Chapter 30: Missing

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Alex was surprised to hear a knock at the door late that night. He and Justin had been playing Speed with a deck of cards, and Justin was winning. Every. Single. Time.

So Alex was glad for the distraction that came with the knock. Playing a game called Speed against someone who, in essence, had super speed, was difficult to say the least.

Alex walked over and opened the door, blinking in surprise when he saw Penny standing there.

"Um, no offense, but why are you here? I didn't think girls were supposed to be in the boy's hallway."

Penny's eyes shifted back and forth anxiously. "I don't know. I just... have you seen Juliette today?"

Alex thought for a second. "I saw her at breakfast, but then you four all left and I haven't seen her since."

Curious, Justin walked over. "What's wrong?"

"I haven't seen Juliette at all since this morning!" Penny burst out. "When we went to find our families, I lost track of her, and neither me or Geneva or Emma have seen her all day since. I asked everyone in our hall that knows her and none of them had seen her either!"

"Did you check the bathroom? Maybe she's in one of those," Alex suggested.

"All day?" Penny said skeptically. "I checked, but not super thoroughly. She would've come out by now."

Justin shrugged. "You never know with girls."

Penny arched an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

Before anything else could happen, Alex stepped in. "Guys..."

"Sorry." Justin had the grace to look ashamed.

"Was her family here today?" Penny asked. "I've never seen them, so I wouldn't know."

"I've seen them before," Alex said. "Since we went to the same school before, I saw her dad and sister at stuff. But I don't remember seeing either of them here today."

"Is there anyone we could ask to help with this? A teacher? Maybe Mr. Magister?" Penny asked.

"A lot of the teachers won't be in their offices this late," Justin pointed out. "It's almost nine o'clock, and a weekend."

Penny pursed her lips thoughtfully. "I don't know... would anyone be here still?"

"Mrs. Justus!" Justin said quickly. "She tends to stay late sometimes."

"Ok. I'm going." Penny turned to leave.

"Wait!" Alex said. Penny looked at him. "I'll come too."

Justin shrugged. "I'm in if he is."

Penny smiled. "Thanks, guys."

Justin led the way to Mrs. Justus's office, and the other two followed him through the halls.

"Why do you know the way there so we'll?" Alex asked jokingly at one point. "Isn't she in charge of discipline?"

Justin fixed him with a withering look. "My brother is here all the time."

Alex grinned. "Whatever you say."

Penny, who was walking behind the two boys, tapped Alex's shoulder.

He turned around and slowed down, so Justin pulled ahead. "Yeah?"

Penny spoke in a lowered voice. "There's something else that happened this morning before she disappeared..."


"Well, Juliette and I came downstairs a little before the other two, and she got a really bad headache, then passed out. Juliete woke up a minute later, and said that she had a premonition."

"What was it about?" Alex asked eagerly.

"I don't know. She wouldn't tell me," Penny said. "I suggested telling Mr. Magister about it, and she didn't want to. She didn't even want to tell you."

"That is weird..." Alex didn't know what to make of that. "Could the premonition and her disappearing be related?"

Penny shrugged helplessly. "I have no idea."

Suddenly Justin stopped walking abruptly. "Ow!"

"What is it?" Alex stopped walking just in time to keep from running into his friend.

"My head—"

Then Alex felt it, and his hand flew up to his face. A piercing pain tore through his head for a brief instant—

Then it stopped. Alex looked at the others. "Did you guys feel that?"

Justin nodded, and Penny just rubbed her head. "Yes," she finally answered.

Justin groaned. "It felt like something was in my brain, poking around."

Alex hadn't thought about it, but now that Justin described it that way, that fit the pain exactly. "You're right," Alex agreed.

With nothing else to do, they kept walking. "We can ask Mr. Justus about that too," Penny suggested.

When they finally reached the office, Mrs. Justus was just locking the door. "What are you three doing here?" she asked in surprise. "Do you need something?"

Penny nodded. "We can't find Juliette Unni anywhere! She disappeared this morning and no one has seen her since then!" she said fervently.

Mrs. Justus stared at them with a bemused expression.

"Who's Juliette Unni?"

Yes! I actually published this on time! Although just barely...

Hope you enjoyed! Please vote if you liked it, and comment any thoughts, feedback or constructive criticism! Thank you!

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