Chapter 1

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3rd P.O.V.

In the aftermath of the Kawakami duel was sort of settled back in the forest, the headmaster considered Class 2F as the victor considering they were about to win against Class 2S before Y/n arrival at the battlefield. The headmaster later gave everyone in the area a proper explanation about who Y/n is and why is he's joining the school.

He explained that Y/n is a student from the U.S., who was trained in a rare ancient martial art that made him so strong that many opponents from across the world was defeated by him. Hence, why the headmaster accepted Y/n in his school in the first place since Y/n's skills could be an interesting addition especially with big four never experience the type fighting skill Y/n preform.

Many students were amazed on what Y/n accomplish especially Yamato and his friends who were the most surprise of them all. Considering to them, they always thought Momoyo was the strongest in the school since no one won against her in a fight, not even the other members of the big four. So, when they saw Y/n take down Momoyo in one fast strike, they knew he was the real deal if he can take down someone as Momoyo senpai.

So, the headmaster placed Y/n in the dorm building with Yamato and his friends for time being until he can get Y/n his own dorm room if Y/n wants that or not. For Yamato and his friends it was exciting to have someone amazing and strong as Y/n to have around.

But to Momoyo...

It meant she finally met someone who could give her the fight, she been craving for a long time since joining this school. Which this didn't go unnoticed for Yamato who has deep feelings for her but knows he could never match her in brute force and only sees him as a brother than as a partner.

At Night...

We see Momoyo sneaking into Y/n's bedroom getting ready to sneak attack him as she hover over his bed with a grin on her face.

Momoyo: Oh, Y/n~ You better not sleeping on me right now on me because if you are... get ready for this!

She charge up her fist.

Momoyo: Kawakami style; Dynasty Warriors Punch!


Momoyo: Ack!

She was met with a swift punch in the head by Y/n, who managed to jump away from her attack and counterattack.

Y/n: Seriously, Momoyo... when are you going to learn to give it a break. I know I only moved here about a week ago but still you should know by now to never sneak on someone, who mastered sleep awareness.

Momoyo: Damn it... *thought* You're incredible, Y/n~ You only keep amazing me, more and more.

Y/n: Anyway is the middle of the night shouldn't we put this fight on hold until tomorrow morning.

Momoyo: Never! Not until you show me that incredible skill of yours.

Y/n: Sorry, no can do. This skill I mastered is way too dangerous for any normal person unless your willing to bare the extreme training. And considering your personality this skill is the complete opposite of you.

Momoyo: Opposite of mine...?

Miyako: Hey, what's going on in there?

Miyako came bursting in the room as she sees Y/n standing in front of Momoyo.

Miyako: Oh, am I interrupting something~

Y/n: No, Miyako and don't get the working idea.

Miyako: Whatever you say, Y/n~

Y/n: Anyway, why are you up at this time of night?

Miyako: Nothing...

Y/n: You were sneaking into Yamato's room weren't you.

Miyako: Yes. But he wasn't there, how disappointing.

Y/n: I guess he must be at that meeting right now.

Momoyo/Miyako: Meeting?

Y/n: He told me before he left that Mr. Maro called all the class presidents for an important meeting to discuss tonight.

Miyako: That explains why he wasn't in bed.

Momoyo: Whatever the meeting is about I don't care just as long I get to punch something.

Y/n: You really need to control yourself, Momoyo or else that will be your downfall just warning you. Anyway, I'm going back to bed could you two leave my room.

Momoyo: What if we don't want to?

Miyako: What are you going to about it, Y/n~

Y/n: ....


Y/n was seen in bed with Momoyo and Miyako on opposite of his bed and with him in the middle.

Y/n: Shit... I can't believe I lost to them in paper, rock, scissors. *thought* But I can't deny that this is nice.


News report: The new administration plans to cut annual expenditures through a reduction in unnecessary programs.

Cookie turns off the device she was holding as everyone met up in the break room. Yamato was explaining about last night meeting with Mr. Maro.

Cookie: 144 meal tickets is big deal!

Tadakatsu: We'll have plenty to eat for a long time. I'm trying to decide what to have.

Cookie: The Kazuma family has nine members that include Y/n so each will receive evenly of 14 leaving 4 extra tickets left.

Yamato: That's why I demanded a multiple of 10 but we can give the extra between Y/n and Momoyo senpai. Since considering those two, they have a bigger appetite than any of us.

Y/n: That's remind me... where is Shouichi anyway? Shouldn't he be at this meeting already.

Takuya: I received a message a from him saying he's going to be stuck at Nagoya for a while. He blew out a tire, so he has to walk all the way home by foot.

Tadakatsu: Pummer...

Kazuko: If cap doesn't show up, what the rest of us supposed to do.

Yamato: Those who don't work, don't eat you know the rules. That the reason I requested multiple of 10.

Y/n: Cool it just mean more extras for us! Right, Momoyo?

Momoyo: Right, Y/n~

Kazuko: Wait 144 divided by 9... uh...

Y/n gently place his hand on Kazuko's head to stop her in her tracks.

Y/n: You can think about it later, Kazuko. Don't strain yourself, ok.

Kazuko blush from his gentle touch.

Kazuko: O-Ok, Y/n!

Miyako: But Yamato how did you convince him to accept such a ridiculous price.

Yamato: It was important enough that he called us there in the middle of the night so I figured he would be willing to pay extra.

Y/n: Not bad, Yamato I like your thinking.

Y/n and Yamato gave each other a highfive.

Yamato: To be honest Y/n it sort of thanks to you being in our class and how you presented your strength to everyone that class S is in no position to go against us.

Tadakatsu: Totally! I was scared shitless, when you appeared in the battlefield. You literally got everyone shaking in their boots when you took down three members of the big four.

Christiane: But I feel this is unfair in someway don't you think Yamato. We shouldn't abuse our position just because Y/n won the fight for us.

Yamato: How can you say that with a straight face? I saw you staring at Y/n memorize by his strength as well.

Christiane blush feeling embarrassed that she was caught.

Momoyo: That reminds me~

Momoyo grabs Y/n from behind and put him in a chokehold placing his head between her breast.

Momoyo: Y/n, you still owe me a fight from last night~

Y/n: Seriously?! I thought you forgot about it!

Momoyo: How can I forget something like that~? Out of every fighter I ever met none can compare the fight you gave me. Not only that you're basically the only male who can handle me in a fight which excites me to be honest.

Y/n: Hey guys! A little help here?!

Everyone ran out of the room immediately not wanting to caught up with Momoyo senpai blood lust.

Yamato: Sorry, Y/n! You're on your own!

Y/n: Traitors!

Momoyo: Now~ Let's go somewhere we can take our fight.

Momoyo drags Y/n somewhere privately so their fight won't be interrupted.


After Momoyo and Y/n had their fight with Y/n winning once again. They go on their mission with Yamato as they soon learn what type it is.

Momoyo: What is this?

Y/n and everyone else was dumbfounded by what they're looking at in front of them.

Y/n: A lost dog...? You got to be kidding me.

Yamato: It the history teacher, Mr. Maro's dog.

Kazuko: I thought this was going to be a big deal.

Miyako: I don't think he should use us for his personal jobs if you know what I mean.

Yukie: His dog is important enough that he called us in the middle of the night.

Yamato: Anyway we should start gathering information. I asked Takuya to post stuff online and search for anyone who may have spotted the dog. While he does that we'll look around area by foot and use our connection to find the dog.

Y/n: Simple enough.

Y/n then look back at the poster notice something off about the dog in the picture.

Y/n: Is it me or does this dog look exactly like his owner in someway.

Miyako: You're not wrong, they say the dog represents their owner or vise versa.

Kazuko went up to the poster and start sniffing at it to get a smell.

Kazuko: It doesn't smell.

Matsukaze: You can tell by the flyer?

Kazuko: Oh, there he is.

Y/n: Huh?

Matsukaze: Seriously?!

They turn to the end of the alley to see where Kazuko is pointing at where they spotted the same dog in the poster.

Y/n: Oh my god... he look exactly like Mr. Maro.

Miyako: I got it!

Miyako pulls out a bow and arrow.

Yamato: Miyako! We don't need arrow it.

Miyako: You collect the bounty whether the dog is dead or alive.

Yamato: No, you can't!

Yamato: I'm just kidding. This is a school replica it won't do more than knock him out. But it really hurts though.

The minute the dog heard this line, it immediately started running away.

Y/n: I think the dog heard.

Kazuko: He ran away!

Yamato: Quickly after it!

They all immediately went chasing after the dog throughout the town of Tokyo. However, the dog managed to evade their capture by taking sharp turns in different alleyways.

This also resulted in Yamato getting left behind many times by everyone and even after manage to get a hold of the dog it only led to him getting slapped or punch by women after the lured him into a female under store or destroying the women ice cream sundaes.

As for Y/n, he almost caught the dog but was interrupted many times by different fighters wanting to challenge him, which let to him loosing track of the dog.

Everyone later regroup deciding to call it a day to rest until they can go after the dog again or at least know where it went.

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