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I went closer

"Mister?," I said.

He turned towards.

Tears started flowing down from my eyes,my heart felt weak...

So this well-wisher understands my heart and makes wish come true. I didn't know this is wish I had  deep inside my heart.


I didn't know what should I do.

"Dhaksha," he said while his eyes was full of tears.

I slowly went near him.

"Sakha?," I said.

"Yeahh," I he said

What is happening he is really here.
Did that well-wishers bird made him come here?

"Why why!!!!? didn't you tell me that you were not there at the court room," I bet on his shoulder while crying.

"Why? Why didn't say anything to me while I was scolding you that dayyy. Why Karna why are you soo good".

He smiled with his eyes full of tears....

"Aren't you ashamed you got scolding from  a girl that too you didn't do anything wrong all you did is cared about me a lot!!!!," I wiped my tears.

"This Karna doesn't have any shame when it comes to my Dhaksha," he smiled while he held my shoulder.

What!!! why Lord why?? Why do this ruthless creature Dhaksha have such an good friend.

I kneeled down and started crying so hard.

"Do you think I came this far to see my Sakhi cry like this?," he wiped my tears.

I remembered how  much I hurted him

Back then:

Sakhi ,I'm really sorry for not being there for you,it is my fault I should have been there for you. As you said uttered a word for you.... But-,"

"Please no but  Karna,  You know, why am I even talking to you and facing you .Because of Radhai ma and Vrushali. For the sake of them and for the respect I have for you as guru I'm standing here and talking to you or less I would have gone by now,"

I'm the worst friend ever!!!!

"Will you forgive this Sakhi?. I'm sorry for what happened that day. All you did this cared me above anything and even brought Duruyodhana to ask sorry. But all I did is hurting you with  my words. And broke your heart," I said.

"The one who should forgive is you Dhaksha I let you suffer there I let my Sakhi suffer there. I let the milk spoil,even though it was in my pot in my very own hand . I let them torture you Dhaksha how would I forgive myself Sakhii,"he held my hand.

"I need you to be happy I need you smile. That's all this Sakha wants not your sorry or anything else. Promise me from now on you won't let your tears escape from your eyes," he smiled with teary eye.

I didn't know what to do I hugged him.

"I'm sorry and I won't tear anymore," I wiped my tears.

"I'm happy!!!," he smiled.

"I'm happy atlast to open up everything to you Sakha!!"

"Promise me no matter which side  I am you should always follow darma. Even though that side kills me too!!," he said.

"What promise Karna??,"

Suddenly a arrow struck on his neck.

Made him Fall down and bleed.

"Karna!!!Karna  Who shot you,"I saw around us.

"I can't let you die come let's go to my palace get up Sahadev and Nakul would cure you!!"

"I told your right, I can wait for your forgiveness even it takes till my death. I'm glad it happened!!!" He smiled.

"Sakha Sakha!!," I rest my head on his chest.

I got up

He was not there even the blood stains in my hand disappeared did I imagine things or it was real??

What is happening everything went blur and dizzy.

"The fear of losing can make a calm mind restless," I heard Kanha Na voice****

As I fell down unconsciously!

Meanwhile in Anga:

Karna's pov

"Karna karna I can't let you die come let's go to my palace get up Sahadev and Nakul would cure you!!"

"Sakha Sakha!!"

I got up immediately.

"Ughh!," I got up.

A dream??

"What happened Aiyanae," Vrushali asked.

"I dreamt like being killed in front of my Sakhi!!, " I said in confused state.

"Don't worry Aarya I hope Dhaksha would forgive you one day. Don't think about that matter a lot.It's just an nightmare sleep."

"No Vrushali this is not an nightmare, this is one of my sweetest dream I ever had. I dreamt like Dhaksha  forgiving me. It doesn't matter I die in the end," I smiled.

"Aarya, Dhaksha is soo lucky to have an Sakha like you. I didn't have one like you. I hope one day she will understand," she smiled."Now sleep Aarya".

I really hope this would be true.

Back to normal:

"Dhaksha Dhaksha," I heard Draupadi's voice.

I slowly opened my eyes.
I can see Draupadi sitting beside me.

"Are you awake  you alright?.I told you to be careful right what made you faint huh??," she asked.

"Dhaksha who did this to you what happened this time tell me!!," Bheem shouted.

"No nothing happened I just ran behind the bird. I got hit by an tree and fainted I guess," I got up and smiled.

"Why you have to go behind a bird huh are you still an child. Do you know how much worried I was to see you like this. Do you expect me to walk along with you every time" Aarya shouted.

"I'm sorry for being an trouble and burden to you all," I left from there.

I went to my room.to

Dhaksha are you alright. What happened Sakhi tell me,"Draupadi came and sat beside me.

"I'm sorry for being an burden to you guys," I said in an weak tone.

"Do you even think your are burden to us. Your are our precious thing, you are my Sakhii," she said.

"What happened tell me Dhaksha"

I told everything happened there. About Karna and everything.

"You met Angaraj?? Well wisher Bird could make your wish come true??"

"Yes Lord Indradeva said himself"I said.

"So is that real or hallucination??"she  asked.

"No no it felt real I'm sure that was real but he vanished at last.Sakhii I don't know what happened??"

"Don't worry about anything maybe that bird made you see what you want"

"But he was shot at last Sakhii. I can't handle this Sakhi. I care about both  my Aarya and my Sakha. I didn't know what to do. I can't even imagine losing one of them" I bend down.

"Dhaksha, what happens in this universe has an reason. Remember even your incarnation in this world has an reason. That is to preach dharma and protect woman society. I'm sure there is an reason for this too," she smiled.

"Thank you soo much Sakhi," I held her hand.

"Don't thank me and draw an bridge between us!!," she smiled.

Aarya approached inside. I and him didn't had an proper talk these many days. So it was so awkward between us.

"I'll be outside take care Dhaksha," she smiled at me.

"Dhaksha, I'm sorry I talked to you like that!," he sat infront of me kneeling down.

"Don't be," I turned away I don't know it was so awkward.

"What happened Dhaksha, you have been avoiding me since the day we came here. You sleep earlier without talking to me. You don't talk to me like you did before  .What happened my Patni? Tell me," he held my hand.

Dhaksha you have been misunderstanding Arjuna too like you did to Karna. Lord why in the world I'm like this.

I rested myself into his arms.

"Dhaksha are you okay," he slide his hands through my hair and hugged back.

"I don't I missed you soo much," I said.

"I'm right beside you everytime why would you miss you Dhakshaa?"

"Maybe you were busy all day practicing," I pouted.

"So that is the reason you have been avoiding me huh??," he smiled."Aww you really a child".

"I'm sorry for making you worried!!",I pouted.

"Rajkumar Arjuna you both have been called to hall, "soldier called us.

"You may go we will be there," Aarya said.

To be continued....

Will Karna and Dhaksha know they really met each other?

What more will happen?

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