spider man/ symbiote oc

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Name: lucas scott 

Alias: none at the moment 

age 17

Gender: male

Sexuality: bi lens to male tho

Technically he'd be an anti-hero 

anti hero name cherry spider 

likes his job Coffee, Reading, Writing, Sketching earth his friends an family video games music fighting skateboards hugs pranks studying about hell loves cuddles an like having affection to him cooking

dislike the police getting hurt being call clumsy thunderstorms snakes

Powers: normal spider powers he can open portals if he been to a place before super hearing flight on his gliders 

Personality: he's, obviously, not the MOST heroic person. he does heroic things, but he's not scared to kill someone if he figures it's the best thing to do, and he's not gonna sacrifice pride to avoid conflict. he'll DEFINITELY fight someone for something very minor shy clumsy Einstein 


Suit in photo 

job is a worker at a small cafe call galaxy rocket his mother owns it 

Family: just his mother named vixy and little brother chris father left his mother went he was born 

vixy mother

chris little brother the two are twins but he is older by few months apart

pet/ best friend 

twink very good bio an cinnamon  bun male

chimaera was a experimented on  female

Friends: twink  and chimaera   none, yet 

Earth: uh..... he from earth

Crush: open if not harry Osborn  backup peter

evil symbiote form named 



lucas never knew his father he left went he was born his father left his mother went he was born so he never met him it was hard to his mother being a single parent an after a few months she had his young brother chris  went lucas was 5 went he was outside he met a strange odd creature who he keep it an later twink an the two became best off friends an later bonded with lucas who was ok with it  went he was on a school trip went they want to a science   lab place an lucas being him wander off from his group an not knowing that a group off evil people came an attack the place he saw the men sealing stuff an they saw him he try to ran but because he was clumsy he trip an fell an they grab an took him to there base an where evil  they experiment on him for a few months an his only friend there was a strange odd symbiote creature call chimaera an the two became friends while back home his mother an brother where still looking till one day twink could not take it an show him himself to lucas mom an brother who at first try to attack him but chirs saw it was the thing that lucas was friend with an told him mom about him twink then told vixy that he will go find her son an which he left to go to it with lucas he was doing a test where he actually slip some chemicals on him that had spider man powers an other powers till twink found the place an attack the people but did not kill them he found lucas an was happy to see his friend an the two left not before they free chimaera but during the escape twink got injury very badly an was going to die because he had been without a host for a long time an lucas told him he can bound with him to save him an which he did an they left the place after a while lucas saw his family an was happy an then show him his new friend chimaera an ask to keep his mother was shock at that an was going to say no but let him he also told him about twink  and that he had powers to an his mother pass out at that but let him keep him to so life went on for a while till he was 16 an his family more to new york city an his mother got a job a cafe worker an became the boss an he work there two for a job

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