young justice

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Name -ayame hachimitsu  seke

family  Nathan hachimitsu seke  twin brother

buck adopted father

 adopted father eddie adopted father 

unknown parents 

Nathan hachimitsu seke twin brother

Age - 16

Gender - female

crush your oc if not  dick backup superboy

Occupation - vigilante 

job works a chief an is a dancer

Personality: kind, silly, funny, smart, does a lot of stupid stuff for fun, easily annoyed or pissed off. Is annoying in a fun way, adventures troublemaker, edgy loyal brave a leader fearless tomboy curious sarcastic very bright, bubbly bookworm daredevil nerdy brave , bold ,  , sarcastic , 

normal look

 vigilante suit look

Mentor: none train herself 

backstory she an her twin brother where both adopted by this two nice male married couple name buck an eddie they where nice people an took the two even if no one anted her because of her eyes 

A student at a normal, non-heroics based high school. She's not the best of students, with a mild attention deficit disorder due to the nature of her quirk. With so much information that she processes from her environment from moment-to-moment, it leaves little room for anything that doesn't capture her complete attention to stick. So her grades are a little... lackluster outside of her favorite subject– physical education. She learns best by doing, so in classes where her instructors allow her to move, it helps her focus.

She wants to be a professional dancer/choreographer after graduation. Spends a lot of time at Sandstone's studio with her fellow dance-minded individuals. Loves all styles of dance, but street dancing her favorite. She also loves to parkour/freerun. Instead of being a hindrance, her quirk is a valuable tool during dancing and freerunning, as she's hyper-aware of her surroundings. She's also got very quick reflexes, allowing her to capitalize on that awareness in order to learn new steps, or always have a secure handhold to jump to or reach for.

Her quirk allows her to see everything in her immediate vicinity from all different angles. Which is very useful for learning choreography and also helping to spot flaws in other people's techniques or steps, and making it easier for her to help them go about fixing it. That's really where she thrives while using her quirk, with a lot of people to focus on while she's moving around.

why she a vigilante 

She never really meant to be a vigilante, it just sort of happened. She's always in the wrong place at the right time. And with her quirk, she sees things that others miss. A hand reaching for a wallet in a coat pocket, someone preparing to snatch a purse, an unwilling person being forced into a dimly lit alley.

And she's always been impulsive.

She's a little small, but she's very fit from dancing and freerunning and some kids at the dance studio dabble in self-defense classes, so she knows how to throw a decent punch too. But mostly she just distracts whoever is breaking the law and keeps them busy until authorities are about to be on the scene.

On a few heart-stopping occasions 'distracting the villain' has manifested as leading them on a wild chase, away from their target and focused on her. She's a very rabbit-like sort of fighter, striking and leaping back, using her agility to the fullest since she can't rely on brute strength.

Since her quirk isn't combat focused, and it's passively always on, she's received a few lectures about getting in the way of authorities (when she's been caught acting as a vigilante out of 'costume') but most of the time her interference leans more on the legal side of things. Stopping pickpockets and purse snatchers with a well-placed trip or similar.

For anything more serious she's very quick to disappear while the heroes and police are dealing with the actual criminals. 

powers agility speed leaping 

weakness her eyes at time sunlight fighting

likes dancing her job her friends animals cooking coffee

dislike people making fun of her eyes fire spiders  dusk in her eyes

weapons guns knifes anything she can find hand to hand fighting 

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