A jealous possesive rabbit

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2017 IPL, RPS had done the unthinkable. They had replaced MS Dhoni from captaincy, making Smith the new captain. Harsh Goenka seemed to harbour a deep seated hatred towards MS, without any particular reason. At first the new captain Smith is indifferent about MS, he neither disrespects him but neither does he defend him from management, he wasn't in the least acquainted with the prowess of the mind MS possessed and what dangerous weapon it could be in the field but he was soon to find out. But there one thing, he didn't like the owner, at all, he was meddling old idiot in his opinion.

Being sacked from captaincy was new thing from MS, but he wouldn't be MSD if he had let things affect him easily. He was very good at making piece with his mind. And Jinksy and Ash bieng in the franchise helped, no matter who the captain is they would always turn to their Mahi Bhai.

In second match Smith got out for really cheap, and back in the dressing room he was watching his batting footage again and again trying to know what went wrong.

MS was just passing by when his eyes fell on the video and mostly out of his natural habit for spotting things, he said "You know if you dont shift your weight abruptly like that, it might be better for your bat swing" It was just quite suggestion from one professional to another and walked off without waiting for a reply.

Smith stared incredulously at the man leaving, he had been watching the clip on repeat, he wasn't able to figure it out for half an hour and this guy just said it like a passing remark. That was the first time Smith started to understand the why the world raved about teh cricketing mind of MSD.

Next match, Russel was killing with the bat for KKR.

And whatever the bowlers did wasn't working
Suddenly MS called Smith, he suggested a certain field placement, Steve wasn't Vi whom MS would simply ask to put the fielding, he wasn't here to mentor Steve, he was merely trying to win a game.

Steve didn't understand how it might work, but his captain's instincts told him to listen.

So he did what he was told and lo and behold! it worked!

And he was more suprised because it 2 overs later when he finally understood why that placement worked...

Smith looked at MS in professional admiration. He had developed a kind of professional respect for the man or at least the man's mind.

The next day Goenka came to the team practice session even if no one had wvee called him.

And Mahi was helping a young bowler with his form.

And Smith didn't interfere because he had understood this man was a league if his own. He better be left to his own devices.

Jinks was in the nets in the further corner of the ground.

And Goenka straight away decided to have a go on Mahi,
"You should go and practice you know...you are not hitting the ball well...and look at Smith..." Goenka started.

And Smith was within earshot, Australian might be the worst sledgers on field but they knew professionalism in a team. And right now someone was insulting a co player of his team. So he did what he thought was right. Also as mentioned before, he didn't like the man, Goenka either, and here was interrupting a practice session.

"I am sorry Mr. Goenka, but you cannot speak to a player like that." Smith said "And why are you interrupting practice? This not at all my way of working."

" I was just asking him to..." Goenka started.

"I am the captain, I will see to the necessary things," Smith interrupted him "please I am asking you, leave sir"

Goenka eyed Smith but there can be a no bigger brat than an Aussie on the field not even Goenka, so he decided to leave.

Smith also went from there leaving MS to deal with the bowler...

Jinksy saw this unfolding from the nets, he wanted to step in but seeing Smith dealing with it he refrained.

Jinksy didn't like Smith one bit, but he did appreciate the professionalism Smith showed right now.

Jinks came out of the practice when Vi called. And Jinks, as sane and sensible as he was, suddenly thought it would be great idea ti describe teh incident to Virat. He didn't exaggerate any part but it was enough for Virat "possesive" Kohli to get worked up.

That evening MS got a call from a very whiny Cheeku.

And as soon as he picksed it up whiniest voice in the world said from the other side: I am not talking to you.

Mahi said in a very calm voice: Do you now? What did I do again? Are you angry because I had dinner with Ro? Or because I took Kuliya painballing?

Virat grumpily: I don't get jealous if Kuliya and Ro.

Mahi: Suuuuuuure

Virat: I am angry with do you understand?

Mahi: Yeah I definitely understand that...what I don't understand is the why?

Vi: Because... because...you love that idiot.

Mahi: Cheeku, unfortunately, I am surrounded by idiots...so can you give me a name please

By: That stupid idiot moron Smith.

Mahi really amused now: And what brought you to that conclusion?

Vi: You give him inputs on field all the time I have seen and now he is also defending you.

Mahi under the breath: Jinks should really stop hanging out with Cheeku and Ro they are making him mad too, why in earth would you tell him this?

Mahi loudly on the phone: And how does that prove I love him?

Vi: Why elso would he defend you and why else would you guide him?

Mahi: Cheeku there's a deference between defending your co player as captain and defending your elder brother as his brother. Smith defended me as just captain would defend any of his players against a owner he anyway doesn't like. There was nothing brotherly or loving about it...

Vi: Still...

Mahi: Would you rather have him insult me?

Vi: No....no...not at all...I will break his nose if he does that...that's not what I meant...sorry

Mahi: I know that's not what you meant...and I am just explaining to you...Smith did what any captain would do for a senior player...nothing more...nothing less...

Vi: But...but...what about those inputs you give him? I have seen myself...you setting fields for him...just like you do for me. Then how am I special?

Mahi: But I don't scold him when he is gossiping on the field.

Neither do I calm him down when he gets worked up.

Neither do I stay up when he goes out and returns late to hotel.

Or play pubg with him.

He doesn't ask me to take him to dinners.

Or massage his head after a long day.

He doesn't wanna snuggle when he feels low....

Or bother me with stupid questions all the time.

You do all that Cheeku and you are so so special to me...no one can ever be my Cheeku except you...

Vi in a quiter voice: Bhai...you love me the best right?

Mahi: Do you doubt that?

Vi: No...never ever ever...I am sorry I just got a little...

Mahi: Worked up...I know...

Vi suddenly excited: Your next match is with us

Mahi: I know.

Vi: After match your whole evening is mine.

Mahi: Ok Done kiddo.

Vi : I love you Bhai.

Mahi: Love you too Cheeku...can't wait to meet you bachcha

Vi: Really???? I can't wait to meet you too...

Mahi: See you soon...now go and sleep...stop overthinking about useless things...

Vi: Ok bye Mahi bhai

Mahi: Bye bachcha.

Mahi kept the phone down, wondering to himself, how he had found a grown up toddler, but he couldn't complain, he loved this idiot.

A/N: Happpppppy Biiiiiirthday Akanksha AkankshaReddy0623. You are one of the sweetest people out here on wattpad. Hope you had a great day and hope you have awesome year. This is a little gift for you from me, Siri di siri_reddy and Neha di bleedblue2011. Hope you like it ❣️.

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