Effect Becomes Fury

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Only uncanny whispers flowed through Krymerii's mind. Without uttering any real words, she knew exactly what the entity conveyed to her.

A feminine entity who claims to guard Krymerii by its tumultuous light cast outside the realm she inherits. According to the entity, Emberlon, no foreign being can enter inside her light.

The whispers that she blows through Krymerii's ears was, "Be happy. Be creative." And she was stern with her words when she said, "You shall not create anything inside my sacred light. If you do, there will be consequences. I can only hold in so much before I'm inundated."

Krymerii felt she was done talking and started sauntering through the low-levels of water, feet worn in white high heels making little splashes on every step.

When her heels started clicking on land, she saw a woman with the same orange skin that she possessed. Only difference was, instead of legs, she had an elongated black tail that was very sharp at the end.

She looked over at Krymerii, reconstructing her stoic face into elation. Krymerii felt a little timid by the way the woman slithered towards her so rapidly shouting, "My Primordial Sister!" With wide open arms.

She tightly wrapped her arms around Krymerii. The woman's golden breastplate and bracers made Krymerii shiver a bit. For a second, Krymerii wondered to herself why did she appear in this world wearing a white, cold shoulder bodysuit that exposed her back, while this woman appeared the way she did.

"Shadaitey." The woman said, once she released her from a bear hug.

"Huh?" Krymerii baffles, looking up to her so meekly.

"I'm Shadaitey." She clarified. "Your primordial sister. Emberlon told me to come here."

Krymerii found herself incoherent as her lips moved like it had no direction. She simply nodded her head.

"We must unite with our other half." Shadaitey said.

"What other half?" Krymerii inquired, like a wondrous child to a mother.

Shadaitey slithered around her, then looked back and answered, "Our primordial sisters." She proceeded, "Come on, we must go to Vanjuit." She said as Krymerii followed suit.

The two stood above a mountain, looking down at a large white circle at the bottom, embroidered with gold. The squiggly black lines tracing the ground were a design of all the sisters heads. There awaited two more women, which Krymerii assumed to be the primordial sisters. Shadaitey led them down, giving a more detailed view of the sisters.

Of course, they too possess the orange skin, but their styles immensely opposed each other.

The one named Hereacil (told by Emberlon's whispers) wore a bodysuit just like Krymerii. Except only hers was black, coated in a green robe, exposing the midriff of her outfit. Instead of heels, like Krymerii, Hereacil wore black combat boots and her hair only reached down to her shoulders.

"Wow, she looks cool." Krymerii thought to herself.

"You look so angelic!" The one with the wicked hair said, interrupting Krymerii's attention off Hereacil.

Krymerii turned her attention to the wicked hair woman, catatonic by her style.

"I'm Teersiress." She said extending her white satin gloved hand.

Krymerii shook it while staring at her head full of long ponytails.

"Cute hair." Krymerii complimented, eyeing down her white and black bodysuit, that led down to her scarlet thigh-high boots.

Teersiress warmly smiled. "Emberlon wants each of us to make an elemental planet. Create a goddess on that planet, name that planet, and give the goddess a plight of women to help her take care of the planet she rules over."

"Is that all we're supposed to do?" Shadaitey asked.

Teersiress took a second to answer, like she was waiting to be fed more information. "Once your objective is complete, Emberlon says you may create whatever you want, just as long as it's outside of her light."

"Outside of her light..." Shadaitey repeated to herself. "Got it."

"I will create the Sea Goddess." Teersiress said. She turned to Hereacil, telling her. "You will create the Earth Goddess." Then she turned to Shadaitey, "You will create the Sun Goddess." Finally, she turned to Krymerii, "You will create the Moon Goddess."

"We should all move to our corners." Hereacil's commanding voice said.

Krymerii walks to her station, staring at something that floated above a tall stone. It was clear, hazy, and very much round. One tap of a finger and it released a circular wave, leaving her finger to be wet. She wiped her wet finger on her clothes taking a deep breath. "Moon Goddess. Okay..." She glanced at everyone, held her hands beside the orb, shut her eyes, and begin creating.


The Primordial Sisters unlimitedly created many planets throughout the darkness, allowing Emberlon to shine her vigorous light upon them.

They learned that what they create, they naturally have a psychic connection to. The Primordial Sisters would use this connection to influence the behaviors of the beings, just like Emberlon does with them.

With all of their imaginations made tangibly, Krymerii wanted something different. She became dissatisfied with her routine of making distinctive women on each planet, spectating their philosophy of living through her orb.

She urged to innovate something completely opposite of women.

Krymerii ruminated on the word, "Woman." Then sat back really absorbing the word. She subtracted the letter W and got the word, "Oman." It sounded nice, but didn't sound right, so she subtracted the letter O and got, "Man." A spark set off in her mind as she repeated to herself again, "Man!"

"Krymerii!" Hereacil yelled.

Krymerii spun around in a heart beat, dumbfounded and frightened of what stood in front of her. Her lips quivered.

The sisters glared, impending an assault from the large figure standing center, yet slightly closer to Krymerii.

"What is that?" Hereacil inquired. She aimlessly shouts to the air, "Emberlon, what's going on?"

Emberlon's whispers brushes through everyone's ear denying a creation she had no part in.

After allowing some time to go by, Krymerii finally stepped forth. "I believe I made this. He's a man."

Krymerii gazed at everyone's faces, only for them to share a deplorable reaction, to which Krymerii ignored.

The man, of course, had the same skin color as the sisters. His body was a bit larger than theirs and his muscles were neatly toned. His black hair didn't conceal his back like Krymerii's did. In fact, his hair was a finger-pinch short.

His uncanny existence coated in white clothing reflecting a bright aura beckoned Krymerii to him. She slowly reaches her hand out to him, approaching as he stays in place lifting his hand up.

His arms spasmodically spreads out as if he lost balance, grunting painfully, before their fingers could intertwined.

A shiny metal that protrudes from behind him unleashed, making his white shirt absorb red from the center of his chest. His legs crumbled. Krymerii catches him on the ground.

"NO!" Krymerii cried out. Her bubbly eyes stared up, and she couldn't believe her eyes. "Why?!" She screamed. "How could you!"

"Krymerii," Teersiress started. "You know the rules. We're not allowed to create inside Emberlon's light."


"It would've been the same results." Teersiress poised.

Krymerii's body begins igniting colorful energy, arising with infuriation. Without thinking about it, blind rage made her fire prism energy.

Shadaitey spring to action deflecting the blast with her bracers. She said, "Krymerii, I know you're upset, but she's right. We shouldn't be doing this."

"How foolish of you! You're just saying anything to have it your way!" Krymerii shouted, in response to Emberlon's whispers. "You're the one who told me to be happy and creative and dammit I'm doing that!"

"What is Emberlon telling you?" Shadaitey wondered, slightly putting her guard down.

"Nothing important." Krymerii replied like a petulant child.

"Emberlon told me she received premonitions." Teersiress said.

Krymerii mumbled, "She would tell you."

Teersiress ignored her and continued. "Emberlon heralded me that if she multiplies man, one man in particular would cause havoc."

"Preposterous!" Krymerii grumbled.

"Krymerii, your feral state could increase danger." Hereacil stepped in. "You need to calm down. We don't want dark energy wafting around."

Suddenly a beam of light was sent down, delicately shining brighter until everyone's eyes were temporarily blind. Krymerii had realized immediately that the man had vanished from her arms. Her eyes were stuck looking at the same spot his head rest at.

Shadaitey gracefully placed a hand on Krymerii's shoulder, gazing deeply into her disheartening soul. "You'll be okay."

She and Hereacil went back to their stations, except Teersiress, whom looked down upon Krymerii. With a self-righteous mouth, she said, "If you wish to spread a gloomy spirit, take it somewhere else. Emberlon made this light to block out darkness, not have darkness in it." She strutted back to her station.

As Krymerii watched her self-righteous hips sway side-to-side, she murmured to herself, "You're gonna see what darkness is."



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