Life at Forest

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"Who are you ,your are definitely going to be in pieces!!!," I shouted.

"Well try me!!," He came close and he removed his cloth half.

It was Arjuna.

He winked at me and carried her...

"Aiynaee help my Sakhii why  are you standing like this!!!," Draupadi shouted.

"Husband and wife, they will fight what can I do Draupadi!!," I said.

"What Husband and wife???," Draupadi asked.

"He is Arjuna, my dear Draupadi,"I said.

"Everyone don't move,  if she ask tell her we can't move,"I laughed.

"But how can I tease my sakhi?"

Dhaksha's pov

"Bheem Na you told me you would save me and tear all who troubles me into pieces, what happened now? " I shouted.

He didn't even move

"Why are you not moving Bheem Na can't your hear me!!!" I shouted.

"My dear Dhaksha I can't move that moron have used some magic!!!," he shouted from there.


"You idiotic moron leave me, if I tell my Aarya you will be dead by now. Leave me leave me"

I pushed him away as he was carrying me...

"Let your Aarya save you, dear!!!," he said.

"I have heard this voice somewhere?"

He suddenly kissed my cheeks.

"How dare you. I'm going t-"

"You Aarya is going to kill me?"

That was my Aarya Arjuna...

"Aarya....,why did you tease me?" I beat his shoulder.

"Okay okay I'm sorry my dear Dhaksha," he kissed again.

I hugged him while he was carrying me...

"I missed you sooo much, " I said.

He let me down.

"I missed you too, my dear Dhaksha!," he smiled.

"I missed you more..," I teared a little bit.

"What happened Dhaksha anything happened while I was not with you," he wiped.

"No I just missed you Aarya," I hugged him.

"See now your being crying baby," he said.

"I can cry. I missed my Aarya so much ,you don't have say anything."

"Anything else wrong Dhakshaa!!," he slid  his hand through my hair.

"No Aarya,  I just missed my Arjuna!" I smiled.

"But now something bad going to happen."

"What happened Dhaksha?" he asked.

"Pass me that stick over there Aarya!!"

He gave me the stick.

"Someone is going to die today!!"

I saw stared at Bheem.

"You can't move right, stay right there. I'm coming," I shouted.

He already started running

"You can't move huh, playing along with your brother huh," I ran behind him.

"I'm sorry my dear Dhaksha!!" He laughed.

"How can you laugh wait...."

He hid behind Yudhistran Na.

"Yudhistran Na, I hope you will leave that criminal to me," I stared at Yudhistran Na.

"I'm sorry my dear Bheem. I think you can't escape from here," he moved away.

"So my dear Bheem, can't move? He casted some spell?" I started running behind.

"Look Dhaksha you are grown lady you shouldn't beat a men like this .I'm your Aarya Arjuna's elder brother!!"he ran away.

"I'm deaf I can't hear anything!!!" I started running behind him.

"Draupadi....Nakul... Sahadev....Arjuna help me... From this monster!," he shouted.

I know he could get my stick away within a fraction of second. But he still wanted play this.
Heheheheh here I come!!

"Yudhistran can help me right,"he shouted.

" Me..uhh. Arjuna how did you manage to get Pashupatastra from Maha dev tell me!!,"Yudhistran didn't even care.

"What you guys let your brother run like this," Bheem saw everyone.

Everyone started a laughing.

I suddenly dashed in the bark of the tree..

Lord Shiva Forgive Me!!!!*I heard a noise.

"Who is it??"

"Dhaksha are you alright that's why I told don't fight with me!!," Bheem came sat near me.

"I just got hit by the bark!! Did you hear any noise ??" I asked

"No Dhaksha!!," He said while looking at my wound in head.

"Are you alright?," he asked.

"I'm alright gotchaa now!!," I started beating him with the stick.

"What happened Dhaksha," Aarya came running.

"Nothing I just got hit by the tree-"

"And I got hit by your Dhaksha," Bheem pointed me.

"Are are alright come let me see your wound!!," Draupadi lifted me.

"No one cares about me ,I got hit by your Sakhi too," Bheem kept his both hand on his head while sitting down.

"Come Bhartta I will help you," Nakul tried to lift him.

"Ughhh... I can't lift you better you get up yourself,"Nakul said.

"Wait let us help too," Aarya and Sahadev tried to lift Bheem.

"Hahahaha you three together can't lift me," he laughed.

Both Yudhistran Na and Draupadi laughed. While other three fell down.

Time we spend kailayam were soo good. I gave the divine weapon I brought form Surya bhagvan to Aarya Arjuna.

Everything went normal with my family without any trouble.

Aarya Arjuna was with me too :)

Nearly sunset

"What are you thinking about Dhaksha,is there anything you wanna tell me or something is been troubling you?," he sat beside me.

"Aiyane,I wanted to tell you this thing,"

"What is it??"

I told him about Rishyasringa

"What he gave you love poems and you were meeting him everyday!!!," he moved back.

"No it's not what you think, he looked lot younger than me. I thought his as a little brother!!," I moved closer to him.

"I told him that I have other person filled in my heart!!," I held his hand.

"But he got to see you everyday and you both spent times together," he said.

"No no it's not that I'm soo happy with him!!. I don't love him tho!!," I sobbed.

" I was joking Dhaksha I know how much you love me,"he smiled and held my face.

"Tell me further"he asked.

I told him everything happened further.

"What tried to kill you, made weapons to kill you...missed every chance...her most beautiful reincarnation??"

"Yes Aarya I'm really confused!,"

"Don't worry I won't let anything happen to you my supriya..." He gave a warm hug.

"Wait his poems were soo good ahh?," he broke the hug.

"Yeah little bit," I pouted.

"Tell me one of his poem," he asked.

"She's perfect,
Her adorable face,
The vivid colours of her soul,
But my heart,
Every moment without her it sinks,
Coz without her there's an empty hole,
Loving her from afar
Has been nothing short of sadness and pain
It has definitely taken its toll,
But answer me this;
How can she look me in the eyes,
And not realize
It's my heart she stole?"

"This is not fair!!! You stole his heart... adorable face...loving from afar...." He shouted.

"Aishh..he told right, he was sent to seduce me. For the sake of that he wrote these poems!!"

"And be proud you have a beautiful wife," I teased him and rested on his shoulder.

"From on I'm coming with you wherever you go!!,"

"I won't go anywhere without you...," I smiled.

Time passed I was praying so hard to Lord Shiva ,I told him about my worries and all thing happened to me and my family and seek for his help.
I felt better tho.

While Bheem always stood near me where ever I go..
Even though we fought a lot, we never forget to care for each other .

I missed Vasudeva too. He was always there for me whenever I was in mixed feeling.I saw him the last when he helped us by satisfying Durvasa and his sage hunger.

I thought about Karna too even though I fought with him I can't deny the fact that he is always there in my heart as Sakha..I regretted scolding him unnecessarily. I should ask sorry to him after our vanavas.

"Om Namah Shivay
Om Namo Bhagwate Rudraay'
Om Namah Shivay-"

Aarya Shiva Forgive Me!! For*I heard
My headached...

"Who is that!!!,"I shouted.

"What happened Dhaksha Any problem," Bheem asked while all others gazed at me.

"No no nothing!!,"

"Om Namah Shivay
Om Namo Bhagwate Rudraay-"

I heard footsteps near me.

I opened my eyes.

"How are you my lady?," he asked.

"You are the hunter who saved me right?," I asked.

"Did I interrupted you," he asked me.

I turned around all three Nakul ,Arjuna Aarya and Bheem Na were busy taking with each other.

"Yes!!but what are you doing here??,"

It felt like I have heard his voice before

To be continued...

Why do you think Dhaksha was told to seek Lord Shiva?

How much more troubles Dhaksha will face?

Who is that hunter who saved her?

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Author's note

Thanks for soo much love and support❤.

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