legend of the guardians the owls of ga'hoole

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( main oc zand )

name zand


likes flying fighting reading the stars 

armor his is the left for normal battle but going into war in stuff is the left

crush kludd backup soren if not crush

 friends my ocs the other guardians soren and his friends


age 12


personally chill nice kind funny brave goofy rebellious 

 brilliant and energetic responsible, dutiful and aspiring but they're far less prominent, especially compared to impulses of being frightening as well.

His brilliance though, this is what he's often admired for. People regularly count on this and his heroic nature especially when they need comforting or support

kind half barn owl an snowy owl 

he the leader of his own team call the midnight ghost 

home the isle of mezzo the ocean that it live in an around it is called the Langwin Sea

home the university 

A. The Alliance-University
The grand crystal and marble castle that houses the  University, and the five surrounding spires that make up the Alliance. The castle itself is huge, and faces the Great Lake. It contains many different locations within it, including a grand entry hall, a cafeteria (usually hosting a visiting chef - though it is stocked with some prey, large prey items such as fish, mouses an other bird food  etc are not here live and must be hunted for), sleeping dorms for each Talon, a teacher's lounge, and an extensive array of classrooms, hallways, "dungeons," stairways, secret passageways, and more. (Think Hogwarts). The grounds are generally grassy and sunlit, studded with flowers and trees. A magnificent garden, well-maintained by animals  and sporting all sorts of exotic plants, exists near the walls of the school, although nearer to the edges of the mountain forests, the plants become wild and untamed. A great river flows under the castle, roaring out onto the grounds and cascading down the cliff side in front of the school. Surrounding the school past the grounds are the Crystalline mountains, which seem to cup the Castle lovingly in rocky talons. 

Surrounding the school are the five crystal spires, one for each Order in the  Alliance. The Spires are where the Order members live and conduct most in-Order business. Meanwhile, general Alliance business is either conducted in the Castle, or even more curiously on one of the floating isles. Several islands, with a domed building of purple crystal and glass float a few hundred meters above the castle, in a spectacular display of magical prowess. It is said these islands were enchanted by the first Master of Illumination. The floating isles are where the most important Order business is conducted, and the Grand Master themselves lives within the purple crystal building on the largest floating island. Most bird fly from island to island; wingless animals an and young birds can be transported via movement of small, transporter rock crags that move from island to island.

B. Mezzo Town
A bustling, sprawling town set at the western edge of the Great Lake and at the foot of the Crystalline Mountain Range. The town has a positive atmosphere and is generally very safe and lawful, due to the presence of the Alliance so close, with clean, up kept buildings. Indeed, some of the masonry and architecture is especially detailed and artful due to projects done by the Order of the Nimbus. New traders and birds an animals visiting from the continents can be seen every day, and the town is very prosperous as business always flows. 

C. The Great Lake
The waterfall below the Castle thunders down into a magnificent blue lake. It is a clean, freshwater source with several large rivers feeding out of it.

D. Crystalline Mountains and Valleys
A stretch of rocky mountains and mountain caves stretch on the northern side of the Alliance-University castle. This mountain range, called the "Crystalline Mountains" contain many caves filled with different gems and crystals, which are an easy export for the . These mountains are snow-capped during all but the hottest months of the year. Additionally, rivers have carved out deep valleys that have flourished into prey-rich, flowering meadows. A precious few springs hide deep within these mountains, providing the freshwater that flows out to the rest of the Isle.

E. The Deep Glade
A vast, jungle-like forest that covers about one fourth of Isle Mezzo's landmass. Generally dragons are discouraged from entering, as there are legends of birds an animals entering the forest and mysteriously never returning. Others scoff at the rumors, and are able to enter and map the glade without issue. Whatever the case, the Deep Glade is a source of mystery and rumor to all dragons who visit and live on the island, and birds an animals gifted with powers  may find that the plants here are less than friendly. A stretch of many miles in the center of the Deep Glade have a very thick treetop canopy - so thick that it is impossible to fly through, even for the most skilled birds. It is only possible to enter the central gloom of the Deep Glade on foot. Thus, hunting is usually done in the Crystalline Mountains or at the edges of the glade near the rivers. Fruit-gathering is also typically restricted to the edges of the forest.

F. Beach Caves and Rock Pools
A pleasant and tranquil beach lines the northeastern "tail" of the Isle Mezzo. owls and birds enjoy coming here to relax for "the best sun time" and to play in the waves. The southeastern beach becomes more rocky, and sports different lagoons and water-filled caves as well as a glittering array of rock pools. Ingenious young owls an birds also have found 'secret' caves that can only be entered by swimming underwater. There's a rumor that an underwater river exists that goes from these rock pools to the Great Lake, but none have confirmed this as of yet.

G. Aether Canyon
Stretching along the northwestern edge of Isle Mezzo, the Aether Canyon is a grand sight to behold. The temperature emulates the desert here, with high temperatures during the day dipping to cold winds at night. Great cliffs have been carved into the earth by huge rivers fed by mountain streams.

H. The Ruins
Ruined structures and buildings lie in a lost city along the southwestern coast. These structures were abandoned when the northern kingdom beyond of beyond an the southern kingdom   Alliance was originally founded (or so it is said). What used to be gorgeous and detailed architecture has crumbled and is now being overtaken by nature, with vines and moss cloaking most of the half-collapsed buildings. Research by the Order of Ancients suggests some of these buildings date back to pre-Scorching, though the buildings seem too large to have been built by owls. In the past several years, some inhabitants of the island and students have reported sightings of a spectral suit of armor haunting this area.

I. Ember Mountains and Hot Springs
Isle Mezzo's second mountain range lies to the southwest and is covered by deciduous and coniferous trees. Interestingly, the leaves of these trees have taken on a warm reddish-orange-brown hue, a color which they wear year round and give the mountains their name. The trees are widely spaced enough that hunting within these mountain is pleasurable, and the mountains are prey-rich. Snow occasionally falls here in the winter months. Additionally, there are several geothermic ally heated hot springs in these mountains, which make this area a popular spot for students and traveling dragons to visit and relax. Occasionally, owls may find the hot springs unnerving, worrying that they denote the possibility of a hidden, destructive volcano, but there has been little evidence of that as of present.
 Due to the recent fire "resetting" the soil, plant growth is extremely plentiful in this area, with very fertile soil.

J. Island Village
A small, multi tribal village lies within the splintered south-eastern islands at the edge of Isle Mezzo. The village consists of around 250-475  an animals an  owl kind who permanently live on the Isle, but don't wish to engage in the bustle that envelops Mezzo Town daily. Some of these birds  can trace their lineage all the way back to the original birds living on the island, who existed there before the old kings time.

types of birds an animals that live on the island are 




rouge birds  and an animals fighters 

Dire Wolves 

an other land animals 





Genus: Tyto

The Barn Owls, heart-shaped face, long legs, long wings, dark eyes.

The Barn Owls

glass owl

masked owl

laster sooty owl

greater sooty owl

Genus: Phodilus

The Bay Owls, small, with V-shaped faces.


Genus: Strix

barried owls 

spotted owl

great grey owl

The Earless Owls or Wood Owls, round heads, robustly built, hooting vocalization. Strix is Latin for "owl", but it also referred to a mythical vampiric owl-monster. Until the late 19th century, many other owls were included in this genus.

Genus: Bubo

The Horned Owls and Eagle-Owls, generally large and powerful, most with ear-tufts. Bubo is Latin for the Eurasian Eagle-Owl.

eagle owl

great horned owl

snowy owl 

Genus: Aegolius

The Forest Owls or Saw-whet Owls, small with relatively long wings, and large round heads. Aegolius is Latin for "screech owl", but is derived from a Greek word meaning "a bird of ill omen".

boreal owl 

northern saw whet owl

Genus: Megascops

The Screech Owls, once part of the genus Otus, they were eventually split into their own genus. They are restricted to the Americas. All relatively small, with erect ear-tufts, and short, rounded wings. Megascops means "great watcher".

reufescent screech owl

easter screech owl

Tropical Screech Owl 

Western Screech Owl 

Whiskered Screech Owl

Genus: Asio

The Eared Owls, medium-sized with long wings, and feather tufts that give the appearance of ears. Asio means "eared owl".

Long-eared Ow

l Short-eared Owl

 Striped Owl

Genus: Athene

The Little Owls, short tails, rounded wings, yellow eyes. Athene is derived from the Greek goddess Athena, who was often depicted with an owl.

burrowing owl 

Genus: Micrathene

Only one species, the world's smallest owl, short tail and long legs.

elf owl

Genus: Glaucidium

The Pygmy Owls, very small, with rounded heads, and relatively powerful talons.

Pygmy Owl

Genus: Ketupa

The Fish Owls, rather large and powerful, with horizontal ear-tufts. Sometimes placed in Bubo. Ketupa is a generic name for Fish Owl species from Java or India.

brown fish owl

Genus: Surnia

Only one species, completely diurnal, medium-sized with long, pointed wings.

norther hawk owl

Genus: Psiloscops

Only one species, once part of the genus Otus, but despite similarities, it's not related to the Scops Owls or Screech Owls.

Flammulated Owl

Genus: Otus

The Scops Owls, relatively small, with ear-tufts, and short, rounded wings.

scops owl


dad king zephir

mom queen clover

older brother ember

sister iris 



( wise owl an is blind)




adopted parents boron and barran an also a guardian )




pure one  but wants to be a guardian

 family ash and striker mom and dad dead)









enemy ash , striker pure ones

name ash 



pure one

family jd  an striker 


pure one


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