumb- "

" I am sorry " He said again as silence fell between them.

He looked into her eyes which were asking for answers while his showed honesty.

" I am sorry for everything I did to you y/n.. during our last year , I forgot the promises I made to you and why I loved you.. And in that I hurt you"

" I am sorry for not caring about your feelings , neglecting you all the time, I didn't realise how much it was affecting you Y/n.. but I swear I never slept with hana , she drugged me so that you could misunderstand me and leave me.. "

" I was heartbroken when you left me y/n , everything else just seemed meaningless , and as stupid as I was I started resenting you for it"

" But you know what? I could never hate you and that hurt even more and I started using girls to cope up with everything"

" But as soon as I saw you again.."

He said as by now both of their eyes were glistening with tears.

He put one of her hair strand behind her hair as he continued.

" I knew my heart still loved you and it always loved you only , Please forgive me.. if you can y/n.."

Y/n looked down as a tear left her eyes and she gasped a sob while Jungkook controlling his own tears wiped her eyes.

" I am sorry too Jungkook.. you weren't the only one at fault, hana always tried to break us apart and as you were close with her and started to neglect me I got insecure"

"So insecure that I let my insecurity take over me and didn't trust you.. "

" It's not your fault y/n , I should have taken better care of you..." Jungkook said as he finally let a tear slip from his eyes.

" I love you y/n , I always did , and if you give me one more chance, I promise to treat you better and we will be together in every ups and downs "

"You were the only one I ever loved Jungkook , No matter how hard I  tried I could never forget about you.."

" I forgive you... Just keep your promise this time, and let's take things slow..."

Jungkook couldn't be any happier.

He hastily nodded as he hugged her tightly while Y/n also lost herself in his long post warmth which she craved for and missed.

"I missed you so much kookie.."

Jungkook's smile widened at the nickname being back as he said " I missed you too jagi "

They found home in each other's embrace as they stayed like that for a little more.

As they broke the hug they looked at each other lovingly with a smile dancing on their lips.

Jungkook leaned in for a kiss but Y/n stopped him holding his shoulder.

"Too fast.."

His face dropped at that but he still backed off respecting her choice.

"Right" he said as he pouted cutely.

Y/n looked at him and couldn't help but smile.

"Why are you pouting??!" She said playfully hitting him on his shoulder.

"I am not" he said still pouting.

"You are! "

"No! "

Y/n started chuckling at his cuteness as he continued sulking.

While he was not looking she quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek.

His eyes widened as he broke into a wide bunny smile.

While y/n avoided eye contact with him trying to hide her smile.

He scooted closer to her as he put his cheek forward.

" What?" She said chuckling as Jungkook said pointing all over his face .

" Give me one more! Here , here , here and here and also here- "

" Yah ! Are you crazy? "

" Yes! For you jagi! "

She scoffed and said " So childish"

They both laughed together and that's how they got back together.

Later y/n told him about her sister and Jungkook comforted her and invited her to stay with him as they started living together in his mansion and eventually found her too as everything went back to normal.

Few weeks later


Taehyung sighed sitting all alone at the cafeteria of their office sipping on his Iced Americano.

He was all gloomy and sad as he sighed which must be the hundredth time.

Mr.Jeon who was passing by suddenly saw him and stopped seeing his son's friend all sad.

He went towards him and asked " Are you ok son? "

Taehyung looked at him with a long face and sighed again as he shook as head as no.

" Aigoo what happened? "

Taehyung pointed towards somewhere as he looked towards there and they saw Y/n and Jungkook being all cute while eating ice cream.

"Look , your daughter in law stole my best friend from me.."

Mr. Jeon felt happy seeing them as he said "  But Isn't it a good thing, them getting back together again?"


" Like look how disgustingly cute they are, licking ice cream, holding hands, smiling ehhh, and they also do that ' no you first' thing , which is just so cute and cringe! "

Mr.Jeon pitied the boy as he latted his shoulder and went back while Taehyung sighed again sipping his drink as he fake cried.

The end



I know took me ages to complete this but there you go the small love story is complete.

Hope taehyung finds someone too which he sure will, I mean who wouldn't date Kim Taehyung?!

Anyway bye!
Please check out my others books too.

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