Aftermath of the Dice game (Karna& Duryodhana) part 3

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I did what I felt right empress, you don't have to thank me , no one deserves to be in such a hapless circumstance, and henceforth you are not responsible to thank anyone.
Karna said.
Draupadi smiled almost mockingly at the title.

"Empress"!.. it seems hollow now, king . I prefer my name nowadays.
And you are a man of values Angraj , I admire your valour and righteousness. Hopefully we are on friendly grounds from now onwards.
She smiled with admiration for the son of a charioteer who fought his way up into the high strata of a rigid society.

Sure , and if we are in friendly grounds , then you can avoid this conventional title while addressing me and instead can use one of my names ; if and only if you are comfortable with it.
Karna added with a genuine smile.

Then you should go with 'Radhey' , sakhi . He always likes to be addressed as his mother's son.
Keshav quipped in.

Indeed your mother must be really proud to have a son like you Radhey!
And I will be glad to call you as such , if you are okay with it.
Panchali added , her mood lightening with the light hearted conversation.

I am more than comfortable in that identity! I am after all a proud son of my Radhama.
He added with a glint of a laugh.
Panchali felt the glee too. So did Keshav as he chuckled.

Then I shall take my leave Sakha , you should probably get ready for the day. I have an important matter to discuss with you , but you clearly look like a baby out of bed . So I will see you in a while . See you later Radhey.
Panchali extended her farewell to both, her first ever friend and new found friend.

See you in a while Sakhi !!
Govind replayed as Panchali walked out of the chamber after returning the genuine smile of Radhey as farewell.

The dawn has broken completely out of the coax of previous night . The marble floor mirrored the sky above which was a canvas with a myriad of colours ; vibrant flowers bloomed into a new day ;
while white flowers - the moon's companions, retreated to themselves awaiting the forthcoming night.

Panchali walked out of the chamber of the king of Anga, she noticed that there were no soldiers as gaurds , neither were there any servants visible in the vicinity. As she walked along the less busy corridor holding her head high , her eyes met an approaching figure in a distance and panic surged into her being , it was the crown prince of Hastinapur - Duryodhana.

She thought to take another way , so did he , both diverted their path , and walked down to the lawn that paralleled the corridor beside; unknown to eachother.

Freedom of her husbands , ownership of Indraprastha that all 6 of them built from scratches with so much hard work and passion and about her children and her sister Subhadra who were still at Indraprastha; all this matters were at top of Panchali's list of concerns . But the newest and most light hearted thing that caught her attention was the bond between her Sakha and Radhey.
What was that?! She mused.

Panchali turned to her mother-in-law's voice . Spotting her near the corridor, as Kunti walked upto Draupadi.

I didn't saw you in your chamber, I was worried for a moment child . Did you got some rest yesterday?
Kunti asked concern lacing her voice.
She seemed a bit breathless, but was pleasent like the morning.
Panchali managed a smile .

I was just looking for Govind, mother . And yes I did got some rest yesterday.
Panchali lied at the end .
Kunti looked a bit satisfied. She gently patted her head.

This is all too much putri , I know . But I can only pray for your well-being. I feel so agitated for being so helpless in this moment. But no matter what , I won't let anything like yesterday happen to you again , till I am alive.
Kunti resolved, almost like promising herself. And panchali could see the warrior princess Pritha somewhere hidden in it. She hugged her mother, letting her know that , she still trusts her.
Kunti returned the embrace with the protectiveness and care of a mother.
Panchali for some reason felt safe.

Karna was taking a stroll through the lawn outside his chamber when he came across an awkward Duryodhana. He looked embarrassed , awkward, wierd , and a little anxious while pacing in random quadratic patterns.

You alright??
Karna called out a little loud.
Duryodhana lifted his gaze from his own feet and looked at the intruder.
And he almost ran to his friend.

Don't shout !! I am fine , what would possibly happen to me?!
Duryodhana whisper yelled.

Yeah , that's right.
Radheya shrugged , his friend was being too wierd . Duryodhana has never once in his life has cared about the world , today it seems something is bothering his friend, that he is whispering him to not 'yell'.

Why are you pacing in circles ? You look awkward.
That's when Radhey realised;
Are you avoiding someone?
Karna asked , trying to meet Duryodhana's eyes , which went to the ground once again. His proud friend seems to be out of his skin today. And Radhey was worried for sure , but the childish behaviour was a sight to behold. A rare one for sure!!

Well it seems you are really avoiding someone.
Karna added , a mischief lacing his tone.

I am not avoiding anyone . Thwart your unwanted assumptions at bay.
Duryodhan lied in a false attempt of salvaging a little of his honour that is left.
Yah , yah ,whatever you say.
Karna reconciled , his brows Arched up high, a glee playing on his lips and mock was evident in his tone.

Did you saw anyone passing by , a few moments ago?
Duryodhan said , as he vehemently searched for even a silhouette of panchali, just to ignore her passionately.

Who ?! The courtiers or any kings or is it some specific servant??
Karna acted like he was as unaware as Duryodhan, as he ran his eyes leisurely over the same direction of his friend's feverish gaze.
And both spotted Krishna simultaneously.

A frustrated groan left Duryodhana's lips , while karna adoringly admired his beloved . Krishna looked serene , as he walked along the corridor with a renewed spirit and determined eyes.
His physique glowing from both the sunlight and his divinity, the eyes confidently looked forward to his destination, which held the whole universe within.

Krishna called out , as he noticed the Ashtarathni figure of Karna shimmering in the day light , lighting up even his surroundings.
Duryodhan muttered out in confusion while tracing Krishna's gaze , that rested on his friend, who stood behind him.
Who is Vrisha?!
Gandharinandan asked , his frown deepening from both the brightness and confusion.

That would be me.
Karna said with a bright smile , as he neared Duryodhan to pat him on his shoulder as a farewell; and walked upto the corridor, joining Krishna.
They walked away together, and Duryodhana just gaped at their retreating figures.

What the...!!
Suyodhan mused in pure confusion and surprise.

Kunti noticed two people nearing them from her peripheral vision , and turned sidewise to get a clear picture.
It was her nephew and ........... Her eldest son.

She felt a myriad of emotions all at once tugging at her heart, but masked it into a small smile with the ease of a queen. Krishna smiled intently at her in return.

Pranipath Bua! (Greetings aunt)
Krishna said as he bowed down to take her blessings.
Pranipath Rajmata! (Greetings Queen mother)
Karna followed suit.

Kalyaan ho putro! (Stay blessed my sons)
She said , her suddenly strained vocals slightly swaying with emotions. While tears stung at the corners of her lotus petal shaped orbs.

Guess ,Now I am in good shape to listen attentively to you Sakhi .
Krishna added to ease the tension with his lite hearted retort.

Sure you are Govind!
Panchali said.
They smiled with ease. For some reason, Panchali felt like she could actually breath a lungful since the dice game court.
They discussed the possibilities of the upcoming court's proceedings regarding the ownership of Indraprastha and staked wealth.

Gandhari was contemplating weather to bring the matter of past to the present , but after yesterday's events , she is quite confident about her dear brother's intentions . Even though she knows that his rage is justifiable to an extent ; but the length Shakuni went yesterday to achieve his revenge was pathetic , and Gandhari sadly realised that her own brother was silently planning her families downfall.

She had to do this , it is now or never.
'But What if..'

Duryodhan called out as he found his mother in deep thoughts , unaware of her surroundings, which was very unlikely of her.

Suyodhanaa.. come near son, we have to talk.
Gandhari said , her tone neutral , the ever present warmth had a hint of protest in it. Duryodhana realised that he had hurt his mother , even though unwittingly.

He obliged as he sat on the mat that was spread on the floor just beneath the majestic mattress of the chamber, on which Gandhari was seated ,and suyodhan , her son just leaned his head into her lap, out of habit.
Her fingers delicately combed through his dark curls , with the affection of a mother.

Son , I want you to listen to me patiently until the end , and then take a decision that will be in favor of my family. I don't want any of my children to be hurt , just because of my past.
Gandhari said , her voice almost a whisper , heavy with the weight of realisation.
And Duryodhan just nodded, as his brows knitted closer to frown deeply.

He attentively listened as Gandhari reminisced her childhood memories with her brothers , especially about her exceptionally smart brother Shakuni , who was more caring and protective than her parents.

Then her life took a turn , when an alliance of the eldest prince of the elephant city came for her. After rejecting the proposal , the storm took the form of Gangaputr Bheeshm and threatened to wreak havoc in their peaceful life. Even though Shakuni and her rest of the family stood strongly against the whirlwinds, they lost the battle egregiously against the illustrious son of Ganga.
So without another option Gandhari had to say yes to the proposal, and eventually decided to keep herself in darkness for the rest of her life , to empathize with her husband, whom she started liking after their first meeting which marked its place in her heart with a good conversation.

But the decision of Gandhari to adapt to blindness , didn't sit well with Shakuni , and he took an oath to unleash destruction upon the Kuru clan and bring it down to the ground with a shattering thud to never let it rise again. And that promise took a vicious turn when Dritharashtr was denied the right to sit on the throne thus preventing Shakuni's sister from ascending the throne of Hastinapur as the queen.

Suyodhan was in lack of words by the end , he placed one and one together to realise that his dear uncle was hell bent on bringing destruction upon his family from the beginning ,that included him and his dear brothers and their younger generations.
He was a fool to not realise this , no matter what the plan it was against the Pandava , it was always formulated by his uncle but by the end, blame came upon him. He agonizingly realised that he was being used as a pawn in his uncle's games his whole life.

Tears left his onyx orbs , the pain and realisation was heavy on him. He wanted his mother to take it all back , but alas ! This was the truth. It seems he was actually a mere pawn for the only elder of his family whom he considered as someone who visibly cared about him. He felt betrayal gnawing at his already broken heart. Is everyone who ever stood by his side, here for their benefits and that alone.
'What else?!, do you think that they will stay for the sake of you.. YOU !! A bad omen , the ill fated , that's all you are ..and will ever be'
His thoughts gave him suggestions. And he decided to believe it.

Gandhari called out , not able to bear his silence.
Maa , I just .. you meant every word you said, right?!
He reassured with a trembling voice, just in case if his mother was playing a terrible prank , he wanted her to tell him , that it was a joke , it's all not real. But Gandhari just nodded.

Duryodhan felt defeated for the first time in his life , neither words came out nor his anger. He buried his face in his mother's lap and stifled the painful sobs that escaped him. Gandhari felt shaken at that sound , she had never heard her son cry , not since he was a boy . Duryodhan was always the level headed one among the brothers , being the eldest he took care of rest of his siblings and was built like a brick wall , be it mentally or physically. Now it collapsed infront of her , he was sobbing like a child in her lap. And she couldn't do anything other than consoling him . She felt bad for not telling him this matter earlier.

The court was summoned. Royals, courtiers, soldiers and servants, all took their responsibility of the day , and was present in the magnanimous hall that held the Hastinapur royal court. But Duryodhana wasn't anywhere to be seen , Karna was panicking inside as he stood beside Krishna and Draupadi . Draupadi has decided to not take any seat as a royal as she considered herself to be the victim of the day's court procedures until justice was delivered. So as her strength she asked both her friend's to stand by her , and they agreed.

King Drupad of Panchal and prince Drishtadhyumn was present as well.
They stormed into the palace at the dawn , and was forcibly calmed down stating that his son-in-laws were still slaves , and that they has to maintain their royal decorum.

Draupadi looked at Karna , her question evident in her eyes.
Karna just shrugged at her.
He didn't knew either , where was his friend ?! Duryodhan never was late to any court sessions , then what was different today.
I will check on him!
Karna said to both Krishna and Draupadi , and they nodded in agreement. The people present in the court stared Karna's way out of the court without a word.

The clouds has gathered in an ivory shade. A pour was inevitable. Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed and reflected off the shiny marbled floor . Karna walked across the corridor to Duryodhan's chamber . Wind howled near his ears as it whisked past him in a hurry , dry leaves floated and landed with the wind . Chillness and humidity in the air touched everything in vicinity with its icy fingers. Karna felt a kind of coldness settling in his being , he didn't knew if it was the weather or some kind of worry that his intuition has weaved.
He anyways traced his way to his friend's chamber with ease.

The door was closed , guards weren't present outside . He knocked and got no answer , then slightly pushed it open. The room wasn't lit at all , windows were closed and there was barely any facilitation for ventilation in the room. The air was hot and humid , smothering with the odour of sweat and musk.
He got a silhouette of a man in the dark chamber sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall in the farthest corner , his face buried between his knees , balled up in the corner was the proud and arrogant crown prince of Hastinapur.

Karna called out his voice heavy and barely above a whisper. He felt his world collapsing at the sight , he have never seen his friend like this.

What are You doing... ?! What is all this supposed to mean??
He enquired his thick velvet like voice echoed in the silent room.

Why are you here?
Duryodhana crowed , his voice raspy and ragged with all the crying. It was just a murmuring sound , but Karna heard it loud and clear . It wasn't just a question, it had a thousand meanings and layers hidden from the surface. The rain started pouring down in cascades , they rattled against the soil , turning them muddy.

Are you alright?!
Karna was always good at hiding his emotions behind a stoicism, but now the surprise and concern in his voice was brutally visible through that question.

Duryodhan hummed back. Not trusting his voice. A muffled noise left his lips as he stifled another sob , holding back everything in a desperate try to rekindle the last bit of pride he had.
But Karna didn't waited any further. He hustled into the chamber , and crouched down infront of his friend who looked like a bundle of bleakness.

Karna beckoned softly.
Duryodhan adamantly shook his head in denil, which was still buried between his folded knees.

Whatever it is that caused you this distraught, we will take care of it. You got me by your side . Atleast tell me what's wrong!
Karna's soothing voice cut through the tension , and it stirred something inside his friend.

Duryodhan shrieked , his eyes red and puffed , and his face tear stricken as he lifted his face to lash out at his friend. A loud thunder rumbled outside , filling the silence.
Karna noticed Duryodhana's sorrow behind that anger and found himself in a state of misery. Karna couldn't accept to see his proud friend to be this broken and grief stricken.
He extended his strong arms forward to embrace a trembling figure of Duryodhana. And the latter didn't resisted.

Duryodhan didn't knew what to do , Karna was too dear to him by his heart. But his mind suggested him that, ultimately he(Karna) too was gonna betray him . And the thought caused a callous feeling to run through his mind. But the warmth and comfort the embrace gave him , soothed a myriad of egregious musings into tears. And it freely left Duryodhan's orbs , and he didn't cared to stop them. The rain continued to soak the soil in its tears , while Karna mumbled words of comfort into Suyodhana's ears.

The rain has shrunk into drizzles , and the sun was peeking from behind the thick clouds. After a good long while , two silhouettes emerged at the entrance of the large court room.
Karna and his friend Duryodhana stood in all their glory , they both looked unconquerable together. The light from behind casted their long shadows into the hall.

Karna scanned the room , it was filled with few salient courtiers, and rest by 'family'. Pandava stood huddled up in a corner , devoid of ornaments and signs of royalty, due to slavery. Bheeshma sat on his throne, cladded in white and luxurious accessories that boasted his authority and lineage ,on immediate right to the King's throne. And Mahamantri Vidura stood to the left of the king's throne , with a mask of stoicism. His eyes wandering over the courtroom and his mind raising through possibilities.

Karna noticed Subhadra and Bhanumati in the balcony of the
courtroom overlooking the tension that has stretched painfully across the hall. Pandava's children has came as well. Karna felt bad for the kids.
The eerie looks and callous smirks added to the uncomfortable atmosphere.
Karna walked ahead and gestured Duryodhana to take the lead.
And he did.

Word count : 3350

I know it's been so long , and I am too late : )
Sorry 🙃
It's just the models , well thankfully they are over , now the actual sem exams awaits (*dramatic sighs) 🥴🥱

And one more bad news , my mother took my phone away due to exams , and I beggs on a daily basis to get this back in my hand , so that I can write little by little every half hour I can .
(Such dedication!! 🤭)

Anyway , I am seriously gonna disappear until July 2nd . But will be back as soon as my exams are done on 2nd of July. So yeah! See you all then , but I will try to peek in every now and then I get a chance 😁 ( I am never gonna be a good kid) so yeah I will stop my ramblings.

There will be one more part to this , that will be about Karna and Krishna again !!! Yeehh!!
So stay tuned! ( sadly until July 2nd)

Take care friends ❤️

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