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name brandon star


age 23



family Luna older sister kate younger sister

crush matt

saber tooth tiger  blaze

Weapon a gun

( The color is gold)
Likes everything singing dancing his lion and his siblings his friends saving people his lion an pet

Dislike mean people Zarkon  cold  losing a fight

Personal Nice kind brave fearless funny smart adventurous loyal
Side zarkon not by choice
Backstory he saw his parents got killed in front of him and his sisters and  he is childhood friend with Shiro and matt went they where kids they went missing an catupted by the galar an zarkon an where force to work for him




Appearance - Ratite/Raptor
Raitite has similar look between a ratite (emu/ostrich/etc) and a Tyrannosauroidea.
○ Covered with short fur/down while certain area like their head and chest will have longer fur.
○ All of them have a long or heavy tail that helps them keep their balance and speed while running.
○ A layer of long feather grows along the tail and shorter feathers can be grown on other parts of the body like the head and legs.
○ Small head compared to their large round body.
○ Front arms are small while the back legs are thick and strong for running.

Ability - 'Black-hole'
Their head and jaw is not that large and powerful to grab and kill so they rely on their ability to pull in matter into their mouth.
Most star creatures tire themselves out while trying to escape the black hole of the mouth so when the Raitite finally chomps onto them there is no fight. Raitite can be in any position to suck things in but the most powerful black hole is when they get down on all four and focusing all their attention and energy into the pull.

Status - Threatened
They are a threatened species in Allium. Many people treasure Stardusts for their Woe form and Starsweepers for their wishing power so they protect them from any predators. Once they had gotten wind that Raitites would eat any of these creatures, many people tried to rid of the world of the 'useless' Raitites.

Diet - Omnivore
Raitite got the name "star-eater" for a reason. The main food in their diet is and Starsweepers as they are the most common of all star creatures in Allium. They can digest the star-sand and absorb the power of the stars. Most Raitite eat a couple of star creatures a year while they eat other meat and things the rest of the time.

Lifespan - ~50-60 years
The common lifespan is 50-60 years if they eat one or two star creature a year. If they had a steady supply of star creatures Raitite can supposedly live as long as they like. There are times when hunting for star creatures are hard and some only can eat one every few years. This has a large affect on their lifespan. It will shorten their life by decades and it will also stunt their growth.

○ Youthfulness: If a Raitite never eaten a star or star creature before they will not grow to their full size and remain in a baby/child-like form that is covered in down and no true feather.
○ New Diet: There are some Raitite that does not have the heart to kill these star creatures so instead they befriend one. Instead of eating the creature whole they will eat the stars they create or carry. A completed star created by a Stardust will give enough power to the Raitite to add some months to their life compared to the years added when eating the whole creature.

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