CHP:- 4

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. "No, sit here let's talk." said Anika trying to sit straight.

"What are you doing? You will get hurt. Let me help you!" said Shivaay and made her sit properly.

"Billu!"called Anika making him shock.

"What did you call me?" he asked once again to know what he heard was correct. "Billu" laughed Anika.

"Don't call me that!" Shivaay warned her.

"No, I will call you billu,dadi also calls you billu na know billu means cat and it perfectly suits you." she said giggling.

"You will not call me that , and now go to sleep."

"Noooooooooo" she screamed making him close his ears. "Shutup you mad women. Why are you shouting!" "You mad billu, I will complain to Om and dadi about you." she said pouting.

Jeez!what I have gotten into. It would be better if I would be at home rather than sitting here Shivaay thought.

"Billu...billu" Shivaay was jerked from his thoughts. "What!" he asked trying to calm himself.

"I want to have Ice-Cream"said Anika. "And why do you think I will get you Ice-Cream?" asked Shivaay crossing his arms.

"You will not give me Ice-Cream?" asked Anika like a small child which melted Shivaay for a second but he maintained his stern face. "Nope!" he said.

This girl is surely mad! It's just few minutes we met each other and the way she is behaving is like we are long lost friends thought Shivaay in his mind.

What the wuck! shouted Shivaay as Anika splashed glass full of water on his face. "Language billu!" scolded Anika.

"You girl, why did you splashed water on me?" asked angry Shivaay .

"Then what should I do? I was calling you since last 5 minutes but you were standing like a statue!"   

"Ughhh...enough just shutup and sleep! Don't irritate me you mad girl." saying this Shivaay rushed out of the room only to be bumped with Om.

"Woah man why are you drenched?" "Ask your mad friend! She literally drenched me." he said making face to which Om laughed. 

Controlling his laugh Om said " Shivaay I will handle her you go home." Saying good bye Shivaay went away while Om moved inside to find Anika watching her favorite cartoon Shinchan. She was so into it that she didn't even notice Om entering inside.

"Ahmm..ahmm" Om cleared his throat making Anika look towards him.

"Ommie" squeled Anika and opened her arms indicating him to give her a hug which he happily obliged to.

"How are you cupcake? How can you take such a big risk! If something might have happened to you then?" asked Om cupping her cheeks. Fear reflected in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Om but I could not loose you all, if saving you all would cost my life, then I would happily die" said Anika with a smile.

"Shh..never talk about death" Om warned her to which she nodded her head like a small child.


Anika was discharged from hospital, Om and Rudra spend their most of time with her as compared to Shivaay. 

On the other hand Shivaay started been jealous of Anika. Because as per him she had stolen them from him or can say stolen there obro's moments from them.
Right now Shivaay was working in his room regarding upcoming project. He was busy typing when his phone rang.

"Hello" said Shivaay.

"Shivaay baby! I missed you so much." said person on other side. (Ladies and gentleman, here I present you Miss Tia Kapoor , girlfriend of one and only Shivaay Singh Oberoi.)

"Tia, how are you?" 

"I'm good baby but why are you sounding so low!"

 "Nothing just busy with upcoming project."

 "Oh baby,you work so hard. I'll send you reki from here. Okay baby I have to go now and see you soon." saying this she cut the call.

Tia, daughter of Mr. Ram Kapoor who is one of the leading businessman in London. Mr.Kapoor was really impressed with Shivaay's way to crack a deal in business, the way he looked after whole business empire single handily and he kept a proposal of Tia marrying Shivaay which will make Shivaay 50% holder of shares in Kapoor Industries. Shivaay not believing in love and stuff agreed to this deal and today here they are!


Today was Sunday, Shivomru's obro time. Moving towards kitchen they helped each other wear apron.

"So boys, what's the menu of today?" asked Om.

"Bacon and cheese!" said Rudra.

"No rudy let's make something different today"said Om. "Aloo-puri?" asked Shivaay making both Om and Rudra shock.

"Bhaiya from when did you started eating oily food? You felt michmichi seeing them!" asked Rudra.

"What's the mi...michimichi?" "It's michmichi which means ewww..type feeling" explained Rudra with his actions.

"From where did you learn such words?" 

"Bhaiya it's Anika di's dictionary. You know she has amazing set of words like Khidkitod, Phail gya Raita and.."

"Stop! Just stop taking that mad girl's name infront of me." Shivaay said interrupting Rudra.

"Shivaay I thought you might be over that fight but you are still stuck at that!" asked Om.

"Just don't start Om, let's make Aloo puri first." said Shivaay trying to distract him and them from the 'Anika' topic.

Everyone settled themselves in dining area.

 "Hello everyone! Missed me?"asked person from behind. 

"Anika puttar so good to see you come here my child." said Dadi. With Anika on wheel chair there was girl behind her in mid-20's pushing wheel chair, they made there way towards others.

"Anika who is this preety girl with you?" asked Jhanvi aunty. "Aunty did you not recognize her she is Gauri, my sister!" said Anika making others surprise.

"Food is here everybody !"said Rudra coming with Shivom from other side.

"Di" squealed Rudra and sat on his knees hugging her. "Anika should have called me . I would have personally come there!" said Om.

"No Om, I know sunday is your obro's day and I did not wanted to disturb it, infact Gauri came back from Paris last night so I thought to come with her and meet you all' said Anika making Om look to other side where he found girl with mesmerizing eyes looking preety in simple jeans and top. He was enchanted by her beauty, her simplicity and on other side Gauri was too busy looking at him. She felt something different seeing him. Both broke out of there trance when they heard Dadi calling them to settle down and have breakfast.

"Wow! Aloo-puri my favorite"shouted Anika making others laugh. "

"'s so tasty! Om when did your taste change?"asked Anika relishing her food. "Anika this Aloo puri is not made by me it is made by Shivaay." said Om making Anika surprise. She looked up to see Shivaay staring her .

"Oh!" she whispered and continued eating without giving him a glance.

On other side Om and Gauri were stealing glances with each other, passing small smile if they found been caught.

"Huh! See this girl's attitude she didn't even thanked me for it!"thought Shivay who was busy murdering food rather than eating it.

"Shivaay baby!" came voice from behind, and person was none other than Tia Kapoor standing in hall with her suitcase plastering big smile on her face. be continued!


Precap:- "Dadi we are here to keep mairrage proposal of Anika and Om." said Mr.Trivedi making everyone shock including Anika!


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