Chapter 3: Pheonix

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5 years old. Camping trip. Campfire. Tripping over a stick, into the fire. Flames licking her skin, but no burns.

8 years old. Playing in the backyard. Birds flocking around her. Came inside, said that the birds "talked" to her.

10 years old. Visiting her grandparents. Their giant fireplace. Matches wet. Lit fire on her own with them.

11 years old. Fell off bike and scraped her knee. Tear fell on the scrape. By the time she got home, the wound was completely gone.

Penny opened her eyes to a world of bright sunlight and trees. She tried to remember... she saw the phoenix... mixed memories of her past... why was she here?

"Ahh, don't we all ask ourselves that question?"

Penny froze. She slowly turned her head. "Who said that?"

"It is I, the Phoenix. Some might say that I am your future. But I am old, very old."

"So... what I saw back there, with the wings... that actually happened?"

"In a sense... yes. To you, it did. But your mother will think that you simply collapsed. You must make sure she continues to believe it."

Penny shook her head. "What's happening, anyway? The glowing, the wings... now you. What's going on?"

Phoenix sighed. She was a beautiful woman with curly red hair and a fiery dress, with eyes to match. Flames seemed to be flickering in their depths.

Now that Penny thought about it,  Phoenix looked similar to her— just older, and with flaming eyes instead of Penny's brown ones. "Well, perhaps I should start at the beginning...

"There are a group of people who are called the Magicae. They have existed since the dawn of time, learning to live like normal people.

"These people, the Magicae, are born with special... powers. Magic, you see. And on their 13th birthday, the powers are completely shown. This is called the Coming. But yours was different. You see, you are one of the Fabulosa. The Fabulosa are three Magicae with the ability to transform into the three mythical creatures: Phoenix, Dragon, and Unicorn. They also have other powers, which you will discover in due course.

"The Fabulosa are destined to defeat the Malum, an evil society who are not naturally magic, but have gained twisted, evil powers through dark magic. I was one of the original Fabulosa, the Phoenix. And so are you."

Penny couldn't believe her ears. "What do you mean?"

The Phoenix smiled a mysterious smile. "In due course, my dear. In due course..."


Penny awoke sprawled on the floor of her mother's bedroom. Her mother was dabbing her forehead with a cool washcloth. "Oh, honey! Are you alright?

Penny remembered Phoenix's words. "Yeah, I'm... fine. Just... tired."

Her mom fretted nervously. "Are you sure? Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine, Mom," Penny said, her voice growing stronger. "But... could I rest a bit?"

"Of, course, of course, honey. And as soon as you feel better, we'll have some birthday breakfast. How does that sound?"

Penny nodded absently. Her birthday! With her... "Coming," as Phoenix called it, going on, Penny had completely forgotten.

Penny still didn't understand what was happening. It was all so hard to believe!

And yet...

Something inside of Penny believed it. Maybe it was instinct. Maybe it was magic. But she believed.

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