Fantasy Boy

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Larilk always wondered, were girls aliens? Or was he the alien? Is it his aesthetic or is it their aesthetic?

Compared to the other boys at his school, Larilk doesn't dress up anywhere near a nerd, but he certainly has the mind of one. Although, intelligent, Larilk tries to avoid garrulous topics like history, science, and math. He attempts the trendy topics like: celebrity drama, sports, life stories he felt were funny to him, only to get a fake laugh or an awkward silence. He doesn't blame them; his pants suddenly dropping during a history presentation isn't all that funny anyway.

The most he ever got to hang with a girl was with his crush, Jintoria. She was in his fourth period English class. Sitting next to her, Larilk would sometimes help Jintoria with her grammar, eventually leading up to them having causal conversations. They talked and laughed about anything. Sometimes, too much. The English teacher had to ask them to be quiet a few times.

It surprised him that he could make her laugh, since most people apathetically respond to his jokes by a weak excuse to depart. Most of his "jokes" were usually when he wasn't trying to make her laugh.

After a few months of talking, the state fair was around the corner and Larilk gained the courage to ask her out. She happily accepted the offer, which astounded Larilk. He had to keep his composure from extreme excitement. He didn't wanna seem like the clingy type.

Although, they had a blast at the fair and their friendship was good (hoping it could be more), Larilk started hearing rumors about Jintoria seeing a guy around school.

In the cafeteria, he sulked at the guy who sat at Jintoria's table. His arm wrapped around her as she leaned on him. Everyone at their table laughed with each other.

The guy who had his arm around Jintoria glanced at Larilk, then rolled his eyes like he's worth nothing but the bottom of his shoe.

Larilk felt his body tensing up, his eyes twitched as he let out angry zephyr through his nose.

He thought to himself, "How could someone like Hadreiyan rolls his eyes at me, as if I'm beneath him. He's a contumacious idiot with no direction in his life. And why would Jintoria get with him when he's a known drug dealer? Is it his style that caught her attention, that he's a class clown? Is he cool for smoking around the corner of school?"

So many questions that remains to be unanswered. But all he knew is, he couldn't believe Jintoria for doing this. All the months of hanging with each other felt wasted. For a week straight Larilk was lovelorn by their circumstances.

Whenever Jintoria spoke to him in class, asking how he's doing, Larilk would hardly ever look her in the eyes. He only gave her brief answers like: I'm alright or I'm doing fine, then he would focus on his class work. Everyday in lunch, he would watch Jintoria in Hadreiyan's arms, laughing it up with their friends as always. Larilk's body tensed up and his blood began boiling at its apex.

"Larilk, you alright?" His history teacher Mr. Praschel asked. He was passing by his table.

Larilk snapped out of his anger like a dark possession let him go. "I'm fine." He said.

"You sure?" Mr. Praschel asked.

"I'm fine. Really." Larilk firmly said.

Mr. Praschel stared at him for a brief moment to see if he would crack. He didn't. So he proceeded walking.

Later that day, when Larilk got off the bus, he saw neither of his parents cars were sitting on the driveway. He didn't expect to anyways, since his dad is a doctor and his mother is a nurse. And nurses are the ones that's usually always on the clock.

After he got in the house and lock the door behind him, Larilk hung his bag up on the wall and started thinking. Thinking about Hadreiyan's aura that attracts all the girls to him, even someone like Jintoria who Larilk feels should be aware that he could ruin her with his bad habits.

"Why him?" Larilk asked himself. His blood boiled again.

In the midst of his anger, a thought came to him, lowering his anger to a more phlegmatic level. His father's book of spells. Larilk ran to his father's office, barging through the door, and rummaged through a chunk of pages until he stumbled upon this one spell: the incubus spirit.


Walking through the hallways of Berdanti High School, Larilk had all eyes glued on to him like a celebrity's child going to a public school.

He looked over and saw the girls blushing and whispering about him. One walked past him saying, "I like your button up shirt."

Larilk glanced back replying, "Appreciate it." 

One dude approached him inquiring, "Are those your dad earrings and watch?"

Of course this was no other than Hadreiyan's friends asking him that. Hadreiyan himself stood in the background watching their exchange. Larilk glanced at his silver watch then responded, "At least my dad could get one. Where's yours?"

That smile that was previously on his face vanished like a blown-away fire on a candle by wind. A few kids aside quietly chuckled. Larilk showed off his clean white teeth telling him, "Be easy, bro!" Chucking a hard pat on the shoulder before leaving.

Walking off, pass Hadreiyan, who eyed him up and down, a random girl came and tapped the rear end of his trousers. Larilk spun around only seeing a giggling girl disappearing into the crowd. He smirked as he kept walking through the halls.

During a few of his periods, lots of kids complimented his new look. He didn't even know who half of them were. When he arrived to his fourth period English class, (Larilk's more anticipated moment) he causally sat in his seat, waiting for Jintoria.

Larilk glanced behind him at the voice of Jintoria laughing with her friends. Larilk pretended as if he didn't see nor hear her walk inside. His back was turned on her.

Weirdly, he felt an aroma of cherry scent breathing down his neck. "Larilk?!" Jintoria said.

Larilk looked back. "Oh, what's up, Jintoria."

"What's up?" Jintoria repeated, raising a brow. "What's up with you! You look... different."

Larilk shrugged his shoulders to say, "Yeah. Just tried something different."

Jintoria curved her lips then sat down. She allowed a minute to fly by before saying, "Hey, Larilk?"

"Yeah?" He responded.

"A friend of mine is having a party at her house tomorrow night. You wanna come with me?"

Larilk widened his eyes. He boldly ask, "Shouldn't you be walking in with Hadreiyan?"

"What?! No." Jintoria anxiously laughed. "You thought we were together?"

"It look like it." Larilk said.

"No!" Jintoria laughed again, before clearing her throat. "I was just hanging with him for a little bit because of my friend." Then she looked down hiding her guilt.

Larilk almost felt sympathy for her, but he couldn't help but question the veracity of her answer. Because judging by the past week she spent with Hadreiyan, she didn't seem regretful.

"I'll go with you." Larilk said.

Jintoria flicked her head up with visible elation. "Seriously?!"

Larilk nodded his head.

"Okay!" Jintoria said. "We'll go by... nine o'clock."

"Alright." Larilk said.


When they arrived to the party on foot, considering most of the kids live in the same neighborhood, the house was crowded.

On the second story of the house kids were throwing water balloons at the kids beneath them, infuriating a group of wet boys to zoom upstairs. Other kids ran behind them to see a fight break out.

The foyer was half empty from all the kids running in after them as Larilk and Jintoria stepped inside. The smell of pizza permeated throughout the house, as if that's the only food they had. But when Larilk and Jintoria entered the kitchen, it had fried chicken, tacos, various potato chips, and a bowl of red punch.

Jintoria grabbed a cup and a big spoon, and scooped up the red punch. She froze, turning to Larilk and ask, "You want some?"

Larilk shook his head. So Jintoria proceeded to spill the punch into her cup. Larilk instead grabbed a plastic plate off the counter. He looked through a big selection of pizza boxes stacked up in the corner. From a quick peek inside, most pizza boxes were devoured, unsurprisingly. But he did manage to get one pepperoni pizza after nine boxes.

"Hey, girl! I'm glad you've made it." A girl said behind Larilk.

He turned and saw Jintoria hugging the girl, which he assumed to be the friend that invited her, also meaning this is her house.

"This is my friend, Larilk." Jintoria pointed at him in the middle of eating.

Her friend diffidently waved at him with a sense of flirtation in there, then hurriedly took Jintoria away into the crowd. As they faded away, Larilk heard a lot of thumping upstairs, plus kids cheering really loud. The kids downstairs heard it, but ignored it and kept on dancing.

Suddenly as Larilk finishes his pizza and maneuver through the crowd, he felt someone tap him on the butt. He instantly turned around, staring at a coated teeth of metal from a grinning girl who asked if he wanted to dance. Larilk accepted it. The girl found herself quite fascinated by the way he moved his hips and torso so smoothly. She would pull him close whenever she spotted other chicks were watching or attempting to dance on him.

Larilk lost track having so much fun, he didn't notice Hadreiyan's presence until he heard him laughing obnoxiously loud. Larilk tried to ignore him, but Hadreiyan spoke so loud that his irritation grew, simultaneously dropping his thrilling energy like a thermometer.

Larilk decided to take a break from dancing. He approached the kitchen to fix himself a cup of red punch. Suddenly someone slammed their hand on the counter, startling Larilk as he blotted his blue collar shirt.

"Sup, Prince Charming." A familiar voice said.

Larilk faced him, narrowing his eyes in disgust. "It would be you." He said. "What do you want?" Grabbing a napkin to wipe his shirt.

Hadreiyan shrugged his shoulders. "Don't need nothing from you." He walked around the counter to get a jar of cookies. He took a bite as he said, "It's what Jintoria needs."

Larilk looked up. "What happened?"

"Nothing... she's just going through some rough times. Certain people she can't pay off, so it had to be payed in other ways." He finished the last bite of cookie, then left.

Larilk's heart sunk to his stomach. He became furious, like he felt a beast coming over him. His eyes began glowing yellow. He marched around the house looking for Jintoria. When he found her upstairs sitting by herself, his anger softened conveniently.

"What are you doing up here?" He asked with immense concern.

"Nothing, just taking a break from everybody." She anxiously laughed.

Larilk sat next to her in bed. He stared at her as she only faced the floor. Larilk delicately grabbed her chin to direct her attention onto him, slowly leaning in for a kiss. After a bit of hesitation from her end, she gave in. Then one thing led after another.



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