Death by Homework

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My public school teachers wave as I depart into private school
"You think she knows how much homework she'll get?" Says the first
"Just smile and wave, smile and wave" says the other as I zoom off into an uncertain future.

Okay, so I have a locker where I keep everything I won't need to bring home
I only bring home the stuff I need for homework
Today is the second day of 'official' school where they aren't just introducing us to the curriculum.
I jfvjbtrhigbrni

I mean, yea, get prepared for high school
But is staying up until ten EVERY SINGLE NIGHT really healthy?? At this pace I'll be pulling all-nighters by the second week.

This is me not having a desk
My backpack threw up ;;

No those aren't starburst wrappers what are you talking about-

Anyways, I was able to finally finish up an old gif since I finished my homework at 9 something
New record

Here it be

Low quality fast blinkers

Random flying pepper/leaf thing insert

And it won't let me download the HD version because wattpad

Here are some great pictures *cough*
True majesty

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