Chapter 49: Into the Flames

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Alex watched in horror as the dark flames tore through the office, unable to do anything to prevent them from the havoc they were wreaking.

Next to him, Penny's eyes flew open. Alex looked at her, and did a double take. Her normally brown eyes were flaring up into reds and oranges and yellows, flames flickering in their depths.

She turned to him and Juliette. "Guys.... just remember... you guys are the best friends I've ever had. Thank you, this had been the best year of my life."

Juliette blinked. "What are you talking about?"

Alex felt a sinking sensation. "Penny, no. Don't--"

"This is the only way to stop the fire. One life for many." Penny held up an hand to stop their protests. "It's okay. I'll be fine."

"How can you be fine if you're dead?" Juliette cried. "Penny, no. Let me do it. You're the one who deserves to live. You... you're such a good person... you'll grow up to make a huge difference in the world."

Penny smiled sadly, and in that moment Alex felt like she was a million years older than them. "Who says I can't make a difference now? I'll save hundreds of lives. That's a difference."

Alex shook his head, and jumped back as a flame leapt closer to them. "I'll do it. Neither of you should die."

"Neither should you," Penny said. "It has to be me. There's... there's another power of the Pheonix that almost no one knows about... I didn't know about it until a few minutes ago. But... if a Pheonix dies in flames, the there is a chance that they will come back to life in day, rise out of the ashes."

"But you don't know that will happen," Juliette pointed out, ever the practical one.

"It's a better chance than you guys have. Just... I have to do this."

Deep inside, although he didn't want to admit it, Alex knew she was right. Slowly he nodded. "Juliette..."

Juliette shook het head firmly, tears spilling down her cheeks. "No. No, I can't let this happen."

"It's okay," Penny said again. "You can."

Juliette inhaled shakily. "I'm sorry..."

Penny reached out and hugged the other girl, and Alex joined in. They held there for a long moment, the three Fabulosa joined together.

Penny broke apart first. "Guys... I really meant what I said before. This had been the best year of my life. Thank you."

She took a deep breath and looked into the flames before glancing back at Alex and Juliette. She gave a flicker of a smile before walking forward.


Penny stared at the flames, the tears she had hidden from her friends now streaming down her face. She knew she had to do this, and she knew she would have to be brave like the Pheonix said to be, but she all she felt was fear.

Taking a deep breath, what Penny knew would be her last, she stepped into the flames.


Juliette watched as her best friend walked into the fire, sacrificing herself to save the rest.

She sobbed openly as the flames slowly died around them, no longer concerned with professionalism. Why did that matter? Who cared what others thought? Penny was gone, and Juliette would never hear her laugh again, never read another one of her stories. Whatever she said about coming back, Juliette knew it wouldn't happen.


Alex was numb. He felt like his insides were missing as the flames were gone, leaving only ashes behind.

Penny was gone. Still, Alex couldn't help but watch the ashes, hoping beyond all hope that she would appear out of them.

Of course, nothing happened. Penny wasn't coming back, no matter what her parting words were.

A tear ran down Alex's face, and he barely noticed as four people ran into the office.

When she saw only two people, Geneva's face crumpled. Emma didn't move, as frozen as the ice she manipulated. Justin stared in complete shock.

When Bane entered, he seemed to know immediately what had happened. Tears began rolling down his face as he choked out, "Goodbye, Nickel."

The five bowed their heads, remembering the brave girl who had given it all for them.

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.

John 15:13 NIV

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