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I was at this new college . It was my first day here . The wheather was really nice and the garden in the college was very relaxing, beautiful .

It had perfect green grass all around and a fountain in the middle with clear and fresh water running . It had a lot of trees and very beautiful flowers .

Seeing this beautiful place , it reminded me of the hardships in my life , how my mom used to work a lot , first at home - taking care of me and at her job after my father went away to other country to set up his 'business' .

This college had high standards and required a lot of money , my mom worked really hard to send me here so I am gonna make her proud .
Thinking this , I smiled brightly and went on discovering every place in the college


I soon realised how tough it was here , class after class and yet some teacher taught a lot and some didn't even care .

I was in the middle of listening to some songs when suddenly our teacher who loves to sleep in the class suddenly picked up his phone and then stood up making the whole class's attention shift to him . He then spoke
" class I have a project for all of you "
the whole class seemed puzzeled , he continued
"you all have to form groups of 3 and then work on the project."
He then told us about the project and continued on sleeping after telling us the last date of submission...

The bell rang and I quickly got up , packed my bag and left the classroom as I plugged in my headphones to listen to some music .

I stood out of the class and saw the sky , it seemed like it was gonna rain heavenly today . I decided to quickly buy something to eat and leave the college as we only had the extra classes left now .

I had brought something to eat and stopped out of the store , it had already started to rain .

I waited for about half an hour when I thought it won't stop so I went to the bus stand and waited in the shelter of the stand even after my clothes were all wet .

My bag was still safe though .

I soon reached my home after catching a bus . I reached home and changed into my PJs , I opened the window , the clouds were still all over the sky and the sky outside was really dark .

Soom my friend Euna called me

Euna : heyo girl , what you up to ?

Y/N : Ey Euna , nothing was just chilling .

Euna : anyways , about the project , their is this guy who wants to work with you , he asked me for your number to contact you , should I give it to him ?

Y/N : no , don't , I will meet him myself

Suddenly I think the connection became weak and the call ended .


I entered the college and went to the classroom and sat at the second last seat .  Throughout the class my mind was flooded with questions like who could the person who wants to work with me be etc , but at last I just threw all the questions out of my mind and continued to listen to the teacher .

The class ended and then I went out of the class when I felt someone walking behind me . I suddenly turned around and saw a tall person behind me . He looked at me and took a step back while bowing

??? : Hi , I am Suho

Y/N : ......... ( Puzzeled af)

Suho : I want to work on the project with you .

Y/N : oooooooh.....ok

Suho : (hands a slip) here is my number . Do you mind giving me yours too?

Y/N : ooo..oohk (feeds the number in the phone)

Suho : ok I will call you today to arrange for meeting and completing the project . ( He said while waving bye and moving away )

I also waved bye and saw the wheather and sky outside .
The sky had an ombre effect going on that went from orange to light yellow , the birds were chirping and breeze blew . Such a beautiful day .


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