Saw,Chip and Happy

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These three are brothers and sister(cue the animaniacs)


Saw is male he's the youngest of the three he's the gray cat and he's 7 years old

He enjoys to play with anyone especially his sister and brother

He likes kids and likes to play with them to

He has powers to,he can fly and throw large fish at his foes but he is still in training


Chip is male he's the oldest of the three he's the brown cat and he's 15 years old

He passes his time reading and training his little brother

He enjoys to take care of his siblings and train

He also has powers,he can fly and is an expert in combat he can shoot lasers out of things air and other stuff


Happy is a female she's older than saw and younger than chip
She's the blue cat she's also 13 years old

She always plays with her little brother

She enjoys puns and teasing her big brother

She,like the rest of her siblings, has powers she can fly she can also run at the speed of light and is rest good at combat

These three don't have parents so they take care of eachother if you find them they might attack if you're an adult but they will come close to you carefully if you're a kid or teenager

(Me no own le pic)

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