Chapter 36: Returning

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"So... what exactly just happened?" Emma asked. "I mean, like, I know you turned into those mythical creatures, but when you were in the forms... I don't know, but you were acting really weird."

Penny struggled to explain. "Yeah... the Fabulosa... it's really weird, but it's like they took over our minds."

"Okay, that's officially really creepy," Justin said, wincing slightly.

"Definitely," Alex agreed.

Penny thought back to when she had transformed. Somehow, not only her body had changed, but her mind as well. It wasn't just that her mind was crowded out when Pheonix took control— it was also changed into the Pheonix's mind, merging them together.

But somehow she had managed to keep from completely becoming Pheonix. A part of Penny had remained intact, and she had managed to regain control of the body, becoming herself again.

And now it seemed like Pheonix was gone.

"Not quite, young one."

Penny flinched at the familiar voice in her head. "Are you okay?" Bane asked.

"Yeah, I— I'm fine." What?

There was silence in her head, and for a brief moment Penny thought she had imagined it. Then—

"I'm sorry."

It took all of Penny's willpower not to flinch again.

"I... we were wrong to take you over. We... Unicorn, Dragon, and I, we have been inside of you ever since your Coming. Just dormant until now. But the thrill of being in our bodies... it made us rash in our excitement, and somewhat accidentally, somewhat on purpose, we began to force your minds away, essentially erasing you. We were wrong. We are meant to work together— our minds merged, not one overpowering the other, but as equals, a blend."

Hang on, Penny thought. That's basically what I said to Juliette a minute ago. That we needed to work together. But I didn't know how I thought of that. Did you...?

"Yes. I pushed the idea into your subconscious."

That's a little weird, Penny thought to herself.

Pheonix laughed. "It is."

Wait— you can read all my thoughts? Penny asked.

Pheonix hesitated for a moment before answering. "Not all. Just... the loud ones."

Okay... Penny shrugged. She didn't really know what that meant, but decided to worry about that later. So, do Dragon and Unicorn agree with you about... you know, about the merging thing. Equals and all that.

Again, Pheonix paused before speaking. "Well... honestly, I don't know for sure. I expect that right now they are angry, being forced out of what they likely view as 'their' bodies, by ones as young as you. I have always been the most open to change out of the three of us... but I am sure that they will come around eventually."

Penny nodded. The others looked at her strangely. "Penny, you're being really quiet," Geneva said. "Everything good?"

"Yeah, sorry. Just zoned out there for a second." Penny gestured for them to continue what they were doing. All right then. So... you're who I talked to in that vision thing I had on my Coming?

"Yes. Penny, please believe me when I say that I have no wish to harm you. None of us do."

Yeah, that's why you tried to mash our brains, Penny thought before she could stop herself.

She could somehow feel Pheonix's shame. "I am truly sorry. That's all I can say."

"Penny. Earth to Penny." Someone waved a hand in front of her face.

She blinked. "What?"

"You're very distracted right now," Emma observed. "Are you sure that you're all right?"

"Yes. I'm fine. Just... tired." Penny tried to sound as assertive as she could.

Pheonix was silent, apparently gone dormant for the time being.

"Okay, so we were just discussing what to to now," Alex said.

"My vote is to head back to the surface," Justin said, completely deadpan.

Alex rolled his eyes. "Obviously. But what about after that? Do we go back to the dorms? Do we tell a teacher?"

"Why don't we worry about this after we're out of this dungeon?" Juliette said wearily. "I think I've seen enough of this place."

The others chorused their assent, and soon they were headed back up the long staircase.

Penny and Bane led the way, once again carrying flames in their hands to light the path. Behind them, Emma and Justin explained to Juliette what sure had missed, while Alex walked along silently, seeming lost in thought.

Bane nudged Penny. "You've gotten a lot better at controlling your fire," he said.

She nodded and smiled. "Thanks... I don't know why, but for some reason I feel like I... like I'm more powerful overall, I guess. I think it has something to do with transforming."

"Penny, about that..." Bane hesitated. "How do you know they won't take over your mind again, any time you transform?" His tone was worried.

Penny paused, considering her answer. I can tell him. "You can't tell the others this. Not yet. But... Pheonix is still in my mind."

Perhaps she should have phrased that differently. Bane's eyes widened. "What?! Penny, she's— are you even still Penny? Is she, like, possessing you again?"

"No, no!" Penny shook her head and shushed him. "She doesn't want to hurt me."

Bane looked skeptical. "Um, didn't she—"

She cut him off, quickly explaining her mental conversation with Pheonix. When she finished, Bane still didn't seem convinced. "I don't know, Penny... how can you know that she's not lying?"

"It's just... a feeling. I know, somehow, that she's telling the truth." Penny couldn't figure out another way to describe it.

"Maybe... but she's in your head, Penny," Bane protested. "How do you know she isn't manipulating your emotions or something?"

"Well, I—" Bane had a point. "But hang on. If she's in my head, then why shouldn't I be able to sense her intentions? Maybe that's what the feeling is."

Bane frowned. "I still don't like it."

Penny sighed. "Bane, they're the Fabulosa. How can they be evil?"

"No, you're the Fabulosa. You and Alex and Juliette. They're just..." Apparently Bane didn't know exactly what they were, as his voice trailed off.

"Bane..." Penny didn't know what to say. She wanted to reassure her friend, but the fact remained that he could be right.

"Hey, so I can remember Juliette now," Bane said. "I remembered when I first saw her down there." He seemed eager to change the subject.

And Penny was eager to comply. "That's great! So that means that everyone else who forgot about her will probably remember her once they see her."

"Yeah." They emerged into the janitor's closet. We're safe now, Penny thought.

"What on earth are you doing?"


I've been really busy this week with school, golf, and band, and while I've had this chapter written for a while, I haven't had much time to type it out.

Also, I have a ton of stuff going on this weekend, so I probably won't be able to update. Expect the next one probably Wednesday.

Good news is that Saturday is my last golf meet, so after that ends I will have a lot more time. There are also some other things I've been stressed about that will be over with.

Anyways, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! If you liked it, please vote AND comment. Y'all are so quiet— or am I just talking so much that you can't get a word in edgewise?

But votes, comments, or no, thank you for all your support!

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