Egg Four *Axylian Egg Raffle Results*

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Name ~ Pavo

Gender ~ Female

Tribe ~ WeftWing-SpectralWing

Species ~ Dragon hybrid

Age ~ 5 Years

Job ~ Student at the Refuge Academy

Description ~ A small, lithe dragonet with bright orange markings overtop of stormy blue and green scales. Her armored scales are a deep blue while her wing membrane is orange with paler swirls. Her eyes are an equally bright orange.

Family ~ Fumo (Mother, SpectralWing, Dead) Argus (Father, WeftWing, Alive)

Personality ~ Pavo is a goofy, bubbly ball of happiness who brings her cheer wherever she goes. She is an optimist with a desire to spread her unusual ability to look at the bright side to everyone around her. She is the type to consider everyone her friend until they prove her otherwise. When they do prove that they don't want her as a friend, she usually still persists to gain their favor. Because of this persistence, she can be seen as annoying and clingy. However, she can become upset and depressed when those she trusts dearly reject her. When upset, she becomes quiet and despondent, giving everyone a cold shoulder and refusing to talk out her issues. Because of this, issues with others often take a very long time to resolve.

Backstory ~ As a dragonet, Pavo was born in Refuge who still does not hold knowledge that her mother was killed because of relations with a WeftWing. Now living with her rather detached father, she attends the school in Refuge. She quickly became 'friends' with everyone, just because anyone who didn't decide to hate her yet had made the top of the list. She was rejected in friendship many times just because of how persistent and optimistic she was. She gained mutual relations with Scutum and Fox. However, she ended up getting manipulated by Coal very frequently and still does.

The winner of Pavo is...


Congratulations! I hope you like her :3

HD Version ~

Other arts, i couldn't upload the gifs because apparently Wattpad can't handle it XD

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