💫 Eldest (Karna & Pandava)part 3

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It didn't felt uncomfortable coming from him , Karna thought, like it was meant to be. But he didn't knew why the eldest Kauntey was addressing him as such. Adhirathi was the son of a charioteer, and the Samrat of Aryavarta calling him Jyesht wasn't normal.
His face shrink in confusion, and his brows knitted closer to form a frown , that screamed his confusion.
He looked at Krishna for some possible explanation for such revered title.

Sorry to cut you in middle , but atleast come inside and take a seat , you all look very tired after the journey.
Vrishali saved Karna once again from an awkward situation, that's when he realised, he has been gawking at them for a while now, without responding at all. His ears turned red , a reaction he gave everytime he was embarrassed or shy.

Karna asked them to accept their humble hospitality, he ushered all the six of them inside his humble abode.
Vrishketu stared at the royals with curiosity, he felt the tension in the atmosphere too , so he chose to stay quiet at the moment.

Vrishali was weirded out , why was the king addressing her husband as his elder Brother?  The Pandavas looked exhausted for some reason. Well... for many reasons, she thought. They have been through a lot , and so was the Panchal princess, the samragi of Aryavarta , panchali. And there was a war ahead , are they here to ask help?! will Karna has to go to a battle field now ! Vrishali's mind raced through all possibilities that could bring sadness to her peaceful family. If Karna was to go to the battlefield, her eldest Vrishsena wouldn't stay behind. Suddenly she wondered why her son haven't returned yet with the horse.

Radhama came to the Varantha , she stood at the door. As she saw the guest she went to prepare the refreshments.

We shall take our seats here Vrisha .
The nature is calm and pleasent let's sit here outside.
Said Krishna.

I will get some refreshments then.
Said Vrishali as she headed to the kitchen, following her mother.

What is it Keshav , the sudden visit before an impending war seems urgent. And how is Abhi and everyone else?!
Radhey enquired, his voice going soft and enthusiastic at the end.

The kid was a mood to be around. He had seen Abhimanyu since he was an infant.
Little Abhi was away from his father and Karna tried his best to fill the gap. Even though not entirely, he was successful to a great extent. He had tried to teach him to walk holding his hands, abhi's little feet over his as they took few steps in the sandy beach , Krishna was their to watch. And Abhi laughed like there is no tomorrow when he was thrown into the air to land back to the safety of Karna's arms. Their bond grew so strong, that Abhi started addressing him as his Thathshree as Krishna and Subhadra suggested.

Vrishsena has started tagging along with Karna to Dwaraka since he heard about abhi , he wanted to meet the boy his father can't stop talking about . And then after, he would join his baba in sharing Abhi's antics with Radhama and Vrishali.

Abhi got married recently as you know, and we thought it would be better if he stood back with bua Kunti and Uttara in Dwaraka along with Dau. Everyone else is as fine as they could be with a war ahead.
Said Krishna.
Then the silence prevailed once again.
It was getting awkward,
Where was Vrishali gone to , when he need her the most; thought Karna while glancing at the door.

You all didn't gave an introduction.
Said Vrishketu as he leaped into Krishna's lap.
Krishna caught him with ease and subtly placed a kiss on his temples.
Yudhishthira smiled at the innocent kid.
I am Yudhishthira, he is Bheema , the next to him is Nakula , that's Sahadeva and one sitting on the steps is Arjuna ; they are my younger brothers.
Yudhishthir finished with a gentle smile. They all got much relaxed now , Karna noticed.

And what would be your name?
Asked Sahadeva with a little childishness.
I am Vrishaliyeya Vrishaketu.
Vrishaketu stated with pride.
Krishna smiled fondly. As he hoisted the little one on his lap comfortably.

That is such a graceful name Vrish.
Said Arjuna. He smiled cheekily.
'He looked so boyish with that face ' thought karna , wait why was he suddenly so fond of the set of brothers! he wondered.

Well , my mother calls Jyesht as Vrish , that name is reserved for my brother , you can call me chottu if you want to , Baba and Dadu call me that.
Vrishketu added.

Then where is your brother?!
This time Nakula chimed in.

He has taken sakshi for a ride. he will be back soon , he might be picking jiji from the ashram as well may be that's what causing the delay.
Vrishketu rambled.

Ooh , you have a sister too ?! And who is Sakshi?!
Nakula asked ,now more  invested in the conversation, to know more about their new found family.

Yess.. I have a sister, her name is Mrinal. she is awesome , even though she pull my ear all the time . And Sakshi is our dear horse, he help us go around.
Vrishketu sang. Now more excited.

Look over there , it's a rabbit.
Sahadev pointed at a rabbit which stood across the courtyard , gnawing on something. Vrishaketu raised from the comfort of his dear uncle's embrace and looked where sahadev was pointing to.
She visits us sometimes , we talk a lot , I can introduce you to her if you want to .
Without waiting for an answer, an excited Vrishketu dragged Sahadev to his rabbit friend. Nakul tagged along. Others watched ...

Vrishali has placed some snacks and some buttermilk on the table. Bheem has complemented her cooking. She adoringly smiled at his silliness.
Yudhishthir has been fidgeting a lot , Vrishali noted.
Say what you are hesitating to say Samrat , what is the matter.
Vrishali said with an understanding tone and with a warm smile.

Please don't address me so formally Bhabhi, I am so sorry for the awkwardness I am harbouring here , but I don't know where to start.
Dharmaraj finished.
He was getting restless. He had to tell them the truth , but he was afraid of a rejection.

Nakul and Sahadev were playing with Vrishketu and his rabbit friend, it was a site to see , Yudhishthir felt an ease wash over him as he looked at the laughing trio; or should he say quartet?! He brushed the silly thought aside and decided to say it nonetheless.

Are you here to ask Radhey to join the war from your side ?
a worried Vrishali enquired, her voice as calm as ever, despite the inner turmoils.

War?! No , why would we drag our brother to the face of danger ?!
Said the always protective Bheema.

Sakhi , let's listen to Bhratha Yudhishthir first , before reaching to conclusions.
Said Krishna his face had a reassuring smile , which gave Vrishali some solace.
She nodded.

I know , none of this might make any sense to y..
Yudhishthir started,

A loud yet sweet voice of Mrinal interrupted them.

I got these seetha phal on the way , where is chottu. I..
She abruptly stopped seeing some people seated in the varantha.she recognised one, she went to Krishna and bowed down to take his blessings.
'Kalyan ho putri'  Vasudev smiled heartily.

Pranipath , she payed her respect addressing the strangers.
They returned the gesture.

Where is Chottu,  Baba?!
Mrinal exclaimed , turning her attention to Karna.
He is outside with the rabbit , Nakul and Sahadev is there too, why don't you go and join them .
Karna said caressing her head gently.
She ran towards the stairs near the garden and she noticed Arjun sitting on the steps,
I have seen you in a portrait that Bhratha Abhimanyu showed me once ..
She said thoughtfully. Then the dots connected;
it's really nice to meet you finally, Gandivdhari.
She said excited, yet respectfully.
Arjun was delighted would be an understatement, he was squealing inside. His niece knows him. He smiled cheekily,
It's very nice to meet you too putri Mrinal , Abhi has mentioned about you and Vrishsena as well.

Then why don't you join us , I have a lot of stories to tell , especially about Bhratha Abhimanyu, only if you can skip this discussion or whatever is going on here ..
Mrinal looked back and forth between the brothers.
Arjun turned to Yudhishthir, he nodded; without delay Dhananjay left with an excited little Mrinal prancing alongside him.

Vrishsena has tied Sakshi safely in his favourite place. He walked aiming his home , and saw Vrishketu playing with his rabbit and 2 grown men were doing childish role-plays along with him. 'they are the prey for today, it seems.' He suppressed an amused and grateful laughter, soon enough Mrinal has brought another one; he have seen him somewhere , Vrishsen noticed.
'He seems like Abhi's Father , is Abhi here ?!' he desperately looked around to find his friend, then he saw uncle krishna , also a Guru to him, sitting near his father , along with two other people, 'seems like it's Pandavas'.

He noticed his mother standing near the door , he could tell , she was tensed for some reason , 'is everything alright ' he mused.

Pranipath Guruvar. Vrishsen went to Krishna , seeking his blessings.
Kalyan ho Vrishsena. Krishna said pleasantly.

Pranam , he addressed the others.
He hesitated and looked at his father for some kind of indication of what ever is going on..
He got a puzzled look back which didn't helped.
Please excuse me.
Vrishsena did what he felt right , he just left , it was getting awkward, 'where was his friend Abhi anyways, Didn't he bothered to visit them alongside his father and elders '. He thought.

I don't get it. What do you mean by I am your eldest brother, Prince Bheem?!
Cried an exasperated Radhey.

It is the truth Jyesht. I know it's all so sudden . But Mata happened to tell us this truth now , and only this late. But its always better late than never.So we thought...
Yudhishthir trailed off.
Karna looked at Yudhishthir then Vrishali, his frown only deepening. The helplessness was gnawing on his heart. Vrishali understood her Vasu's plight.Vrishali reassured him with a little smile and a little nod.

Vrisha , I know it's a lot to contemplate, but bua was an unmarried teenager and was scared of the society at the time she left you in the river. Later, by the time she came to know of you, she wasn't very sure of dragging you into all the political mess. But now I insisted her to , as you deserve to know the truth none the less. And your younger brothers really would like a shade over their head , to guide them right , especially during such a scorching war over their head.
Keshav said.

You are there by their side to guide them , and I don't think anybody in this world can guide someone to right path more than you could. So when you are by their side I don't have to worry even a little about them being misled.
Karna absentmindedly blurted it out.
Yudhishthir's face lightened up , Bheem smiled too.. so did Vrishali. And Krishna was empathetic and amused as well.
Then reality hit radhey, 'what was I saying , why would I WORRY about them anyway.' he had a strong urge to bang his head against a wall. Nevermind..

I mean...
What do you want me to do now , I don't get it , I mean are you all fine with the fact that all 5 of you happened to have a brother all of a sudden.
Karna said after a pregnant pause.

But Jyesht , you were always there , even before we were born.
Bheem said like stating the obvious.

Karna wanted to bang his head against a wall so badly now , he yearned for a sibling , a sibling whom he could teach archery and could play all those random games he used to play with a chariot wheel or whatever he got; that's true , but when he got a 'sibling' , it wasn't one but 5, all of them were grown men and all 5 of them seems like trouble , well in 5 diffrent ways.
He was getting old.. he didn't needed this now.
Krishna chuckled beside.
Karna stared at him blankly. Wasn't he the one who suggested this whole complications in the first place.
'you are not getting your butter for a month' karna thought
Krishna suddenly stopped laughing and returned the glare . Vrisha just smirked.
Vrishali kinda understood the silent conversation going on between the now newly discovered cousins who were already best friends.

Jyesht.. Yudhishthir brought them out of the intense glaring contest.
Karn turned to Yudhishthir.
It might take some time to accept all this Yudhishthir, do you all mind giving me some time to come in terms with all this new informations?
Karna rather requested than asked.

You can take all the time you want Jyesht, but just give us the opportunity to be around you and serve you that's all we ask , we didn't got to know you like our other brothers , I know it's not such a right time to ask this. But if we come back alive from the battlefield, we would love to spend rest of our life with you as well Jyesht.
Yudhishthir concluded.

Karna felt something heavy settling in his heart. What if they didn't returned,he immediately shunned that thought away. They will return for sure. And he will have to make that sure.

I would like to participate in the war from your side ... Anuj.
The Vijaydhaari said.
Yudhishthir almost cried at the endearing term , he has never heard anyone call him that , he felt a wave of affection wash over him , is this how his brothers felt when he addressed them as his Anuj, this felt comforting and he felt protected.

'may be this is the dharmasthapana or the ultimate cause his Gurudev was talking about.'  Parashuram shishy resolved to join the war , may be not necessarily to kill or take revenge, but to protect and to seek justice.

But Jyesht, why would you participate in the war.
Asked a puzzled and concerned Nakul , who didn't know of his eldest's warrior skills. As he and Sahadev just came in with Vrishketu hoisted up in his forearm.

Yes Jyesht, we don't want you to be involved in this mess , and that Duryodhana would definitely hurt you badly just to see us vulnerable, he is cruel Jyesht.
Bheema cried , his fury finding new heights just thinking about his sworn enemy.

If that's so , I would really like to see that.
Said Karna with a smile.
He noticed how protective Bheema was.He could see , all 5 of his brothers were very different but all of them completed eachother one way or the other. They were like five fingers of a palm. And he thought 'were would he fit in?!
I could be their palm where they can come and rest anytime they want. Where they could be peaceful and stable.'
Karna thought.
Jayanta smiled gently, admiring their eldest with a hopeful eyes.


It took me so long, isn't it ?!
😁 I know...
Thankyou for your patience and presence.
I was just busy with a lot of assignments, still am. 🥲

Word count : 2450

This will take more parts than I thought it would 🥲😅
So kindly wait for next chapter ☺️
Take care ❤️
Har har Mahadev

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