Chapter two

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Hello there!!!'waves and turns to camra'sorry I haven't updated a while school is a hassle but I am now don't worry and soon I will be on winter break so be ready for so many updates!!!!!

--------(I'm doing this now ok?not all the way like normal)----------


Before they got on the plane 

As we walk I cast chains on our feet and wrists Yasu threw a look I shrug and shot a ' why not' look he sigh as I went ahead I suddenly see the plane I ask a friend to barrow land 'wow she painted it black!!' I thought as I bump into someone 

"Sorry"I look over the hood I had on and saw it was gene'crap'I thought as I got up mine chains I made I tilt mine head sideways a bit as Yasu lean by me not to close but close enough"come on"he told me in a hush tone seeing that it was gene 

Ya know now I think about it how did I end up in front but then in the back going to the plane?!?

Ooo a text from monka!!


The next day

As we set out for the graveyard since yesterday we only got lunch and hotel by then it was night and pouring rain 

"Here we are"Naru said as I glance up at the gate feeling like I been here before

"Hehe"we heard giggling as we enter"u hear that?"Aycko said monka look around Lin turn his head to me and noll and the rest trying to figure out where to go next"hehe"a girl voice sounded like

"...."nothing after the first two times noll wrote it down"okay lets find the people who die that day"Naru said sharply as we began to walk in pairs

With Mia john and gene

"So john "I started"I' sorry for your loss"I said he look down but smile" 'ts okay I'm fine I'm sorry right now mate is Mai and Yasu I wonder why they try to tell us about a plane crash?"john said sounding worry Mia mine love nodded

"I really hope mine twin okay! We got to remember she has children inside of her and she has someone waiting for her at home!"she pointed out but from what I remember seeing Mai last time she didn't look all that big....

"Mia sweety are u sure u don't mean she has her boyfriend and children at home?"I said "right because she didn't look all big"Mia added to what I was going to say but I let it Slide

"Where are they?"we heard the voice again but sounded very tired and worry"where are they ?"the girl repated as she came to view her outfit all cover in dust and some rip up some parts

"Um are u ok?"I ask as she turn to us her eyes we're red and her face was very pail" Have u seen mine friends were in a band and I can't find them ?"she ask Mia step forward" miss what day is it?"she ask her "um June 18 1998?"(p.s this is the day it happen) I shook mine head"no it's may 7 2012"I told her "really?how strange by the way -wait who was that?"she ran towards the tree we follow but when we got where she went she was gone..

"We gotta tell naru mate"john said I nodded going back but I saw a weird thing I told them to go ahead I walk over and crouch down

I swipe some dirt away as I saw it was a little jewel on a journal

'What is this doing here?'I thought as I open seeing the first page"this belongs to Mai taniyama before she turns"I said softly seeing the before she turns mark in diffrent pen 

'She change it but why is it hear?'I thought putting it in mine jacket and going to the group I was in

With Mai and Yasu in ?????

"Crap!yasu!!"Mai yell as Yasu came in u can see a book on how to speak diffrent languages "what's up?"Yasu said Mai turn as she mess her now almost long hair she been frowning"have u seen mine journal? I thought I pack it with me"Mai said as she check her stuff again"your journal?u mean the one"Mai nodded to Yasu in answer question

"Yah it also has the demon I seal away damnit if they get to the last page and read it out loud its bad "Mai said"the seal of removal u told me u erase it!"Yasu yell Mai turn her eyes change to green for a split sec"no I said while we're traveling in going to erase it but it's gone and that demon is hard to beat even with PK"Mai said sighing sitting down"hope monka remembers the book"Mai mumble

"By the way Mai"Yasu said getting to seriousness "do u know who following us?"he ask

With Lin monka 

As Lin and me  walk monka sigh'I'm worry for mai and Yasu hope there going be okay'I thought as Lin stop I stop as well"Something wrong Lin?"I ask as he turn to me then pointed to the girl wondering the graveyard'why is a gi-wait no'mine eyes widen going by her worry and shock"hey u okay ?"I ask loud enough for Lin to her"I thought u pass over "I said quietly she turn to me"sorry"she smile but it went away as quickly as it came

"I can't find mine band members we were going to meet but have u seen them?"she ask acting like she didn't know where they were I saw this was there way going over and mai part so I went with it

"No I'm sorry but what is your name?"I said acting like I don't know her"monka has she said anything?"Lin ask as he reach us"no only that she looking for her band members" I told him as she left we follow going to tell noll

'Oh mai how it must been hard seeing them again after these 14 years"I thought following Lin

With naru Brook monk and yacko(u thought I forgot mai older sister did ya? Nope!she didn't have lines that's all! Oh and it still monka p.o.v since they all met up)

As we all met noll with the others she came back 

'Mimi'I thought sadly as she came hid behind a tree while listening to us" okay what did u guys find?"noll said in his happy but cold voice"nothing as of yet but there was this girl"Mia said I nodded"yah she seems lost I don't think she reilize that she dead"I said as she saw the look I had as she came out"have u seen mine band members I cant find them"she ask us coming over noll look at her as brook step up

"I'm sorry"since she was smaller she went down to Mimi size and smile gently at her I clutch mine fost'why where u like this to mai huh?!'I thought angry but let it slide

"What do u mean?"she tilt her head"do u know your dead?"Brook said softly "dead? I don't get it? Are u playing a trick on me like he does all the time? Where is he?"she ask hopefully I know she fracking but damn she good"no no this isn't a joke u die "she told her I almost wince at how hard that sounded saying it like that(....'looks sideways'......well now I know not to tell people so bluntly......)

She shook her head"no I can't be I got to be with mine band members and for her!"she said but cover her mouth I rose a brow'I don't think she meant to say that'I thought sweatdropping at her trying to poorly cover it up

"Who her and who are your band members name ?"monk ask"monk!'slaps back'don't be rude!'crouches down'hi sweety mine name Aycko may I have your name?"Aycko ask like a mother would

"An-no Mimi"she said shyly still not use to s.p.r "may I ask where the last place u saw one of your band members?"she ask again sweetly and Mimi nodded taking her hand"hm!"she said "follow me!"she giggle "

oh the sun comes up tomorrow tomorrow 

I love u tomorrow your only a day a away!"she sang humming the rest I look at her going by her smiling at Aycko as I held her ghostly hand"so Mimi how old are u?"I ask she saw the code hidden in it"oh! I'm 24! I'm very childish since I didn't have a good childhood before we form the band!"she told me giggling in code

I smile back"I'm so sorry to hear that!"I said still in code she lost her smile"but then she went away and we couldn't figure out why then it went boom! A huge one! On the right then left then right again!!"she told me in code"oh the book!"mine eyes widen"I figure she had it with her since it held something very very secret and never to be open!"she said Aycko look at her weirdly as I look side to side then back at Mimi"and the book near us right?"I ask she nodded 

"I don't like being watch mama said that when ever u being watch to never talk to anyone in the darkness of the night"I turn mine head not noticeably and saw we were being follow by a black car and mine eyes went to Aycko side and saw three men in black acting like tkhey weren't looking at us

"Oh your mama is very smart!"Aycko said smiling down at Mimi I squeak her hand tight "don't worry we won't let anyone near u or us"I told her she smile I can see the relief in her pail now dead eyes

Where one of them at

"I know I'm dead"Mimi said suddenly as I turn to see Lexi she was by the stump of a old tree and there was two notes by it im guessing letters clues mai left'sweet Mai can't help but help us'

I thought forgetting Mimi told everyone that she knew she was dead but snap out of it when monk said

"U knew!" I turn and sigh

"Of course she knew"I said"after all that time why wouldn't she?"I smile at her"look there Lexi one of your group members right?"I said she nodded"lexiiiii"she said normally as lext turn sighing seeing it was Mimi who we found she saw me and sent a quick'anyont wrong with Mai at all'look I shook mine head acting like I couldn't watch

"Okay naru I need to show u guys something"gene suddenly said as we turn he open her jacket and got out a journal

'Why does it look so familiar 'I thought

"What is it?"Mia ask"this belongs to your sister Brook Mia Mai I only read the beginning it said' this journal belongs to Mai taniyama before she change' the before she change was in diffrent ink so I'm guessing she had it with her also but drop it when she was drag"gene said as mine eyes widen I grab the book and flip to the last page seeing the wording and closing it shut

"Monka?"Lin said I held the book

"All of u listen here"I said in a steel worry tone naru eyes sharpen"what's in that book"noll said I shook mine head"in this book contains a causal part that must never be open or read outlorud in mind or not expealy the last page if I let u had this actully if I never came and u read the last page out loud u could of cause mai Yasu me and all of u to be in grave danger!"I said 

As I saw men in black coming"miss.monka we cannot keep this up"Lexi said coming by us I stuff the book in mine purse "seems like what they try to do fail Mimi"I said she saluted"get them to the hotspot I know u know where staying at"she nodded brook grab mine arm"what's going on"she askorry "is mai ok?"she added"I don't know but where in danger because we have this book"

I said as they follow Mimi the others Zain and mix stood by me with Lexi as Mimi and z went to lead them back"Zain"I said he nodded"hand the book I'll hold onto it for u"he said "if I don't make it back please give them information about the plan crash and the next place okay say that u heard this and u were all on it "I said as I let him hold mine purse"go with them will be fine right?"they nodded as I crack mine knuckles as I felt mine powers surged "why hello I saw u follow me and the others well sorry to say but u wont be going to far"I said smirking 


As I saw the s.p.r again sitting worrying for monka I turn to look at Mimi worry"Mimi are u ok?"I ask gently she nodded"who where thoes men?z I'm scare for mai I don't want her to be hurt"she said as I pat her head till we turn to see Zain with a purse?"monka"

Was the answer as I nodded he sat down" damnit why this got to go this way I just wanted some rest?"I eye him"don't let ma-"I stop mine sell as Mimi started to tear up and went to mia,who look like Mai, and cry" hey what u say I know your all ghost and all but u don't have to make the poor girl cry!"Brook said I rose mine hands up same with Zain

"Hey not mien fault u are the ones from before that let mai child die when she-"I slap mine hand over mine mouth as Zain shook his head

"Let Mai child die ?"Aycko said"wait she had a child?!before this??"Mia ask and help Mimi clean her face"u knew her back then Mia u were like a sister to me like Mai was only smaller"I couldn't help but chuckle not laughing chuckling at that"Mimi come her "Zain said as she sat on his lap I glare at Zain"hey hands off mine girl"I growl getting Mimi on mine lap"what's the big deal she was fine with it"Zain said "u have mix don ya"I said hugging Mimi

She blush

"Ano can u explain to us the 'letting Mai child die' and'we knew her before'? Part?"monk said I sigh

"This feels like 1998 all over again"I mutter"wait what day and month??"gene ask I look at him"oh what's wrong did baby gene and naru have a problem not knowing stuff?"I tease as Mimi hit mine shoulder playfully as mix came threw sitting on Zain  lap not bothinging to ask him 

"She told them the date the plane crash dimo"mix said Mimi look down I rub her head"hey we were on a plane to that day!"mix look lazy at them"I know u were supposed to go to Russia" as monka and Lexi come in

"Okay what u told them?"monka ask as she got her purse back

"We want to know what's with this plane crabs we keep on hearing this we knew mai before and the people following us!!"john ask very worry

"Woh there I was expecting monk or Aycko to say that calm man"we all look at Zain for that


As monka sat down and held the journal that were not supposed to read out loud or the last page that is 

"This book has all the information on the first day mai met u till the day that plane crash and when gene pointed out about the pen she probly added when she didn't see u till she hit the last page that was three days before meeting u guys again " monka said in all seriousness 

"Then why didn't u want us to read the last page?"I ask wondering why we couldn't

"This book mostly holds demons trackers ghost and supernatural beings in here, each time a demon or ghost or witch or any sort or thing mai or her buddy's back then couldn't beat she seal them away in hear creating a page in the book the book may look thin but say the right word-"

Monka said setting it on the table in front of her and touching the middle on the journal"

Akiraka ni suru(Reveal)" as the journal turn into a large book 

"Woh!"Aycko said I was impressed but who made the book is what I'm wondering and what in the book?like how many in it 

"Will show the true form also This book was made-"well one of mine questions will be answer" was made by a old magic witch who was friends with your family Mia,Brook she made one for each of the daughters of the main branch"monka said as Mia cover her mouth"do do u still have "monka nodded


As monk nodded she went to her bag and pull out two journals that look like the ones we just saw but mine was a bit lighter same with Brook but her has a slight darker then mine but they were all light brown 

"Open it your twin and little sister Put something in writing for u same with your mother and father"monka said as I open the front page re there in red black and blue pen was three diffrent writings "there both the same for the mother and father one but if u will read them out loud if u want"monka said in a motherly tone

"To mine daughter with two younger siblings I'm sorry if I left the world to early for your liking but please take care of your siblings like they were your own children till they find one special"Brook read I read from dads" dear mine little ones daddy sorry he didn't say for your sixteen birthday or chase the boys away! Me and your mother love u very much and know where ever we may be right now we love u and don't forget it!"I read as gene chuckle

A bit as he held me as I cover mine mouth from crying

"Hey Brook! If your reading this then that means monka mine dearly friends and our aunt-in-law  gave the book this will be when ever u do and when u need help this book or I like to call it journal or handbook will help u there spells that help u talk to ma and pa who are dead if u want answers or a way to help u with your powers!! Each time u add a demon goul or any monsters under the bed will be seal her here a trick I learn if u don't want it to get out again! Any since this is only your book only u can do it

After three weeks to five weeks of sealing inside this book erase the words to unleash it and the seal it will be stuck and dissapper there will be a picture in it and ways to defeat it or ways to weaken it ! I lov u sis and even know u might be mean to me I don't care! -Mai"

Brook read I patted her back as she cup her mouth and started to cry"mine husband and mine sister are out there in trouble right now and I don't even know what to do"she coke out crying I hug her 

I eventually let go so I can read what min twin wrote to me

"Hey twin!!u may alawys say mine twin of mine or twins only do this and that but I can say hey this is mine twin or hi twin! So hm! Anyways u might read what mum and pa wrote and u might of cry but don't cry! Look what pa wrote! I'm betting u that u have kids and a husband already!same with Brook! Monka who your aunt and mine aunt in law beacause I see the way u look at gene

'Wiggles eyebrows even thought u cant see it' but if u and Brook read this out loud since monka ask u to do so then u know what this can do but since I didn't want take much room I didn't list what might happen to your self, see you might loose a part of your self from this I dealt with it because I was doing it when I had nothing to loose and I end up locking away mine true powers and feelings with it due to what I learn from the old lady wich she told me everyone diffrent so u may not be affected at all mine twin and older sis!

But I was mum wasn't and pa wasn't so u might be ok I don't know but u be safe and this not a gamble the ones I alreayd put in mine journal are the most hardest one I face and almost lost mien life! I love u so so much and please don't do anything that can cause our family grief u and Brook with your families may be the only ones that left of the taniyama line 

I may or may not mee someone but who knows! I do lov u so so so much -Mai" I hug gene crying 

"Mai Mai why why why's why why why "u repeated as we all sat in silence as me and Brook cry 

( hold on 'looks for nakins' I need to clear mine tears I'm crying so so much not waaaaa

Okay!'sniff' okay I'm done but okay done to the book'waves tissue in air wile clearing the tears from eyes')

I sniff pulling away from monkey(what's with the animal names? I don't get it) and looking at monka"monka can can we see what mai put in the book?"I ask shakely she nodded smiling sadly

"Of course dear but remember u cannot read the last page these are cover over by the writing mai put with each page so the last one don't read "monka stated sadly

As we saw diffrent types of demons in diffrent levels of strengths 

(I'll put some of them down ok?)

"The three imps they are very weak but there powers will mess with u, they haunt little places and small children these are what call monsters in the closet they are all weak when it comes to what children like take candy marsh mellows and chocolate and tie it with the blue ribbon u can wirght some sealing in the ribbon and that will do they will go for it but be frozen since small sealing spells wont work on them." I read out loud monk turn his noise up"I heard of them before I didn't think they were real"

Monk said Aycko nodded"man this is weird "I flip to the next page

"These eyes may look like contacts but don't be fool they don't have a name but there the same one goul so I call it the four eye goul, each eyes has one weakness but posses one wealth ability and a power the blood red eye is stage one this as u can guess holds fire and can control the air

The weakness so u can make sure it don't go to second stage make sure u carry holy water or normal water with a tailsmen for lighting that with blind and stop them parlising it's but if u are to slow they can go to second stage this is the eye that is yellow

They control how the ground moves and earth both the same but very very diffrent the earth also means the clouds ground under water and if u stand in one place to long your shadowe weakness stay in the air and form the nine cuts twice the first time will shock to parlising. It then the next culling parilse it make sure u are a constant move and its mot to light outside 

If the four eye goul turn to third stage stay away from it as possible it can hit all your vivle points in one go and can control the weather witch means lighting rain snow all that stuff the weakness blind it and seal it away as fast make sure don't let the hands tough u if u want u can bring rope but put a strong iron tailsmen on it so the hands don't move

If u get to the fourth stage do not go head on man make sure u are fully prepare to fight like your life is on the line 

The fourth eye of the four eye goul is most powerful they can control all four nature earth wind fire and air  the weakness has yet to be found only to slow it down by having the budia mark(that gold thing monk had in episode 23, 24) 

That hit on the side of each of it it can cast chains and hold it down there is rumors that if u have that down and u have priest with u it made me the weakness to it but do not go head on there power is to detach its arm make it move on its own and find your body ora or heat depending on who might piss it off "

Monk read as I blink then stare at the page in horror "Mai didn't face it right?right??"I ask monka as she turn her head I look at the ghost who look like they knew her

"Right??"I ask gene held mine shoulder"she did but we don't know what stage she reach"gene mumble

"She only got to third stage nearly took her arm off"Lexi told us finally speaking" the four eye goul look like she in her 20's but live for hundreds of years rare indeed but most hard to find mai wanted to put not weak but strong demons fouls and monsters in there so that this might happen where u find the journal she can tell u everything with no worries but the men in black I suspect that there from what cause all this and who while the plane crash"

Mix said crossing her legs"there a spell in there mai trying to find and out here how to bring the dead Alive without ruining or making us zombies thus the reason why where still hear and why we're keeping our bodies fresh 

" Zain told us

"But nothing yet I'm afraid but u know she looking while she out there"z said "next page well here the others are information on some of the stuff u already did she put the same stuff u face on cases enemies the oredo case the doll case and the dead house case" Mimi  said swiping her hand over the pages flip to almost the end to the book as we saw a bit of what the pages going and she was right some of them we already seen and already face 

Till the page stop on this demon

"It's call a what?"I said trying to read it "Hi no atama no akuma (fire head demon) this one I was there by accident well it sour me and Mai out because we wallets into its nest by accident "monka said

"A Kasai no atama (fire head) is very powerful with head burning like the sun and arms sharp like steel quick like a humming bird never take it to lightly though they can speak but it's hard to understand them they are mostly calm if u reason and bring it some snakes like deer meat or s drop of someone blood who dead but if u get it to angry they will go after u and u must be aware of how they move never visit them unnnouse or they will come out ask why u here or come after trying to kill u 

There weakness well I listed them up above if u do not have deer meat or blood from a dead person creat an illusion that u do hand it to them and go aaay to actully get it make sure it a lasting one and when u return make sure u have both to forgive if that don't work make sure u are a priest priestess miko or monk to face it with knowledge of everything for banishing everything"

Gene read out loud he turns his noise up"dead blood huh"I look at him"I never knew U had a comment about someone food diet"I stated monotone he look at me smiling sheepishly "sorry I just never knew about this" gene said as he flip the pages

"Look st this a bansheet, whisp, the silence? Chainglings, killer wasp, green smoke dragon, prupler smoke I never heard of these names! Most I seeme but never knew the names!" Gene said naru nodded

"Look there the wearwolf vampire and a haft breed as well!" Monk said as we turn another page"there tree sprit mediums that's a thing I thought it was a legion a fox?" Aycko said I stop it "look at this one!"I said 

"There call the rogue"I look at them weirdly "the rogue? What kind of name is that???"monk ask"what kind of name is a mon cun?"I look at him he shrug "point taken (psh it auto correct to something else when I put cun) "they are three monsters that never been more than five feet away from each arch other there weakness 

The smallest one since it like there young brother sister or what ever they are grab it and point something of a way to pailrize it do not be fool when the one that is young start crying they can shape shift and can talk like a human same with the other ones just make them go into the seal u made and then throw the young on in there"

I blink"these are all very detail"I said Zain nodded"some if u can see are in black this was made by the book if u only seal it they list stuff off for it if u see the lighter black"he pointed to some words

"Mai wrote it down since she face it right?"john deduced z nodded"if u can see like with the four eye goul earlier some was very detail then the last one not st all but when 

She or another taniyama fight it and reach the last stage it will add onto this book and once it does mai will know and check to make sure this will tell her who fought it unless it was by her self"z said 

We nodded

I flip the page 

 "What is that?!?!?"me and Brook said 

"Ah I think that was was the second most hardest thing she ever came cross"monka said "oh u know the name?"Lin ask speaking now in a while

"No I never seen it up front of pictures but I know the name"monka said"and u do not say it because"she flip the page"that was the last page "she show us

I held mine own I look at monka"how do I get the spells to Look at?or in mais?"I ask wondering 

Monka smile closing the book and flipping back to the front spinning it three times then turning over again"Mai told me how to do this in case she wasn't here or I want to study of diffrent ways to help noll or gene here"naru and gene rose a brow I laugh at mine love face 

"What that means?"gene said with his face all weird

'Why haven't I know about this? Mai mine twin, I thought I got to know u all this time but in truth'I lay mine hand on this as we spsaw threw each pages diffrent ways diffrent spells diffrent training for powers all that 'I never knew u were so so broken so alone'I thought

I stop the page"what's wrong?"monka ask I ran mine finger on the dry redness"this is blood on it"I said in a quiet tone"b-blood?"john said shock"who's thoes is the real question" Aycko said 

"Well it's mine duh!"we turn around seeing a little Mai well nto so little she don't look like her self that we know of

With Mai and Yasu

I jump"what's wrong?"Yasu said as we exit the last house"they have the journal"I mumble Yasu Rose a brow"how would u know that?"I shutter"cause mine other self mine guide when ever the blood I smear when I was with u guys the first time came out"I shutter Yasu laugh"oh there in a world of hurt in the mind" then Yasu shutter remembering how it was for him"crap"I mutter as I quickly sent a text to monka 

With the others

Still Mia

The young version of mine twin smile at us"u call?"she ask"what?"Aycko said"and who are u???"naru ask wondering 

"Oh I'm mai taniyama in the guide of this book and to help u!"


I'm sorry mine pretties I spent two days on this and I'm a bit tired I hope u all like bye bye for now!

Dinchi out!'walks out after pushing chair in and turning off camera' 

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