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I would arrive on time and head to my lockers.

"Yo, Miles!" Ganke's voice shouts as I looked towards his direction.

I would see Juliet walking past, carrying other books while listening to two other girls gossiping. Suddenly... it's like my tingles went off again for the millionth time. She stopped walking.

"What's wrong, Juliet?" Cloe asked her.

Juliet didn't say anything. My tingles were still going off. Is it because of my feelings for her and she noticed?

"...It's fine." She said, "Just was thinking as if I forgot something." She lied.

Since Juliet started to go here, I noticed she always had excuses and usually takes about 30 mins to an hour to leave and come back. Then again there's a lot of rumors of her leaving a lot to help her parents' pizza business because the place does have some good food.

But then Juliet didn't say a word as her friends talked her head off. I noticed ever since I became Spider-Man, it's like my tingles goes off every time she walks past... it's like as if she's hiding something or is in danger.

"Dude go talk to her, ask her out." Ganke said nudging me.

"Dude you saw—"

But Juliet's eyes met mine. My tingles were still going off and her looking in my direction made me nervous.

"Girl! Did you hear what I'm saying?"

Juliet flinched. The bell rings and it was time for first class.


Later that day, it was lunch and my tingles went off again. I texted Pete and asked for his opinion about Juliet and the tingles and he didn't give an answer as it stumped him too. Juliet got up the same time as me. Huh...?

Her eyes met mine again. It had the same suspicious look. She and I went separate directions. I went to suit up in an empty classroom. But while I was about to leave.... That's when I saw it.

Cosmic Spider. She noticed me before using her webs to grab ahold me and pull me into the classroom.

"You didn't see anything?" The spider girl asked coldly.

"No...! I only saw you in your suit. Though I am—"

She covered my mouth.

"Look, I normally work alone despite the original spider-man teams up, but I'll let it slide." She said coldly.

She moved her hand away.

"I swear I didn't see anything, promise." I said as she didn't say a word, climbing out of the window as she webs on top of a tree. I followed behind her.

"You believe me, right?"

"...For right now." She spoke.

I don't know what it is but her voice sounds so familiar... Cosmic Spider would pull out her phone for a moment, looking up something.

"What's your plan?"

I am still new to this whole spiderman thing. Peter left with MJ to take care of some things.

"There's two things closeby. A mugging situation, or a stolen car." She reads out.

"So divide and conquer?"

"Ding ding ding. I'll take care of the stolen car. You can handle the mugging situation. We have to be back before anyone suspects."

So what I can guess that she's a student from the academy...

"Right, got it. Can I get your number to let you know—"

"No time. Just meet up at this tree. Got it?"

I always heard cosmic spider was nice and heroic. Though I think it's because she prefers working alone. I have to ask Pete about this later.

"Got it."

She would web one way and I would web the other direction.


I was able to handle the mugging situation but haven't seen cosmic spider back. While waiting I would text Pete.

Hey, Pete. Got a few minutes?

For you Miles? Of course. What's up?

You know anything about Cosmic Spider?

Yep. Teamed up with her a few times. Hard to get her to reveal my identity even after a year.

I also thought back this morning and the way Juliet was acting at lunch earlier. We both got up at the same time in a hurry... can she be Cosmic Spider?

Wait speaking of Cosmic Spider— where is she? I would check to see people talking about cosmic spider and the stolen car situation and her coming back.

"Well we killed two birds with one stone." I said as she didn't say a word.

"Hey, look—"

She sighs as she webs on top of the academy building she would stand there, waiting for me as I joined her.

"Look. You and original Spider-Man don't get it. No one should know my true identity." Cosmic spider admits.

"Why not? I mean how we can meet outside the mask and plan accordingly?"

"That's with you and Spider-Man. Although I don't mind the team ups with either of you but... I just can't. I can't risk someone to spill the beans to ANYONE." She admits.

"Trust me, Spider-Man and I will keep our secret to our graves."

She made a low noise looking down at other students eating lunch together. There was an awkward silence. I didn't know what to say and wanted to comfort Cosmic.

"...I need time." She finally spoke, "to think."

"I understand. Take all the time you need."

Her stomach grumbled as she got up.

"Wait... can I have your number? In case we team up again."

Cosmic Spider turns around.

"...Sure." She said as she pulled out her phone as I pulled out mine putting her number in.

"See you around?"


We would go our separate ways.


After finally climbing in, I would take a breath of relief.

"Dealt with Spider-man again?" A familiar voice said.

I looked up to Lola eating a club sandwich while messing with the computer. I took off my mask. Despite I promised to not tell anyone — Lola was the one who caught on but won't expose my identity because I always would make out of my way sometimes to talk and make Lola not feel alone (despite Cloe and Aaliyah don't really like me hanging anyone lower class.)

"Yeah this time it was the second one." I stared at one of her extra club sandwiches.

"Ah, spider-man two. Young rookie and student of spider-man one." She said as she noticed me staring before sighing and handing me the extra slice.

"What else you know?"

"Other than he's been doing around the same time you've been cosmic spider? Not really. Same with his mentor. Both have clean slates."

I would grab a seat, eating the sandwich.

"I see. His mentor is still persistent but strangely left and left it to his student."

"Probably needed a break." Lola spoke, "Since I can imagine being a hero is mentally drained."

"Yeah, it really is."

I had to hide my sprained muscles around spider-man two. What's surprising is Lola being top student but does most of her classes in this classroom she turned into her "sanctuary," as she calls it.

"Speaking of it, you want to sleep over after classes? I'd let you make your own pizza."

Lola laughs.

"You had me at pizza." Lola was busy with something as I continued eating.

"Whatcha cracking?" I asked.

"Trying to decode something."

The bell rings.

"...well seeing we have next class together. Why not take a break?"

I know Lola is very stubborn and wants to crack it within an hour or so. But I know she can't always isolate herself in her "sanctuary."

"Fine. But you still had me at pizza."

I laughed as Lola closed and made sure she's logged out of everything before walking beside me.

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