Choosing sides

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"What do you mean?" I exclaimed.
"I mean a lot of things. Which one do you wanna know?" he smiled.
"Vasudeva Krishna-"
"Dhaksha?" I heard a familiar voice.
I turned around to see Balram na, followed by Duruyan, Shakuni and Dhushana.

"Pranam Balram na" I greeted him.
"Pranam Gandharaji..Yuvaraj" I moved back to Kanha's side.
"Arey vaa rey va, It's our Dhaksha" I heard Shakuni's most irritable voice after a long time.
"Mataa.." I heard Mrithik.
Mirthik and Vrithik along with Abhimanyu walked towards us.

"Pranam Mamashree Balram," Both my putras greeted.
"Dhaksha, these are your precious sons? Ayushmaan Bhava, my dears." Balrma na smiled wide.
"Pranam, Yuvaraj," Virthik greeted.
"Arey va rey vaa, It's our Gandharaj," Mrithik touched his feet.
"It's okay my son. It's okay get up." Shakuni moved back.
"What an auspicious day it is. We get to see Dhaksha's precious sons. We get to meet Abhimanyu, "Shakuni said with his one eye closed.
"Yeah, Gandharaj. Not every day you get to see your Godfather up close like this," Mirthik replied.
"Mirthik.." I mouthed. He winked back at me.

"Abhimanyu, take your brothers along with you and get inside. We'll start practising Gada yuddha. I'm sorry for the way he talked, Gandharaj," Balram na said.
"It's okay, Shri Balram," Shakuni replied. "Children nowadays are like that."

Kanha na signalled me to leave the place.
"I've been hearing a lot about you, Duryodhana. I would be happy if it was a good thing. But it-" I heard Balram na say while I walked away.

"Why are you walking away, our Dhaksha?" Shakuni called out.

I turned to see him smirking at me.

"Dhaksha's presence isn't necessary now, Gandharaj" Balram na said.

"Is it? Oh, I thought. Dhaksha's here to seek your help for the war. Cause even we are here to seek your help, Shri Balram rey," Shakuni smiled with those ugly teeth.

"This is my home, Gandharaj. You're in my Dwaraka."I said.

"Gandharaj, I'm Rajkumari of Dwaraka. These both are my brothers. Probably the ageing made you forget things." I walked closer.

"You've got my skills," Kanha said.
"These are my skills. Not yours."

"Gandharaj hasn't aged a bit, Dhaksha. What are you even talking about," Kanha walked towards me.

"What?" Gandharaj stared at us both.
"Wait, maybe he put on a little weight." Kanha smiled at him.

"All the best for the things you are up to in the future, Gandharaj," I said. "Remember we are going to crush those Kauravas," I whispered in his ears.

"I'll leave now. Bhaiya, Please do help them. Our Dwaraka always helps the person in need. We never fail to disappoint them." I smirked at Gandharaj

"Thank you, Rajkumari Dhaksha." he smiled with one eye closed.

Ah, My eyes. My eyes.


The sky was so clear, there were no stars, no clouds, and even the moon seemed to shine less. I stared at the pale moon while resting my hands on the grass near the lake in the Virat Kingdom.

"So have you decided to spend your days before war, like this?" I heard Dhrithi.

"What am I supposed to do Sakhi? Stop the war? Your Krishn's stubborn. He won't let me do anything. I'm happy at least he's on our side now." I turned to the other side.
"Duruyodhana is a fool. He chose the Narayani Sena. He forgot that without a good leader, even Narayani Sena could be defeated. You know that your brother has reason in his doings. Didn't he say that you are born to change fate?" she held my shoulder and sat beside me.

"What fate, Sakhi? I haven't noticed anything change, Dhrithi."
"You're here, Dhaksha. That's the biggest change this dynasty could ever see," she replied.

"What did I do? I still let Draupadi suffer. I still let my Aarya go against Karna. Even though I know the truth. I'm the one who's doing adharma, Sakhi" I sobbed.
"You suffered alongside Draupadi too. You became close friends with Karna. Trust me, Sakhi. Everything's going to be okay." she gave me the golden lotus from the Indralokha.

She gazed into my eyes with a soft smile on her lips. It was comforting and made me feel at ease.
"Why does it feel like a farewell?" I narrowed my eyes.
"How did you find it?" she laughed.
"Are you leaving me alone here?" I held her hands.
"You have a lot of work to do. You have to do it alone, my sakhi." She held my hands.
"Who's going sit beside me like this and give me advice?" I pouted.

"I'm always beside you, my Gouri." she smiled.
"Thank you so much for saving my life, my Lokhasundari."I smiled back.

She got up and walked slowly towards the lake, where lotus appeared all over the lake. She slowly stepped inside the lake and turned back at me.

"Start your work with Suryaputra. Tell him about his true birth. Make way for the change. We'll meet soon, Dhakshayani." she waved at me and disappeared into the lotus.

Moon's reflection on the lake, and the bright stars. I looked back at the sky, to see Chandra Bhagavan shining bright.

"I'm going to see you soon, Dhirti" I stared at the lotus in my palm.

"Did my Supriya leave?" I heard Kanha.

I turned to the other side and avoided him.

"Are you mad at me?" he walked closer.
"What else should I do for you? Kill Abhimanyu in my very own hand? Stab Karna to death?" I raised my voice.
"This is wrong, Dhaksha. When I brought you here several years ago. I told you not to change anything in the past. Did you forget it?"
"Oh is it? Then when did you marry me off to Arjuna? Why did you give me this family? When did you give me putras? Why Krishna? Answer me?"

"I didn't do anything, Dhaksha. It's the universe," he replied.
"Aren't you this wide universe, Krishna?"
"Am I?" he smiled. "Alright. Like I allowed you last, when you asked Draupadi to stop going to the game of dice. I'll let you this time too. Go ahead and do one thing you wanna do against fate and change it. Use the power of the future and change the past. Go ahead, my Dhaksha. I can't watch my sister being mad at me." he held my shoulders.

"Are you sure? You aren't fooling me right?" I crossed my hands.
"I'm sure. How about you start with Angaraj? Like my Supriyaa said." he sat beside me. "You tell him about his Birth and make him understand. Change his mind." he lay down on the grass.
"Thank you so much, Vasudeva Krishna." I splashed water on him.
"Dhaksha!!Grow up. Don't be like this. You are this Universe's Mata. How can you act childish like
When you have a war on stake." he sat up.
"What? I'm sorry, Bhaiya."
"I was joking. Who cares if you play with water? Don't be dumb" he splashed water back at me and stood up.
"Grow up, Krishn," I shouted.
"You are the only one who calls me with all these names." he smiled and got up.
"How about Krishna, the dumbest?"I got up.
"Krishna, the sweetest." he gave me a chain which had half-moon dollar.
"What is this?"
"It's a chain for you. Someone special, they wanted you to have it. It's for you."
"Is it my Aarya? Wait you?" I smiled.
"No, Dhaksha. Here have it." he placed it on my palm and walked away.
"Bhaiyaaa wait," I shouted.

Someone special? Who gave this to me? It strangely made me feel good.


A man afar, dressed in white stood in front of the bright sun. He looked straight at the sun and prayed. Who could look at the sun directly, other than Surya Putra Karna? He stood silent on the shore offering water. Why would fate want a guy like him to have such an ending? Why would a generous man like
him face such things.

I moved forward to him and stood beside him silently.

"Any one who needs daan from this Karna. Come forward. You can ask anything to this Karna. I'm ready to do it." he moved to the other side.

"Can you offer me peace as a daan?" I pat on his shoulder.

"Dhaksha? What are you doing here?" he smiled at me.

"I'm here to ask Daan. I want peace, Karna." I
moved closer.
"What? Peace?" he exclaimed.

To be continued
Thank you so much jimmyprotested29
For letting me use her book's protagonist. This cameo was so much fun. I'm sure everyone enjoyed it.
Always there for Dhriti.

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