Chapter 3

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Shout out to sana-x for the cover!

Chapter 3

       The MTAs were here, and I knew things were going to get crazy. Aviva, Junior, and I were out of the spotlight for quite some time, and it was our first time going somewhere huge. Not only that, but it was going to be the first time we were performing.

       Things already started getting crazy at the beginning where paparazzi were taking pictures on the red carpet. All the celebrities invited were allowed to bring a plus one if they wanted, so Junior decided to bring Phoebe with him. Even after the band broke up, he never publicly outed his relationship, but he wanted to do it now.

       Aviva and I showed up at a separate time from Junior and Phoebe, and a lot of people were trying to ask us questions.

       "Have you had any contact with any other members of the band since you broke up?"

       "Are all ex-Major Vocal members performing, or only some?"

       "Are there any negative feelings between any of the band?"

       "Are you two dating yet?"

       I honestly wanted to reply to the last question, but we didn't want to come out with our relationship quite yet. Things were still crazy with the band being broken up. The paparazzi wanted to capture all moments of Major Vocal's life post-break up, and they would hound us even more if they found out Aviva and I were dating.

       So we didn't reply to any of the questions. It was kind of difficult anyway with multiple people asking at the same time.

       When we got inside the venue, we were escorted to our seats. As it got closer to the awards, I started scanning the seats. I spotted both Otis and Ricky, sitting away from each other. I was surprised they weren't assigned to sit near us like Junior and Phoebe were.

       They probably requested to sit away from us since they didn't even want to perform with us tonight.

       We were scheduled to perform halfway through the awards, and shortly before that time was to come, an escort came to lead us backstage. Phoebe kissed Junior's cheek before we got up, then wished us all good luck.

       Aviva and I knew Phoebe when we were in high school and honestly, she was perfect for Junior. Junior was mainly a quiet kid, and Phoebe was one of the sweetest people ever. She would never push him to do something he wasn't comfortable with, and she also understood how much music meant to him. She was never mad when they made plans, but he had to cancel because of something about the band.

       "You know, if there was an award for Male Foodie, I would win that," I said as we got our ear pieces on.

       "Why would there be an award for that?" Junior asked.

       I shrugged. "I don't know. I just want to win one since it's clear we're not winning anything."

       "Major Vocal is up for an award, though," Junior said.

       "Yes, and we split up, so it's highly unlikely we'll be voted for," I said. "Now, who's ready to go all acoustic in this place?"

       "Acoustic?" a voice behind us suddenly asked. "Such a shame. A certain someone drumming would give it an extra flare."

       We all turned around to see Ricky standing there with a small smile. I was kind of expecting all three of us to stay mad at him.

       Too bad my girlfriend was such a softy.

       "Ricky!" she said happily, hurrying over to him and giving him a hug.

       But then she pulled away and punched him in the arm. "Ow!" he said. "What was that for?"

       "Not answering our texts or calls or emails," Aviva said. "Especially the email about performing tonight."

       Ricky sighed. "Yeah, I was kind of planning on not performing, but I couldn't bail on it."

       "So considerate," I said sarcastically.

       "I have a feeling you hate me the most for leaving the band," Ricky said, and my reply was only a shrug.

      "So....Not acoustic?" Junior asked. "Because the song is going to sound so odd without a bassist, and there's no way I could learn the part in less than two minutes."

      "Then we kick Ricky out," I said. "He left once. He won't have a problem leaving again."

      "Or I can play the bass," yet another voice said behind us.


      "You know, this would be a lot easier if you two told us you wanted to perform tonight," Junior said. "Because we wouldn't have had to practice acoustic, and how can we be sure that you even remember how to play the song we planned?"

       "Uh, because it's our song?" Otis said.

       "Our?" I asked. "Not since you left the band."

       "Malachi, just give them the chance," Aviva said. "They want to perform, so we're all going to perform together. You said it yourself. Major Vocal is performing tonight, whether it be all or some."

       "Those were not the exact words I said."

       "It means the same thing," Aviva said. "Major Vocal is performing. All of us."

       Who was I to say no, especially when I really did miss the band? If we weren't going to get back together, we might as well perform one last song that wasn't at our own concert.

       "Alright," I said. "I guess we're all performing."

       Perfect timing, because Major Vocal was called onto the stage by the hosts to perform. We all got on the stage, and the audience cheered loudly. That was what I missed about performing. The fans going crazy when we walked on stage, singing along to the songs, smiling, crying tears of joy.

      I missed it all.

      And it was clear everyone in the band did as well. We performed our best, especially Aviva. She was portraying such strong emotion as she sang.

       The Major Vocal fans in the audience were singing and dancing along, and it was making me smile as I played the guitar. They were amazing, and I missed having them supporting us.

       When we finished performing and had to get off stage, my heart almost broke again. It felt like we were splitting up yet again, even though we didn't get back together.

       "Guys, I'm so sorry," Otis said. "For getting mad at all of you for keeping secrets from me. I don't blame you. It really was best for the band keeping them between some of you, especially with Agatha as our manager."

       "Now you agree that she was horrible?" Ricky asked. "After we split up?"

       "Hey, better late than never," Otis said. "Anyway, I'm miserable without the band. I never forgave myself for leaving and I thought you all wouldn't forgive me. That's why I never answered your texts or calls, or bothered contacting you."

       "Are you....are you saying what I think you're saying?" Aviva asked with a small smile.

       Otis nodded. "Yeah. If you want it....I'd like to join the band again."

       Ricky released a sigh if relief. "Oh, thank goodness, because I really miss it too and I didn't want to join again if we all weren't willing to."

       "I'm not willing to," I said.

       "Shut up, yes you are," Aviva said. "So....Major Vocal is back together? For real?"

       "Under one condition, of course," Junior said. "We get a new manager."

       "Deal," Otis said. "I'd rather be in the band without Agatha as the manager than not be in the band at all."

       I actually couldn't believe Major Vocal got back together. I never thought we were going to, but here everyone was, saying they wanted to give it another go.

       What made the moment even more perfect was the winner for the next category was announced.

       This year's Best World Tour.


       We actually won an award. People actually voted for us, despite us being split up.

       The five of us was gestured to go on the stage, so we did to accept the award. I didn't even know what to say, but Otis did so we let him talk.

       "We want to thank each and everyone one of you for voting for us," Otis said. "We honestly didn't think we were going to win having been split up. And...." He looked at all of us, and we all nodded. What better time to announce we were getting back together than winning an award? "This award is definitely going to give us motivation writing more songs, performing even more, because the band is actually getting back together."

       The got the audience to scream and cheer. That. That was the sound I loved hearing.

       And I was going to love hearing it even more without Agatha as our manager.


Yay, the band is back together. :D

Annnnnnd the song attached is the one I imagined performing. cx Perfect for this occasion woo. I've had this particular song planned for months for the song that made them realize how much they love performing, like how I had their last song as a band planned for a long time. cx


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