Chapter 14: Roommates (Part 2)

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Juliette was surprised to see Penny step up to the door and open it. The girl seemed very quiet and not too brave, except when she got mad.

Juliette hadn't thought much about Penny's outburst yet. It had shocked all of them, perhaps Penny herself most of all.

If Penny had that much power without even trying, Juliette couldn't wait until her powers came in.

But why hadn't they? Mr. Magister had said it was because Penny's powers were more tied to her emotions. Still, Juliette yearned for the day that she could use her powers.

As she entered the room, Juliette saw a girl sitting on the bottom bunk of a bunk bed. There were two bunk beds, one on either side of the fairly small room. Between them was a bedside table in front of a window. A lamp sat on the table, and the girl was using the light from it to read.

She looked up as they entered. "Oh, hey. Are you guys my new roommates?"

Penny nodded. "I guess."

The girl pointed to the corner. "Then I guess that would be your stuff then." There were two suitcases propped against the wall, one neon orange and one faded and yellow. "They appeared out of thin air about an hour ago, so I assumed I must be finally getting some new roommates.

Penny walked over and grabbed the neon one. "Yup, thanks. I'm Penny."

"Geneva." The girl watched as Penny dragged the suitcase over to the beds. Juliette grabbed hers and followed.

"So, is your last name really Malfoy?" Penny asked.

Juliette refrained from laughing. Penny seemed like she had been waiting to ask that for a long time.

Geneva nodded. "Yeah. But I'm not like Draco. At least, I don't think I am. You may think otherwise."

Penny laughed. "I'm sure you aren't."

Juliette inspected Geneva Malfoy. She looked like she was their age, with long, straight red hair and very pale skin. She had green eyes hidden behind brown glasses.

Geneva laughed. "So, what are your guys' powers?"

Juliette spoke up. "I can teleport. And my name is Juliette."

"Cool." She turned to Penny. "And you?"

"I can control fire. Well, not exactly control it. I can use it." Penny blushed.

"That's neat. I can speak any language." Geneva smiled.

"Any?" Penny asked, incredulous.

"Yup, including animal languages."

"That's awesome." Penny smiled.

Juliette had to admit, that was a good power. It would be very useful to be able to communicate with anyone and any animal. Still, teleportation would be a good power too once she could harness it.

And hopefully that would be soon.

Geneva stood up. "Well, you guys can pick your beds. I'm in this one, but if either of you really want it I can move."

"No, that's fine. I like top bunks anyways." Penny began climbing the ladder to the bunk above Geneva.

Juliette sat her suitcase down on the other lower bunk. "Will someone be on that bunk?" she asked, pointing to the one above her.

Geneva shrugged. "Eventually, I guess. Right now, no."

"What do we do with our suitcases?" Penny asked.

Geneva gestured towards four small dressers, two against either wall. "We each get one of those. You can out your socks and underwear in them, and our uniforms are in them already. You can put other stuff on top or wherever. Just don't use the one that has the books on it. That's mine."

Penny gasped. "Is that The Lightning Thief?"

Geneva nodded. "I have the whole series," she said proudly.

"Wow," Penny murmured. "Do they have a library here?"

"Oh yeah, a huge one. It--"

The other two girls launched into a discussion of different books and characters they liked and disliked. Juliette tuned them out and walked over to a dresser.

One drawer was full of the same outfit Geneva had on-- a dark blue polo shirt and plaid dark blue and silver skirt. That must have been the school uniform.

Juliette carefully folded her socks and placed them in the drawer above the outfit, then took out the remaining things in her suitcase and meticulously arranged them on top of the dresser.

She sighed. It looked like this would be home for a while.

Juliette didn't know if she was glad or not.

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