Chapter 6

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Hello everyone!! How r u today?

Diva-please speak normally

Me-I was diva!

Diva-she forgot to put it in this book but! She don't own any ghost hunt only mike the twins and any other character that isn't in the original show and all go to who made the show in Japanese and English that also go to who made the manga

Me-oh oh I was searching for a quoit for the day and I found this!

Me-The perople in here are from the show Snow White with red hair if u never seen it it's good and u should watch if u want!

Diva-your never going anywhere with that attitude 




9 years later(and no they didn't ask because Mai and mike went on a trip because of the closing of the building they left a note on their house to anyone who came there when actually they move away when the kids turn 1 ) 

I smile at mike as our little angels came to us"mommy mommy is it true that u work to beat up ghost??" I giggle a bit"if u put it that way yes I suppose I did beat up the mean ghost out there"I said they cheer

"Our mommy is a hero zera !!"the oldest said to his sister zera pouted"I know will I know! So is daddy! He was the one who help mommy !" Mike chuckle at them there only 11 but boy do they put on a show when they fight"it only seems yesterday that u gave birth to them"he said wrapping his arms around me as I lean in his touch"I know they were so small in mine hands it scary to think that one day there going grow up and they won't need us anymore"I sniff they probably hear me since they came running to us and hugging us"we will always need u mommy and daddy cause your our mommy and daddy!"

They both said suddenly they went quiet I knew that meant they went to their mink link convocation 

"Honey do u think it's alright to start here again I mean we left not saying where we went or how long only that we went on a trip and didn't come back for four years "I huff at him as the kids giggle and went inside the house we got back "yes of course we lived here and this place made me who I was when I lived here and I know it most then where we were "he pout

"But I thought it be nice to go there!"I gave him a blank look"The North Pole isn't where I want our children to go to school mike" I deadplanted"but they had the best schooling there!"he wine I sigh 

"At lest we didn't go to pari " he shiver remembering what happen there"got that right"he said I laugh"come on let's check on our little trouble makers"he smile as we went in I look at the ring I had on and smile 

'It's been 17 years since we been married huh? It only seems like I just got married to him' I thought as I hop along I stop noticing mail"bear! Have u check the mail box yet!!"I call "no! It probly with all our stuff though we never contacted anyone!" Mike called back 

I heard giggles when I came in with all the letters and mail"well most are from s.p.r and including mine step parents , olivers and Eugene (I remember genes real name hahaha!) parents and yours, did we ever visit them?"I yell out seeing he was upstairs "no!oh lord have mercy on what mine parents said masùe baríte " he said in French them began speaking in Russian and a bit of polish but I didn't mind as I look at mike parents letter

I regretting reading it" mike! Bear I swear to kami it's self that u are in so so much trouble !!"he poke his head out "what happen?"he said questionbly as I hand him the letter he read and pail rubbing his head"oh kami what now?"I shrug "call them for one I'm going call olivers parents so we have them all over only parents to explain why we didn't talk to them for four years but they probly know "

Mike nodded wiping his phone out walking out as I open the computer zera and will came out while the call was ringing "who u face timing mommy?"zera ask questionbly with curiosity lingers as curious eyes with her brother" your gram parents on your aunt side " she grin as will look at me "we have two aunts, witch one mommy?"he ask I rub his head  they may have just turn 11 but boy do they look like a four year old!!

"Mia aunt Mia sweetly"I said as they call answer making me see Lucy and Martin "oh Mai! Is that u???"she said I smile at her"hello Lucy and yes it's me and before u say anything I was wondering u if u and Martin can fly over here, just the two of u, and have dinner with me and mine family, I also want u two to meet your grand kids" she smile big as Martin nod his head

"We were going fly out there for a vacation anyways! And grand kids u say geez! I have so many your sister the eldest sister and u! I have 5 or 6 grand kids!how many u have cause Brook have one your twin sister has two and u?" I chuckle"have two soon once the other one comes"she smile big, if that's possible, "oh I'm so happy for u! And I love what u did to your hair!"

I blush ad I put some of mine hair back"thank u mike thought it be nice to have some....flash in mine brown chocolate hair" I cut it off to shoulder length but got red and yellow highlights 

I would of gone pink but knowing these two it would of became red or black "were about to board the plan station I'll see u ther"she said oh did I mention there speaking English?"of course bye!"I said as they said bye back ending the call

"Mommy what did u speak that wasn't Russian or Japanese!"will said I chuckle"yah mommy daddy alawys speaks in diffrent language like u do when are we going to learn!"she said I patted there head as mike came in"when u are well enough not to get Russian and Japanese wrong since I mix them up when your talking" they both blush giggling and ran out

I look at him"how it went?"I ask rubbing his head he groan at this as he lean towards mien touch"horrid actually "he spoke in his English Russian tone 

I always loved it when he spoke in his normal tongue "that bad?" I spoke in a calming Russian voice, he said he like it when I did but I didn't get why " I love them and all but  I hate when I don't know what going happen, their coming cause I mention our kids, but it scares me when she suddenly use her happy lucky voice"

I shiver giggling at his tone with made me giggle more "hey hey don't fear dear our kids look just like us, their 11 almost 12 so "he huff"and I hope no boy go after mien little girl"I giggle at that "right right now get some sleep U'll need it"I told him singing softly as he drifted off to sleep in mine lap

The next morning

I woke to the bed jumping kids"mom mom"I crack mine eye seeing them smiling'ah and I was so happy when they went back calling me mommy' I sigh in depression as I yawn stretching as they smile at me"good morning u two"I said they smile at me"mom there people at the door"mike shot up"what"was his answer I slip on mine robe the kids, like normally, had their eyes close "be right back dear go back to bed" I said to mike as he fell right to sleep

"Okay lets go see who it is! U didn't let them in right?"they shook their head"we told them a minute ago that we get u!" I sigh as we walk to the door

The lock was heard"coming!"I yell slipping on slippers so mine feet aren't cold the locking was heard again as I open the door" yes yes I said I was co-"I stop mid sentence

"Hey I didn't think u were back but the two there , I had to keep mine hopes up right?"I smile softly leaning over to give him a hug as she smile"well seeing how we are hugging don't I get a hug Mai?"I chuckle as I gave her a hug as well

"Wait! Your uncle Yasu and cozen monka!"they said smiling "zera will why don't u go and get dress hm?"I ask gently as t hey nodded running out I move a bit to the side"come in please"I said they came in Yasu hug me once more"don't scare me like that Mai! Haven't heard for u I. Such a long time I was worry! 9 years is a long time ya know almost a decade"I giggle at him

As mo ja side "so where ya been I wouldn't think u went this long" she said eyes have close I shrug "at first when they turn one we left here and travel Japan till they turn 2 then we went around the places we never fully seen "

I told her explaining it"by when I found out I was"I pat mine stomach "we stop and come back"she was shock Yasu laugh"guess we didn't notice "he rub mine belly I shiver at the touch"how long I mean how many months left?" Monka ask"I'm three months away from giving birth that's why we stop the kids are starting middle school here 7th grade of course cause they were home teach!"I yell

I heard mike jumping from bed"I told u that the school there was good but nooo!" He call backt"the North Pole is not a good place for children to be at for school!"I call back monka Rose a brow while Yasu was laughing

"By the way where lin and mine older sis?"I ask the two they chuckle"well u see"Yasu look to the side"after seeing that what u said and what we said was true they" monka chuckle nervously as I rose a brow at them mike came in reading the paper"um m u might want to see this"I grab the paper he hand me and read

"Where are they" Yasu head pop around the corner'when he leave this little group' I thought "um Mai the memories of them are empty!" Mine eye twitch "what the actual-"


As I watch Mia and mine sons play with her smiling I saw Naru came in "hey bro!" I said he smile at me softly "hey gene so any news finding Mai?" I huff I know we haven't talk about her in two years but geez" nothing but someone had move into her house so I'm going see who with Mia and the kids just to make sure "Naru nodded

I look around"I notice not everyone here yet, where are they?" I ask"off dropping their kids at school since they all go together don't yours as well?"Naru ask"yah but today is their day so we call and said they were sick but Mia wouldn't have it so she dropping them off soon" I told him 

Naru shook his head"u wanted them to miss that one day of school"I nodded price fill mine chest suddenly "yah mine kids have all A's so do the others but non are in advanced yet!" Naru sigh again as Mia came over giggling she heard me...

"Oh sweety calm your self there only in 7th grade "she told me giggling as she wave to Naru"hey Naru" Naru smile back then I shiver"what's up?"Naru ponders

"I don't know I suddenly felt like we should hide but why?"I said as Mai shrug giving me a kiss"I'll be right back dear bye Naru" the two said bye and left I fell on the couch "ahhh love such a sweet thing "Naru huff"not so much "I laugh "u can't help you don't like anyone else Naru!"I tease him poking him he huff as he sat down with me as the bell ring"hey Mia I though u-" I cut off facing monka and Yasu

They look kinda scared and apologize "why u apologizing?" Naru ask"well u see who coming"Yasu said the door open as mike came in"yo! U do know mine wife piss at u"mike said 

I blink"welcome back mike"I said we fist pump"sup bros from another marriage " I chuckle "so what this about Mai mad at us?"Naru said as the others came in"Mai a bit running late seeing how she has to drop the kids off at the new school we enrolled them in but she be here and yes she very very mad"

Mike said"oh what school and welcome back mike"monk said sitting down mike smile"good to be back and willowy middle school(I have no clue if this is a real school or not if it is tell me please) "mike answer "hey that's weird"I said "how so?"mike inquire 

"All our kids go there as well" he chuckle then we all laugh at it

"Well who knew"we all shrug laughing Mia came in "oh mike welcome back when u get back?"Mia ask him he smile "hello other sis in law and we just finally move in our home today we came here couple days ago wanting to get our kids enrolled and all"she nodded sitting down

"So Mai here or"mike chuckle"she dr-"a ring was happening we all pause 

'The days are warmer if u answer me dear the days are warmer if u answer me dear' mike open his phone and text real quick his fingers flying on the phone then close it"she coming right now she still upset thou" he said muttering something in polish?"right well can u tell us why?"john ask him we all nodded

"Well it's really really simple it's because-"he was cut off


I open the door"why in the living heck did u open s.p.r again when you are not allow to?!" I said a bit mad looking at them"Mai welcome ba-" I cut Aycko off"welcome back mine arse look here guys s.p.r was remove from the branch all of it shut down no more. I thought u got that! But here we are right when I was having a good day I read the paper and here u guys solved the most supernatural case ever that saves thousands lives, I congratulate u on that, but u said it under s.p.r!" I said angry a bit happy when I congratulated them but angry again

"Mai we can explain " I shot a look at monk to tell him to be quiet it was mine mother look, or the shit your trap look, as the kids called it and he did "u can explain when ever-" I lean on the wall breathing a bit heavy mike came over"dove u need to sit down u can't have this stress on u"mike coo softly as he guide me to the seat I sat down mike sat in the other one holding mine hand 

"I'm sorry bear it just a lot to take in we just got back and I wanted at least a good week before this" I told him truthfully he nodded as he rub mine back I look at mine sisters "and I thank u for watching over stuff while I was gone, and it's good to be back"I said softly 

Brook look at me"um Mai we need to talk"I nodded as Mia pull out-" give me that"I said to Mia Mia look cunfused "then why dose it have mine name on it?" She ask gently I froze looking to the side"that is best not to be said Mia I need all of the ones u found like them"I said gently but firmly"Yasu name was there as well but was empty so was monka and a haft empty gene" gene nodded"yah! Mine was haft empty and I been meaning to ask u about that!!"

I look at Yasu and monka they gulp

"The bottle slip we couldn't get them all back" I sigh I look at gene"gene may I see yours?" I ask gently as he put the bottle in mine hand mike hens mine that was about to open it"m are u sure u want them to" I nodded 

The others (minus Yasu and monka) look cunfused and curious by this"I beileve that this secret has gone to far and what harm will it do to me? It's long forgotten and we all move on"I said as I open gene's first I made sure it hit gene "um what was that fo-"he suddenly went to sleep head drop sleeping Mia look scared then was shock seeing how I use mine powers to get everyone else"Yasu please lock the door and monka the windows"I said they nodded as they did 

"Why are u listening to Mai , monka what's going on?"Lin said as the others watch as I open them all the green blue mist inside was outside the bottle and floating , I was controlling them

"Misfit Garth gšîta mnńä àæ īut ba thëà mista lie ne deno mista !" (The plea of this will never be forgotten only remember put back what was forgotten and remove what was place, The days past count down to the crash to the beginning and to the end, listen and hear what will happen only then u awake and find your self anew) I spoke in the lost language mike look sorry when mine hair turn a bit darker 

"Um Mai"Mia try to speak I look at her she jump "Miata Miata she ßæłœ įùÿtęźcç čbñ"(only then u can follow what u truly want Mia follow who u seek and what u must know have faith in your self and in the ones u love)  she look cunfused as the mist started to float around  each one

Mine eyes were silver"let the mist go inside u all, only u awaken when u find what is missing" as the mia and the others nodded the mist slowly went in them mine eyes went back to brown and mine hair went back to its normal brown highlighted color

"Mai!" Yasu and mike held me as I breath heavy "have mercy on them mike I hope this go well"I said as I fell asleep on mike 

Two hours later


As Mai fell back asleep i look at the others I then look at Yasu"brother what we going do?"I said holding M hand brushing her hair out of her face"I don't know monka will pick the kids up and baby sit them and u just got back from dinner with two parents "I shrivel at how the lunch went "right don't remind me"I said he chuckle but it dyed down

As we look at them I look back at Mai"she so pail"I mutter seeing how her face a bit more picker then normal"she pregnant almost time for her to give brith to the little one in there, she almost 30 same with u your almost 40 "I huff"I'm in mine prime" monka mutter something"what was that?"I said she turn her head"nothing u need to hear!"I blink and laugh 

Then I thought I heard a groan but dismiss it(.......) 

"Mike did u and mai think of a name for her or him?"Yasu said laying a hand on Mai stomach "if it's a boy we're going with zack if it's a girl snowflake, Mai said she wanted to alawys watch the snow flakes so"Yasu nodded monka bush"awwww"


I groan as I open one eye to see it wasn't to light but it was dark'wh-hat the hell happen?' I thought as I saw monka mike and Yasu were the only ones awake Mai's asleep but she very pail "mike"I look at monka her hair cover her face shadowing it"what will u do when it's Mai time"monka said'time?' I thought 

"Monka!"Yasu snap mine eyes widen at his tone"no Yasu ''tis fine'breaths' when it's Mai time we're doing the thing and and I will go with her I don't want her dark side unleash no," mike moves his hands near Mai hair probly moving it out of her face"when Mai dies I die with her she dot no want me to do it but to defeat the evil in her I will go with her"

I almost spoke but I didn't want to'death?!? What the hell did we all miss in those 9 years?!?!' I thought 

"  and wow 18 years huh mike surprise?"Yasu said nudging him"yah 18 it only feels like yesterday when we got married"mike said

"Well your anniversary was two days ago" monka huff "right haha right"mike said his laughter died though"did U know Mai to do this right when we saw u guys?"mike said Yasu nodded

"I knew that but u know what would of happen it was only 29 years ago since this happen man two and a haft decades ago Mai was fighting for everything she knew and all we know of her that she wasn't one to give a fight "Yasu chuckle was hollow "right now look all though years later were hear now Mai soon having her third child, she married and has a huge family "monka said

"Mai said to me when we got together right before we move back to Japan together she wanted a huge family so huge u can't count well looks like the dream came true huh dove?"mike said I think I will act like I woke up now "ouch"I said rubbing mine head all their heads snap towards me

"Woh their calm down wait he awake he awake!"Yasu said painicing mike hit his head monka look at me"are u okay any dizzy spells?"I shook mine head no she sigh "Yasu! Calm your self!"Yasu stop I look at him weirdly "um why he painicing ?"I question"because u woke up early"monka said Mai then woke up rubbing her eyes Mike went to her side "

Mai woh there u still need rest"Mai saw I was awake"ah ones awake looks like the one with the haft empty bottle woke up first huh"she said shrugging "mike I like to go home now this couch is a bit rough"she said still a bit sleepy as she and mike stood up"Yasu monka please call when they all awoken? And mike when we get home mind getting zera and will?"they all nodded and they left Mai pop her head in

"And gene"I look st her seeing her smile softly " I'm glad your memories are back"I nod as well while she left 'so am I sis in law so am I' 

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