Chapter 8: On Their Way

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Ms. Proditor smiled abruptly, while starting the vehicle. "Which is where you come in! The Fabulosa will come in times of great need, to defeat the Malum. That means you!" She drove the car along the suburban road, whistling a tune Juliette didn't recognize.

She was relieved to see that the other two had nervous expressions on their faces at this responsibility, matching how Juliette felt inside. Of course, she didn't show this. She was much more professional than the other two.

Out of the corner of her eye, Juliette noticed Alex glaring at her. Interesting. The boy seemed to dislike her, though she couldn't imagine why.

The other girl, Penny, seemed nice so far, but Juliette was witholding judgement on her until Juliette had talked to Penny. She seemed less professional than Juliette, but then again, most people her age were.

Ms. Proditor drove in silence now. Juliete still had questions, but they could wait. She had enough things to mull over.

Ever since the dream with the woman in the purple gown who called herself Unicorn, everything Juliette had ever known hadn't just been flipped upside down. It had been flattened, steamrolled, shifted around, and been completely reformed. But now... she was starting to accept her new reality, and was already planning how she could use it to her advantage.

"Ms. Proditor?" Juliette put on the voice she used for teachers, the voice that made them smile and say what a sweet, intelligent girl she was. And sure enough, even outside the classroom, it worked.

"Yes, dear?"

"Unicorn said that we would have other powers besides being able to turn into our... animal. What are those?" Juliette's goal was to figure out what these newfound powers were, then master them quickly. She had mastered everything else she had tried. Why should magic be any different?

Ms. Proditor nodded slowly. "I see why you want to know this. I'll start with the Pheonix, what her powers are, as well as her role in the trio."

Juliette disliked being referred to as a trio. It made it seem like they were supposed to become best friends already, inseperable, a team. The last thing she wanted was to become best friends or teammates with these two. Judging by the look on Alex's face, he felt the same way.

But playing the good student as always, Juliette turned towards Ms. Proditor's face- or rather, her reflection in the mirror- and smilled and nodded.

"The Pheonix's powers include, alongside transforming into a pheonix, the ability to comminicate with birds, fire immunity and control, and healing tears."

"Like in Harry Potter?" Penny interrupted. "Pheonix tears heal in that, too." She looked delighted that her fantasy world was now real.

Ms. Proditor nodded. "I suppose. Now, as I was saying, the Pheonix's role in the group is the one that helps them stick together, the 'glue,' so to speak. The loyal one, the friend. She is the 'Creature of the Flame.'

"The Dragon is the leader, the warrior. His powers include flying, communicating with snakes and reptiles, and breathing underwater. He is the 'Creature of the Air and Water.'

"The Unicorn, 'Creature of the Earth,' is the steadfast one. She will be the base, the practical and intelligent one. Her horn strengthens the magic of those who touch it, and she can get premonitions, glimpses, of the future. She can also teleport."

That sounded fine to Juliette. She didn't mind being the intelligent one, and she was very practical. The only thing that she didn't like was that Alex- immature Alex, a boy- was the supposed leader.

But before Juliette could say anything about it, the vehicle jolted to a stop. Ms. Proditor turned around. "Grab your suitcases. And remember, everyone else thinks you have basic powers. No one- aside from myself and the headmaster- knows that you are the Fabulosa. Make sure it stays that way. Should anyone find out, there is an increased chance that the Malum will find out who and where you are, and should that happen, you would all be in immense danger.

"I can't stay long, I must get back to teaching at your old school, Alex and Juliette. However, the school year there is almost over, and as soon as it ends, I will come back and begin teaching here. Remember, don't tell anyone, keep your powers under control, and learn everything you can. It is safe to talk to Headmaster Magister, if you need help on the whole Fabulosa thing." Ms. Proditor spoke in a stern voice, and there was no doubt in Juliette's mind that the woman was serious.

But then the teacher's face creased into a smile. "But remember to have fun. This is a magical school, after all!"

The three climbed out of the van, awkwardly lugging their suitcases behind them. As Ms. Proditor drove away, the Fabulosa stared at their new school and home.

They had arrived.

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