Story Time

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I realized I haven't talked about myself enough
Because I'm such a humble person

Story Time

Since I'm going to a Christian school, there aren't many people in my grade.
But I guess that's an irrelevant detail, but just for imagery, there are about seven people in my grade ((it's really weird ;;

But ALL of the middle school plays the floor is lava ALL week
You can only step on a certain color tile and it's absolutely ridiculous
People get hit with doors a lot

...mostly me

And I'm also the shortest person in my class now, and I think I'm probably average height so.. I guess I stopped growing.

Another summary thing! My brother went to one of those horror things where people try to scare you as you walk through..
Oh yea
A haunted house

I know stuff.
But I just get really REALLY annoyed when people tried jumpscaring me because I've grown up with my entire family jumpscaring each other whenever possible, so my immediate reaction isn't 'screech' it's more like
'Stop trying to make my heart miss a beat you insensitive, annoying bean with arms and legs because it isn't working'
So I'd didn't go, and now my brothers think I'm chicken :,)
But CHILD this chicken isn't scared of anything anymore, her human instincts shut off a long time ago.

Okay, I've bored you to death with notable story telling that I forgot to add earlier, have some makeshift art

Warrior cats speed contest, seventeen minutes

They only gave us five minutes :,) I'm not fast enough for this

A very very large commission due on the 31st

Gaytober challenge because I'm not biting off more than I can chew by joining a fanmade contest

My new, unnamed OC is about to hardcore body-slam my other poor, innocent bean OC
Made in half an hour

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