✨save her ✨: Namjoon threeshot 💗

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Caution: Self harm, suicidal thoughts, verbal abuse is mentioned. If you are uncomfortable with stories like this please don't read further.

Y/n pov

"Oh Y/n you are back "

I came back home from the company and straight went to my room ignoring my roommates as the eyes me in worry. As I entered my room I closed the door and rested my back on it.

My mind went back to the incidents that took place today as I felt a sharp pain in my chest and unknowingly tears slipping down my eyes . My legs lost its strength and I slide to the floor.

Not being able to hold anymore I started crying.

Today was the evaluation day .

And I was on the last 3 again.

I almost got kicked out of the company but managed to stay as the one below me got evaluated.

I am a trainee at the entertainment company hybe labels.

I wanted to be a k-pop idol ever since I started watching BTS and got fascinated by the idol life.

And as I had an interest in  dancing and singing I auditioned and got selected at the first try.

But being a foreigner in korea wasn't easy.

I got discriminated against the other Korean trainees and always came second last or third last in the trainee list.

And it was also because I wasn't able to give my best being on a diet and dancing 24/7 . I never was on a diet my entire life and it's very hard for me now that it's making me lose my energy.

As I was crying my phone rang and I saw that mom was calling me.

I closed my eyes as I really didn't have time to deal with her.

I cleared my throat and picked up the call.

"Hello" I tried to sound as normal as I can .

"Were you at the evaluation list again?"

I almost laughed out as she didn't even ask how was I doing?

" Yes"

"Omg y/n ! I told u this is not gonna work out but you didn't listen to me and now see"
"Why don't you just give up already? It's the 3rd time this happened. Just come back home "

I closed my eyes as her words just worked as a oil on fire and more tears spilled from my eyes.

"Mom please "

"What? You would have passed 12 th with good grades and would happily be in some college right now if weren't because of your stupid dream.
I knew you couldn't do this.  You are useless y/n just come back already stop wasting your father's mone-"

Before she can continue I cutted the call and I started crying even more.

I can't take this anymore.

Everyday I try so hard but it doesn't seem to work. All I do is disappoint everyone.

" You are useless"

"You can't do this"

"Why do you keep gaining weight?"

" Do you even know how to dance?"

"Have u looked at yourself?"

All their words kept ringing in my ears as closed my and started screaming.


I couldn't take it anymore I went to the drawer opened it and found a cutter in there.

Without our thinking twice I brought the cutter to my hand and cut my veins twice. The blood started dripping down making the floor red as I felt the pain to hit but it was less than the storm  going on inside my heart.

My body started losing consciousness and felt my eyes closing.


Was all I heard as I saw Nabi (her roommate) entering the room before I fainted.

Nabi's pov

As y/n came home all gloomy I could that she was on the evaluation list again . I wanted to talk to her but before I could she locked herself as soon I heard her crying.

This wasn't new.

Y/n was a really cheerful girl when she first came to korea and we were assigned to stay together.

But as time passed and she started getting discriminated her cheerfulness was long gone.

It really hurt me seeing her like this. I wished that I could do something but what could I do? I am also just a mere trainee like her.

To achieve our dreams we are getting crushed here as they think of us like some working machines.

I am specially treated in the company.
Not because I asked them to treat me specially but because one of their top groups BTS's members Kim Namjoon is my cousin .

That's why even tho I don't have any kind of special talent but they never add me on the evaluation list.

I felt very bad as I always felt like I am snatching someone's deserved place.

But what can I do ?

Whereas Namjoon dosen't know anything about this.

I decided to give her some personal space.

But after sometime the crying sounds increased as she started screaming.


I panicked and quickly ran towards the room and as soon as I opened the door the scene infront of me made me horrified.

A gasp left my mouth as I went towards her and picked her up .

The floor was almost all red with her blood.

"Y/n! , Y/n! Please keep your eyes open please "

I started crying and shaking so badly as I called 911.

At the hospital

"Y/n , Y/n please be strong please"

They were taking her to the emergency room and stopped me infront of it telling me I can't go inside.

I was crying so badly.

Y/n is my best and only friend.

Noone wanted to be friends with me in the company as they thought I was an atension seeker .

But y/n was the only one who talked to me .

Seeing her like this breaks my heart.

If anything happens to her I won't be able to live .

With shaking hands I decided to call the one person who came to my mind at that time.

I never wanted to involve him in this but Ig I have no choice this time. He needs to know this maybe he can do something about the company.


As he said that I burst out into tears.

"Nabi? What happened? Why are you crying? Is everything ok? "

" Nam-joon .......y/n ........ She is ... She is in hospital" As I said that I started crying.

(Namjoon knows y/n as when she first came into the company she became very famous cause she was a foreigner and a very good lyricist which caught Namjoon and of course he would keep the track of who his sister is living with you know)

"WHAT?! What happened to her? "

"Please come here I will tell you everything"

"Ok ok stay there I am coming"

I could hear him shuffling through things as he cut the call.

Namjoon 's pov

I was in my studio working with taehyung on our new album when I got nabi's call.

I was really confused as she usually doesn't call me on weekdays as she is busy with school and practice.

Anyway I picked up the call.


As I said that I heard her crying and I got worried.

"Nabi? What happened? Why are you crying? Is everything ok? "

As I said that taehyung shifted his gaze to me and raised his eyebrows asking me what happened.

"Nam-joon .......y/n ........ She is ... She is in hospital" 

As she said that my world collapsed.

"WHAT?! what happened to her?"

Taehyung noticed my sudden outburst and turned to me asking what happened and I signalled him that I will tell him.

"Please come here I will tell you everything"

I quickly got up grabbing my keys ,mask and cap.

"Ok ok stay there I am coming"

By now taehyung was super worried as he asked "What happened hyung?!"

"Y/n  she is in hospital"

"WHAT?!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah and I am going to the hospital"
Panick could be clearly heard in my voice.

"Let me come with you" Taehyung said as I nodded cause I don't think I'll be able to handle the situation there alone.

At the hospital

We arrived there as we went towards the emergency room and saw Nabi sitting there .

As soon as she saw me she hugged me tightly and told me everything.

I was beyond knowing the company was so harsh to some peaple.

"I am so sorry I did-n't wa-nt to tell yo-u cause that wou-ld make you worr-ied " she said while sniffing.

I hugged her again to calm her down.

But I was still in shock knowing the girl who was so cheerful could take a step like this .

That proves we really don't know what a person hides behind their smilling faces.

Taehyung saw the docter coming out of the room as he went towards him.

"Doctor, is she alright? "

"Yeah , thank God the wounds weren't that deep and she was bought here on time "

A sense of relief went through all of us .

Before going further the doctor looked towards taehyung again and said " Aren't you V from BTS? "

Taehyung tugged on his cap and immediately replied in a bit high pitched voice " nO "

The doctor squinted his eyes as he mumbled " you do look like him though " and went away .

"Phew! Almost got caught " he sighed before coming towards us making us chuckle.

I turned towards Nabi as I patted her head and said everything is gonna be alright.

She gave a small smile as we waited for y/n to get conscious.

I tried to fit everything in one chapter but couldn't do that .
Anyways I hope you liked it .

Don't you think Namjoon and taehyung were overreacting for someone they don't know?

Well maybe they know her?

But how ?
Don't roll your eyes on me and say bitch didn't you just said that they know her from Nabi

But dosen't this seem too much for someone they didn't even talk to once?

To find out read the next chapter.

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Bye lovelies take care.




ok now bye 💓

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