Chapter 25 | Final Chapter

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Chapter 25

       "You know, it's bad to just stand in front of a microwave while it's heating up food," Ricky said as I was crouching in front of the microwave, setting my arms on the counter in front of the microwave as I rested my chin on my arms.

       "False," I said. "That's just a myth. It's not dangerous to stand in front of it."

       "Says who?"


       "Okay, but the more you just watch your food cook, the longer it actually takes."

       "False again. Time doesn't magically slow down if your watching your food. I can see the timer. It's counting down at its normal speed."

       "Okay, but..."

       I cut off Ricky with a sigh. "Can you be anymore annoying?"

       "Actually, yes, I can," Ricky said. "Want to see how?"

       "Seriously, just go away," I said. "I'm trying to watch my popcorn cook in peace and I would rather not have anyone talk to me right now, thank you very much."

       "I can see that," Ricky said. "You haven't really talked to any of us the past couple days. Did we do something wrong or...?"

       "Of course you guys didn't," I said. "Trust me, I would let you know if that was the case. I make my hatred for people or for things people do pretty vocal."

       "So... What is it?" Ricky asked.

       "You know, everyone keeps asking me that and I still don't have an answer," I said. "So I would appreciate it if everyone would just, you know, stop asking me the same question every single day. I don't know what's going on and I can't give you guys an answer."

       "Maybe you should go see a doctor or something," Ricky said.

       I turned to look at him, my eyebrows furrowed. "Why would I go do that?"

       "Because doctors are pretty good at figuring things out that we can't find the answer to," Ricky said.

       "Well, I feel fine so I don't need a doctor," I said as the microwave beeped. I took the popcorn out of the microwave and set it on the counter as I began searching through the seasonings to find one I could put on my popcorn this time.

       "Just because you feel physically fine, it doesn't mean you are actually fine," Ricky said. "You know, if I have to, I will schedule an appointment for you and drive you to the doctor's myself."

       I snorted. "Why are you acting like the dad friend all of a sudden?"

       "Uh, probably because I am the dad friend," Ricky said. "Literally the dad friend. I have a son, therefore I am a dad. And I'm serious. I will force you to the doctor's if I have to."

       "Ricky, I am fine," I said. "I don't have to go to the doctor's. Like I told Alistair a few days ago, I'm probably just burned out after how fast everything has been moving with Major Vocal recently. We got back together, had to deal with Ugh-atha, and finally got a new management and now we're working on our new album. I've just been stressed and drained creatively."

       "Being drained creatively wouldn't cause you to act the complete opposite of yourself," Ricky said. "You were drained once during our first album writing and you still ate all the time and rarely slept in. Now, you barely it and you're always in your bed."

       "I'm not in my bed right now," I pointed out.

       "Yes, because Alistair removed our mini-fridge and all food from your room so you would have to leave your room to eat something," Ricky said. "And because Aviva was able to convince you to join us for movie night."

       "And speaking of, now that my popcorn is done, I'm going to season it so we can get started on the movie and I could go back to my room sooner," I said.

       Ricky didn't bother trying to talk to me anymore. He just went to the living room where everyone was waiting for me to get my popcorn since I couldn't watch a movie without popcorn.

       Even if I wasn't too hungry right now.

       After choosing some dill pickle seasoning, I sprinkled it onto my popcorn and mixed it together before heading to the living room and sitting down beside Aviva on the couch.

       We couldn't even start the movie because there was a sudden knock on the door. Alistair was the one who got up to answer it and shortly after, he returned to the living room and he wasn't alone.

       My parents were with him.

       "Mum? Dad?" I asked. "What are you doing here?"

       "Oh, you could at least sound happy to see us," Dad said. "And we came to visit you because you never visit us anymore. We live in the same city, Malachi. It's the least you could do."

       "That's not why they're here," Alistair said. "Well, it is but it also isn't. The main reason they're here is to talk to you because you won't talk to me or Aviva or anyone else."

       "Okay, I sense some family discussion so I guess the movie is on hold for now while the rest of us go hide in our room," Ricky said.

       "No, you four can stay here," Alistair said. "We'll go talk on the balcony."

       "No, we won't," I said.

       Alistair clearly wasn't taking no for an answer because he grabbed my arm, pulling me up from the couch and leading me to the balcony with Mum and Dad following us. Once the balcony door was closed behind us, I said, "I don't know why you keep trying to talk to me about this, Alistair. Nothing is going on."

       "Would you stop lying to yourself for just one second?" Alistair asked. "Clearly something is. You can't deny it. Even Mum and Dad agree."

       "Alistair told us how you've been acting different and there's no way that there is nothing going on with you," Mum said. "Sleeping in, playing the guitar badly, not eating. Again, not eating. That never happens."

       "Even when you're sick with the flu and could barely stomach anything, you still eat," Dad said. "You throw everything up after but that doesn't stop you."

       "People can change, you know," I said. "I don't have to be the exact same person their whole life."

       "Nobody changes this fast and out of the blue," Dad said. "And I doubt people like you lose their love for food just like that. You once said that you would rather give up your leg than give up food. Malachi, we just want to know what's going on. You can't keep shutting everyone out."

       "Nothing is going on!" I said. "I'm fine! Why can't everyone just understand that!"

       "Because we know you!" Alistair said. "We know something's wrong but you keep shutting everyone out and denying that something is wrong!"

       "Because nothing is wrong," I said, enunciating every single word. "You know what? I don't have time for this."

       I walked back into the house and instead of going to the living room to start the movie, I walked passed it and went to the front door, slipping on my shoes and grabbing the car keys.

       "Malachi?" Aviva asked.

       I felt bad not replying to her as I walked out of the penthouse but I couldn't help it. I just needed to be left alone right now. I couldn't deal with everyone constantly telling me that something was wrong with me.

       I knew there was but I wanted to figure it out on my own terms. I didn't want everyone hounding me for an answer when I just didn't have one.

       I went to the parking and got into the car, closing the door and just taking a deep breath. When was all of this going to pass?

       After a few moments of just sitting there, I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, making my way down the streets of Vancouver. I didn't even know where I was going to go. I just had to get away from everyone for the moment. I couldn't be in that house any longer with everyone bombarding me about how I was feeling.

       Maybe driving at night wasn't the best idea.

       Maybe driving when my mind was preoccupied wasn't the best idea.

       I thought it would have been fine. It should have. I had driven before when I was exhausted. In fact, I had done that multiple times when the band had early morning appointments. And I was fine then. I was safe.

       I wasn't now.

       I didn't know how it happened. I didn't know why it happened. All I knew was that I saw headlights rushing straight towards me.

       And then total darkness.


and this concludes major and minor! thank you for reading the story!

even though it's passed midnight, i'm going to get started on the third book of the series which will be in... *drum roll*

RICKY'S POV. i love ricky. he deserves a book.

so i should probably leave to get started on that because it might take a while for me to make the cover.

again, thanks for reading this story!


(i'm sorry, i like being evil)

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