Chapter 33: The Search

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When he saw the word inscribed on the door, Alex took an involuntary step back. Malum. Who had carved that? And why?

Penny walked slowly past Alex, up to the door, and she did a double-take. "Guys..."

The others rushed up. Penny was bending over, picking up a light green jacket. "Juliette had this on earlier."

Alex stared into the closet, as if Juliette would somehow still be inside.

"So the Malum kidnapped Juliette? Why?" Emma said in a panicked voice.

Justin also looked anxious. "They could take any of us!"

Geneva, Alex noted, seemed marginally more calm, although fear was still evident on her face. Of course, Penny did tell her that we were the Fabulosa. She probably realizes that's why Juliette was captured.

Alex tapped Penny. "Do you think we should tell them- you know," he asked in a lowered voice.

Penny hesitated, then nodded. "Yes. They need to know what they're getting into. And besides, the Malum clearly already know we're here at the school, if they got Juliette. I trust them not to tell anyone."

Truthfully, Alex agreed. "I think you're right."

"Do you want to tell them, or me?' Penny asked.

Alex shrugged. "I guess I can." He looked at the others, who were speculating about Juliette's capture. "Guys..."

They stared at him, and Alex shifted uncomfortably. I really, really hope we're making the right choice here. "Um... we... I mean, Penny and I... need to tell you something. The Malum... er..."

Penny sighed. "Juliette was taken by the Malum because she's one of the Fabulosa, as are me and Alex. We weren't supposed to tell you because word could get back to the Malum, but they obviously already know, and we think we can trust you guys, and you need to know what you're getting into. Because I'm going after Juliette, and if any of you are going to help, then you deserve to know the truth. But understand this-" She paused and stared at them. "You cannot tell anyone about this, okay?"

Her speech was met with stunned silence.

Emma broke it. "I don't know about everyone else, but I'm going to help Juliette. And you can trust me not to tell anyone."

Geneva nodded. "Me too."

"Me three. Your secret is safe with us." Justin nodded his head firmly.

Alex smiled, relief washing over him. "Thank you-"

"Wait, what?"

Alex whirled around at the unfamiliar voice. It took him a minute to recognize the boy standing just outside a classroom, and Penny beat him to speaking.


"Did- are you really the Fabulosa?" His expression was bemused.

It was too late to deny it. "Yes?" Alex said, his voice coming out as a question.

Bane's eyes widened. "Holy cow... you- hang on." He frowned. "Who's the third Fabulosa?"

"Juliette," Penny said slowly.

"Who's that?"

He wasn't thinking about Juliette when everyone forgot about her, so he forgot too, Alex realized.

"Everyone in the school has forgotten about her except for us five. But try to remember... in magic class when you helped me control my fire, she came over and you tried to help her to teleport," Penny explained.

A strained expression crossed Bane's face as he struggled to remember. Finally his face fell. "I'm sorry. I can't..."

Penny let out a small sigh. "It's okay. We think she was kidnapped by the Malum." She gestured towards the carving on the door.

"Oh man..." Bane stepped back, same as Alex had done. "How did you guys find that?"

"We were gonna go in that closet to make a plan of how to find Juliette," Geneva supplied.

"Why were you up here?" Justin asked, a note of suspicion in his voice.

"I thought I had left my book in the classroom and went back to get it," Bane said. "But I'll help you find Juliette."

"But you don't remember her," Emma pointed out."

"You all do," he argued reasonably. "And maybe once we rescue her, everyone will remember her again."

Alex looked to Penny. "I don't see any reason why he shouldn't."

"I guess... but Bane, you know you can't tell anyone about this."

Bane nodded. "Don't worry. You can trust me."

"So what do we do now?" Justin asked.

"Um..." For some reason, Justin's voice seemed distant to Alex. "We..."

Alex's vision was blurring. What's happening? he wondered.

All of a sudden, panic washed up in him. But somehow it didn't feel like his emotions- it was like he felt a glancing blow of someone else's emotions.

Then he realized whose emotions they were. Juliette. Somehow, Alex was sensing Juliette's emotions from wherever she was. Surprisingly, that seemed nearby.

Alex became aware of someone saying his name. "Alex. Alex. Alex! Are you okay?"

Justin's concerned face swam into focus. "Dude, you just completely zoned out. What happened? Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine..." Alex turned to Penny. She looked shocked. "Did you feel that too?" he inquired.

Penny nodded, eyes wide. "Yeah."

"Feel what?" Geneva asked.

"It was like we sensed Juliette's magic," Alex explained. "And she seemed nearby..."

Suddenly he doubled over. His vision was blurring over again, even worse than before, and he could sense Juliette. This time the feeling was stronger and lasted longer.

When he finally straightened, Penny stared at him. "She's really close."

"Yeah, almost like she was right..." Alex didn't finish the thought, instead walking into the janitor's closet.

It was darker in there, and Alex's eyes took a minute to adjust. Juliette is near here, somehow. He stepped forward-

-and down. His foot fumbled in empty air for a moment before coming down to land on a step about half a foot down.

Alex let out a small, startled cry when he first felt the emptiness under his foot, and the others had noticed.

"Are you okay?" Justin asked, walking into the closet.

Alex smiled grimly and nodded.

"I think I found how to get to Juliette."

So because I was bored the other night and couldn't get to sleep, I decided to list these seven friends as the Seven on the Argo II. Because I am a huge Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus fangirl. These are mainly by personality.

Penny - Hazel
Juliette - Jason
Alex - Percy
Geneva - Piper
Emma - Annabeth
Justin - Leo
Bane - Frank

Also, at some point in the future I will probably do a chapter from one of their perspectives. Who would you like to hear from? Comment and tell me!

Thanks for reading, and please vote and comment what you think!

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