Chapter 39: Phone Call Home

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Penny received a reply a week later, finding the envelope slipped under their room door. Unfortunately, there were no owls here delivering mail. "Of course you can go," the letter said.

Geneva was the next to receive a reply. Then Emma. Both could go on the field trip.

But for Juliette, there was no envelope slipped under the door.


Penny watched as Juliette quieted, no longer speaking out in class or in the dorm. She retreated into herself more and more each day.

And finally Penny had had enough. She approached the other girl that Sunday while they were alone in the dorm room.

"Juliette, are you okay?"

Juliette shrugged. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Penny sighed. "Okay..."

There was silence for, then Juliette spoke again. "I really am. Just impatient for my family to reply. It's probably on the way right now, and I'm making a big deal out of nothing."

Penny waited a best before replying. "What steps you going to do if they don't reply?"

"I just won't go. It'll be fine. I mean, you guys will be out there sweating and being eaten alive by bugs, while I'm here in the comfortable air-conditioning." Juliette tried valiantly for a smile.

"Why don't you ask Mrs. Proditor?" Penny suggested. "She might know another way to contact your parents."

"Parent." Juliette corrected. "My mom passed away when I was eight."

"Oh. I- I'm sorry." Penny sunk into the mattress.

"It's okay." Juliette rested her head in her hands, staring at the floor.

I want to help her, but how? Penny thought. "Maybe... what if you called them? The teachers have phones-"and

"And just have them not answer?" Juliette shot back. "They didn't care enough to come to Visitor's Day, or enough to reply to my letter, so why would they care enough to answer the phone?"

"I-" Penny was at a loss for words.

"Yeah." Juliette subsided.

"Look, I mean... why don't we go ask Mrs. Proditor. I mean, it can't hurt, and..." Penny's voice trailed off.

"Okay, fine, whatever." Juliette sat up.

"Really? Okay!" Penny couldn't keep the smile from her voice. "Let's go!" She hopped off the bed.

Juliette was slower to get up, but Penny thought she glimpsed a small smile on her friend's face, the first one she'd seen in day.

Penny smiled too. It was a start.



Well, this is certainly unprecidented, but," Mrs. Proditor hesitated. "I suppose you could make one call."

"Thank you, Mrs. Proditor!" Penny said eagerly. "C'mon, Juliette!"

Juliette sighed. "Okay."

Penny pulled her over to the phone. "What's your dad's number?" she asked, poised to punch it in.

"I can do it!" Juliette said, snatching it out of Penny's grip. Grinning, Penny stepped back and allowed her friend to type the number.

The phone rang, and Juliette held it up to her ear. It rang again. And again.

"Maybe they're not home?" Penny suggested after the fifth ring.

"It's his cell phone," Juliette replied shortly.

Another ring. Then a beep.

"Hello, this is Luis Unni. Sorry I missed your call. Please leave a message after the beep."

Right in cue, the phone sounded a long tone. Juliette took a deep breath.

"Hey Dad, it's Juliette. I'm using a teacher's phone. Um, you didn't answer the letter I wrote you, so I was wondering- um, if you got it. I miss you. Tell Margaret I said hi. Bye."

She hung up the phone with a click. "Thanks for letting me try, Mrs. Proditor."

"It's no trouble. I'm sorry you missed him, but I'll be sure to let you know if he calls back."

"Thank you," Penny said. Juliette nodded with her.

"Like I said, it's okay. Let's just not make this a regular thing."

Penny turned to leave the classroom, but Juliette hadn't moved. "Mrs. Proditor, I- I don't thing I'm going to be able to go on the field trip."

Mrs. Proditor was silent for a long time, and Penny fidgeted from her place at the door.

Finally the teacher spoke. "You know, Juliette, I'm sure you really want to go. And you shouldn't be denied that because your family hasn't replied. So you know what? I'll let you come anyways. It'll be our little secret."

Penny blinked. Well then.

Juliette seemed to have a similar reaction. "I- thank you."

Mrs. Proditor smiled. "All right, now go on. You have the rest if the day to yourself."

Thanking the teacher again, the two girls left the classroom.

Silence fell in the hallway. In an attempt to break it, Penny said, "That was really nice of her."

"Yeah, yeah it was," Juliette said before lapsing back into silence.

Penny's brain whirred. That was really nice of her. Mrs. Proditor is really nice.

So why is that nice thing worrying me so much?

Hey, an on-time update for once! *cue me singing For the first Time in Forever*

But it was a struggle. I was forcing out the words for this, especially at the end. Writer's block is killing me. XP

Anyways, thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed it.

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