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I looked up

I saw a middle aged man with blue-grey mixed eye with some hair dazzling in front and some at back. His face was soo clear than mine without even an spot.

Shit Dhaksha your are the worst admiring other boy ,that too I guess he is younger than me. I better go.

"How may I help you,"I smiled.

"I'm Rishyasringa a normal country boy who is the owner of all those poems!," he smiled.

Should I reveal who I am, my real name....
What should I do?

"Ohh poems were are soo good ,but listen up now little young men I'm already married!!!"

"Are you sure?," he asked worriedly.

"Yeahh,I do love my Aarya Ar-"

Should I say his name?
We in vanavas now!

"Ohh! Listen Rishyasringa I loved your poems.I hope you get to marry a good woman Goodbye,"I said and was about to move.

" At least your name? Can I know your name we can be friends right I have admired you from afar for more than months for the sake of that let just be friends right. We will only meet when you come here to pluck flowers?, "he said.

He doesn't even look like a men from our country he was somewhat different yet had Indian Name??
What should I do...


"I'm Maaya,we can't be friends tho Good bye!!," I said and ran away

"Maaya!!! Wait!!," he called.

I turned I saw no one there

I ran to our hut.

"What happened Dhaksha why are soo late and why do you seem outta breath!!," Bheem asked.

Should I say to him. If I say that Rishyasringa  would be into multiple pieces.

"Nothing, I just saw an animal!!," I smiled.

"Afraid of animal in vanavas better be brave your are my sister!!," he laughed.


"What is up to you, I thought you will tease me back. Any problem Dhaksha?," he asked.

"Anything wrong Sakhi?," Draupadi asked.

"Nothing just tried!!," I said.

Many months went I saw him everytime I went to pluck flowers.

He used to tell his poems and all.
He also gave me many extinct flowers. He called me sister too.

Something felt wrong with him.
Even though he seemed sweet and decent. My mind said something is wrong with that sweetness.

One day I finished plucking flowers, he will usually tell about his childhood mother and father.

"I'm leaving; Listen something feels really wrong please don't visit me again. I can see your are soo kind and sweet but the feeling in me says something is wrong.I'm sure you understand rish!! Goodbye:),"I smiled.

" I can understand let this be our final meeting, can you come with me I want to show you one place! Will you Maaya?, "he smiled.

What should I do should I go or not.
He says this will be our last meeting.

" Fine let's go,"I faked a smile.

Lord I don't whether this is right or wrong please save me!

We walked soo long and he closed my eyes.

"What happened Rish?,why are you closing my eyes," I asked.

"Wait and watch. Yesss here you go,"

It was an beautiful falls with peacocks and crystals here and there.

"Wow this place is soo beautiful!!"

"I always wanted to come to this place with you"

"Listen Rish I'm married and older than you I thought you would understand but here you go again"

"I'm sorry Maaya after I lost my brother and father. I lost myself," He said in weak tone.

"I'm so sorry about your brother and  father. Sorry if I been rude. But what I'm telling is true. My heart is filled with one person I love the most I can't even imagine any other in my life. I thought you as an little brother," I said while smiling.

"You don't have to be sorry. The person I love the most haven't stayed in my life forever like my father and brother now you. I'm happy with those few months talking with you.
Don't be sorry about my brother and father even you lost your brother too Dhak-," he stopped in the middle.

What Noone here  knows about my brother's dead and he knows about my real name.

"What did you say how did you know about my brother's death, you even called me Dhaksh??, Who the fuck are you!!!???"

He can't be Duruyodhana's servant too. No one here knows about my brother's death. Only Govindhar knows. Shit what problem I have got myself into!!!!!

"Yes, I know about your real brother's dead I know your are Dhakshaaa no what!!!!," he shouted.

"What the fuck-"

He pushed me down and he came near me.

"I'm not Rishyasringa I don't have parents. .I'm not even a human," he laughed.

"I'm Rishyantha from other side, I'm shall be your death Dhakshayani .I was sent to seduce and destroy you but it seems you love your Aarya Arjuna soo much. You won't fall for this face. So let me destroy with this  weapon made to destroy you. It took us years and years to make this weapon. I shall not miss this chance!!!," he shouted.

"You shall not kill me!!! Stay away!!," I tried to get up.

He pushed me down and he took his weapon.

"Now we can see how can you preach darma and save women's society in this disgusting world. You gonno die here my dear beautiful Maaya .Don't think the poems were fake they really came from my heart while admiring your beauty. Her most beautiful reincarnation ever!!!. I missed every chance not again."

"Don't think I will be scared or cry. I'm sure you will die soon. I can see your death is near"

"I can see your death is near  my dear lovable Maaya!!,"

He took his weapon...


To be continued....

Why is he wants to kill her?

What will happen next?

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