Chapter One

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An adult Eevee flopped around in his sleep. He whimpered as the nightmare consumed him. He had been having them for three days now. Ever since Fae died he's been reliving when she heroically pushed her own brother, a shiny male Fennekin, and a pink female Litten.

Her brother was a male Umbreon.

In the dream, the Eevee—Corvus—was running through the plains that came to a forest they called the origin of the Eevee legends: Eevee Forest.

It was a sacred place where the original village of Eevee and it's evolutions lived. There, Pokemon such as Eevee and Eeveelution were made special.

Corvus had been working his twenty six year old legs hard to find the place where Fae had been fighting her own friend, Lazarus. He had been put under the control of hypnosis and had been brutally slashing down everyone who got in his way.

He saw them. They were fighting. They weren't originally doing that! Corvus gulped, feeling very afraid. He had to be brave. He had to save his soulmate. He wanted to convince her he was the right one for her after all.

He hated how she rejected him! He was still petty about that.

He jumped in front of the Behemoth Blade attack, and winced as his body got slashed in half. He then let out a bloodcurdling scream.

He jumped up in his nest, panting heavily. What a nasty nightmare. He shivered as he looked around.

The darkness was still invading the day. I should go back to sleep. He thought as he lowered himself back into his next.

He closed his eyes, and willed himself to sleep. Nothing. He was still wide awake. That nightmare really shook him.

He groaned. He didn't want to wake up late tomorrow. Tomorrow was when they would bury Fae's body.

Eon's family had decided to just bury her in the village cemetery. Corvus knew why as well. They just didn't want to drag her body all the way back to their crispy home where nothing was. Fae and Eon had told them what happened.

His eyes stretched open, and he groaned. He really couldn't go back to sleep could he? He reached his body out in a stretch.

Well, I'm awake now. That can't be helped.

He yawned. He might as well go outside the tent to see what's up with the village now.

Most of the injured Pokémon have healed. A few have died, but none that Corvus cared about. Of course it sucked, but they weren't related or were really friends with Corvus. Plus, none would ever hit as hard as Fae's death.

Corvus tried to keep the tears from flowing. A real masculine Pokémon didn't cry. A friend told him that.

Maybe I should take a walk. That will clear my mind. He thought as he pushed past the flaps of the tent. He felt the breeze ruffle his face and back. He shivered. It was chilly outside.

He padded through the village. The bodies that used to liter the street just three days ago was cleared up. The blood was still drowning the ground. He could smell the metallic scent in his nose.

Nobody was outside, so he could think in peace. He just couldn't believe it's been three days since her death. He got to meet her mother—a strange Jolteon by the name of Izar—and her father, Ezekiel. Her parents had explained to him that they were separated in a fire thanks to a super strong Luxray.

What's funny to Corvus was that Luxray was hanging around the village still. He hasn't attacked Eon since when he had been taken control of.

So much destruction. Corvus thought with a shudder. He didn't like war, but he was forced into one. And now it was all over. What was Corvus to do with his life?

I always thought my destiny would be with Fae, but I don't know anymore.

He stopped when he found himself at a fallen tree. He had walked too far. I should go back.

He turned around and began to head back to his bed. The walk didn't really help him clear his thoughts or worries. What was to happen now? The elders mentioned something about making peace, however peace wasn't that easy was it?

Corvus sighed. He wished he didn't have such provoking thoughts in his mind.

He sat down with a sigh.

He didn't notice a gray Pokémon approaching him with a scared expression on his face. He was surprised when the shiny Fennekin ran behind him shaking.

What? What's going on? Corvus wondered. What was a Fennekin doing so far from his village? Shouldn't he be at his house sleeping? Why is he shaking and hiding behind me? Corvus wondered.

His question was answered, not that he wanted it answered, when an Azurill approached with a cute smile. "Hello!" She said as she peeked behind Corvus to see the shiny Fennekin with a squeal.

What the fuck was going on? Was this Fennekin running away from an Azurill that had a crush on him?

"Uh, hi. What are you two doing here? Not only is it late at night, but you're trespassing in Eevee Village land. Suspicious." Corvus demanded. He was prepared to use Weather Ball if needed.

The Fennekin shook awkwardly behind him. "D-Don't let her come closer! She's going to hit me again!" He exclaimed in a wail as he tremors besides Corvus. He sounded like a baby when he said that.

"Oh come on, this isn't my quarrel. Leave!" Corvus demanded. He knew they made friends with the Fennekin tribe, but that wasn't an excuse to use him as a meat shield.

The shiny Fennekin continued to tremble as he spoke. "I would, but I don't want to be followed by an Azurill." He remarked as he wearily looks at the water type in fear.

"And I told him I would like to hang out! Now step aside Eevee. I would like to talk to my new boyfriend." The Azurill exclaimed with a pouty face. The way the Azurill spoke was kind of bratty.

Corvus glanced at the shiny Fennekin. Is that...? It can't be! How do I even remember? Is that the shiny Fennekin Fae rescued?

He looked back at the Azurill. She was dancing in place. Corvus had no idea what to think of this situation. Clearly the two Pokémon in front of him were younger than him. What should he do?

The Azurill didn't seem dangerous to him. Yet, the Fennekin behind him was shaking and freaking out. He didn't want to let the Azurill hurt the Fennekin, yet he wasn't sure if this Azurill was truly dangerous.

The Fennekin shivered. He kept on whispering: 'I am not your boyfriend.' However, it did appear the Azurill wouldn't listen.

This was not how Corvus wanted to spend his night. At all.

"You're my boyfriend! You're my boyfriend!" She cheerfully exclaimed with a happy expression on her face. Corvus cringed.

The Fennekin didn't seem like he was trying to defend himself too hard. "Help me please." The gray Fennekin begged. He began to cry.

Was this a serious situation or was this Fennekin just socially awkward?

Corvus decided to take action. "It seems this Fennekin doesn't want to be your boyfriend. I implore you to leave this place if all you're going to do is cause trouble." Corvus informed her.

The Azurill frowned with a grouchy face. "I'll leave if I can take my new boyfriend with me." She insisted.

Arceus give me strength. Corvus cringed. This was the weirdest situation he had managed to get himself in. It would've been way better if he had to pick berries. He at least liked picking berries. Dealing with such assertive females was something he didn't want to deal with.

She started bawling. Corvus was surprised no one woke up to this bitchy cry. She started to sniffle.

Manipulation. Obviously this was the Azurill's tactic,

"Because if I don't get a new boyfriend, then I won't feel fulfilled in life! You want me to feel fulfilled don't you?" She asked them.

Corvus rolled his eyes. She couldn't trick him that easily. "Can't you fulfill yourself in other ways? Battling exists. Or finding a mate who actually wants you also exists." Corvus informed her.

She stared at him in disbelief for a second before bawling some more.

Oh my Arceus this is stupid! Corvus thought. He could feel the cool air nip at his ears. I just want to die! His ears folded down.

He could start to hear some movement within the village. The bawling Azurill had woken up the tribe.

Great. Just great.

"Get out of here! Your stupid manipulation isn't going to work on me! Go find a better boyfriend! This one is obviously not working for you." Corvus roared as he decided to shoot a Weather Ball at the Azurill.

She squeaked in surprise. She darted away with her lips quivering in her wailing.  And now, Corvus had two crying babies to deal with.

"A better boyfriend?! That's not how this works! That shiny Fennekin will be my boyfriend! You meanie! I will defeat you right here and now!" The Azurill declared.

She puffed out her chest as she used Bubble. Corvus had been in many fights before. Both ears and in battles with Pokémon who just wanted to fight for sport. He knew what he was doing.

He easily just stepped aside. The bubbles also missed the Fennekin and instead hit a Flareon who was coming out to check the commotion. It didn't do much. It just annoyed the Flareon who decided to join the battle out of pure anger from being hit with some bubbles.

It was an easy two turn event as Corvus used Weather Ball as a stab move. The Flareon used Flameflower and the Azurill easily fainted.

It took her two seconds to get up before screaming and ruining everyone's ears. After causing a scene, she ran away. The Fennekin stopped trembling behind him and sighed.

"Phew! Thank you so much! She was so persistent. She wouldn't stop asking me out." He remarked.

"You're welcome, but what were you doing out here anyways?" The Eevee asked the young 'Mon. The shiny Fennekin didn't look like a kid. He was at least eighteen years old.

The Fennekin avoided his gaze, finding comfort in the ground. "I-I couldn't sleep." He confessed looking embarrassed. "I couldn't stop thinking about that shiny Eevee who saved me. You were there right? Then again all you Eevee look pretty similar to me." The shiny remarked.

Corvus' eyes widened. So this was that same shiny Fennekin.

He stared off, pondering what to do next. The Flareon who joined the battle approached Corvus. "Corvus? Are the Fennekin Tribe refusing to make peace with us?" The Flareon asked. He was obviously half asleep. He almost fell over in his hustle to get to Corvus.

Corvus shook his head. "No. This Fennekin just happened to be running here. That Azurill was chasing after him. Something about him being her boyfriend."

"I'm not her boyfriend. I have a name by the way." The Fennekin growled slightly.

Corvus' tail flicked the Fennekin's head. "Oomph!"

"Well, you never introduced yourself, timid." The Eevee taunted. "What is your name then?"

The Fennekin growled. He obviously didn't like being called nicknames that made fun of him. "I am Mingan. Don't call me timid!" He growled.

Was he one of those Pokémon? They act all timid and then go off in others faces? He was certainly a strange gray Fennekin that's for sure.

"Sorry. Anyways, why was that Azurill chasing you? I know she kept calling you her boyfriend." Corvus wondered.

"Oh, she's just a stalker of mine. She's been following me around. It's really getting on my nerves. She won't take no for an answer." Mingan told him looking at the ground once more.

"Yikes. Anyways, since this is over with you can go now." The Flareon told Mingan.

Mingan continued to stare at the ground like it was a loyal friend. He kneaded at the ground with a paw nervously. He then looked up at Corvus and Flareon. "I'm sorry, who are you two?" Mingan asked.

The Flareon glared at him. Hostility still in his gaze. Obviously Flareon was still hostile towards the Fennekin tribe. "Me? My name is Rogan. I was just woken up by this blasphemy. And I see a young Fennekin out here. You should really go home."

"I won't go home, Rohan!" The Fennekin protested before gazing at Corvus. He nodded his head.

Corvus rolled his eyes, deciding to appease this strange shiny Fennekin. "I'm Corvus. Why don't you come home with me? If you're not going home that is. It's pretty late. Let's allow Rohan to get some sleep, and then you can continue to run away from the Azurill in the morning." Corvus informed.

The younger male nodded quietly. He stuck close to Corvus as the two began to walk back towards Corvus' house. They were about to enter the house when a loud scream made them stop.


Immediately, Corvus and Mingan exchanged looks. "That's no good. Do you..." "No! Let's go check it out." The Fennekin shyly remarked.

The two dashed away to find a gray-silver Espeon in the elder's tent with no elders.


Author's Note: this is the first chapter to a character within a story of mine called Together. If you haven't read together you might not understand as much.

But anyways, thanks for reading!

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