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After some time .... Jungkook had settled down... We all had started working on the project when suddenly my eyes caught a shiny bracelete on jungkook's wrist . I kept on looking at it . It was as if it reminded me of something , but I wasn't able to tell what . After some time I looked at the sky outside , it seemed as if the whether was getting better . Then I looked at the clock , it was 9:40pm I thought they should leave so....
Y/N : Suho , jungkook, don't you guys think it is getting late , how about you both leave now , we can continue it tomorrow in college or we can meet somewhere .
Both of them nodded and left . Even after they had left , my mind of full of that bracelete that jungkook had on his wrist . It seemed to be reminding me of something but I wasn't sure of what . Later , after cleaning , I sat down under the shelter of my balcony and look at the sky , the stars were shining and the moon had the spotlight , it was an outstanding view , I looked at the night sky for some time and then felt like sleeping .... So I quickly went in brushed my teeth and went to sleep .
The next morning
I heard a buzzing sound from under my pillow and so took my phone out to turn the alarm off , o saw the time , it was 7:35 , I had around 1 and a half hour so I got out of the bed and went outside to water my plants , later I went to get ready , after wearing my clothes I hung my bag on my shoulder and opened the main door to step out when I suddenly stopped , I saw a little box right infront of my door , j picked it up and opened it , it had a chocolate pastry in it , the cake had 3 layers with chocolate between them covered with chocolate - white and black on the top . For a moment I thought from whom it could be or if it was for me but then I made sure no one saw me and then kept the price in the fridge . I caught my bus and then left for college smiling to myself . I went to college . This day was starting to get boring every second . Later we ( me , jungkook and Suho ) met to complete the project in the library .... We all were peacefully working when suddenly I noticed jungkook's wrist again.
The bracelet wasn't anywhere to be seen , I don't know why I was even thinking about the bracelet but it was as if it had attracted me towards it . I tried to not think about it about that shiny platinum bracelet kept on coming to my mind . We all had worked on our part for the day and so we were ready to leave when I got really curious and questioned him
Y/N : Jungkook , where is the bracelet you were wearing earlier ?

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