Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

       "So, like I was saying, we need to find a way to get Major Vocal back on the map," Agatha said. Most of the time, I just tuned her out and instead focused on my can of Pringles instead.

       "We could have a comeback concert," Ricky suggested. 

       Agatha started talking again, and like always, I tuned her out. I wasn't really interested in anything she had to say anymore, and I was high-key pissed off that she still had to be our manager for another few years because of the stupid contract.

       I thought the band breaking up would mean the contract would end.

       It didn't.

       Agatha was smart enough to make sure it was in the contract that the contract would only end after the timeline, even if the band broke up. That way, if the band were to get back together, like we did, she would still be the manager.

       I was not going to enjoy this at all because thanks to Agatha coming back, Aviva and I, yet again, had to keep our relationship a secret from Otis and Ricky.

       We wanted to tell them so badly, but we couldn't because we finally found out what Agatha would do if Aviva and I decided to ignore her and date anyway.

       And we did not want that to happen at all.

       I continued tuning out Agatha until a few words caught my mind. "Publicity stunt."

       I finally looked away from my Pringles and looked at Agatha. "What?"

       "Oh, glad to see you paying attention, Malachi," Agatha said.

       "I have food in my hand," I said. "Food is a priority. Now, what publicity stunt do you have in mind?" I swear, if she said what I think she was going to say, I was going to find a way to get her fired.

       "Dating," Agatha said.

       I knew it.

       "No," Ricky said. "No way. We got over this. Aviva and Chad are not dating for publicity. Everyone will know it's fake because of Major Vocal and Worn Diversion's feud."

       "I know," Agatha said. "That's why I have other people in mind. You're all familiar with Chelsea James, right?"

       "The model?" Ricky asked. "Hell yeah. She's hot."

       Aviva snorted. "Nice you only notice her looks."

       "Uh, you didn't let me finish," Ricky said. "And....charitable?"

       "Nice save," Aviva said sarcastically.

       Ricky shrugged. "So, Agatha, which one of us lucky guys will be dating Chelsea for publicity? Definitely not Junior, because he has a girlfriend, so me? Because I wouldn't be opposed to it."

       "Sorry, Ricky, not you," Agatha said. "I was thinking Malachi."

       Of course she was. I should have expected that. She tried getting Aviva to date Chad for publicity, most likely to keep us apart, but that didn't work. So now, she was going for me to date someone for publicity.

       "No way," I said. 

       "Yes, way," Agatha said. "I let it slide before, and I'm not going to let it happen again, or else I will have to take some serious measurements, and you know what that is now."

       "Then let it happen, with Ricky or even Otis," I said. "You shouldn't force me to date someone for publicity, especially when Ricky is offering to do it."

       "Yeah, choose me," Ricky said. "You shouldn't force Malachi to do it."

       However, Agatha completely ignored what we said, especially because she received a text message. "That's Chelsea's manager," she said. "I have to go meet with her so we can make some arrangements."

       "So, you're ignoring everything we said now and doing things yourself?" I asked as Agatha got up from the seat she was sitting in.

       "I'm the manager, Malachi," Agatha said. "I know what's best for the band."

       "Right, which was why the band already split up, because of all the secrets we had to keep from each other," I said. "All of that was your fault for having all those ridiculous rules."

       "No, don't blame me," Agatha said. "It was your fault you decided to break the rules anyway and keep secrets from each other. It's on all of you, not me."

       As soon as she left, I got up from the couch to head into my bedroom, but Aviva grabbed my wrist to stop me. "Don't get mad," she said.

       "I'm already mad," I said. "We all made it pretty clear that she shouldn't force us to do anything."

       "Look, I think you should just go through with it," Otis said.

       "Are you trying to make me even more mad?" I asked.

       "You didn't let me finish," Otis said. "Even I think it's pretty ridiculous for Agatha to force you to date someone for publicity. I know I didn't see that before when she tried doing it with Aviva and Chad, but after the band split up, I'm really paying attention now. So, this is what we're going to do. You're going to date Chelsea for publicity to keep Agatha calm and in the meantime, we're going to find a way to legally break the contract."

       "Seriously?" I asked.

       "Yes, seriously," Otis said. "You were right. Agatha was the real reason why the band broke up, and I don't want anymore fights between us. My mom's best friend is a lawyer, so she should be able to help for a lower price."

       "Your mom's best friend is a lawyer?" Ricky asked. "Man, I wish I knew that when I was trying to get my dad out of jail. Oh well. You win some, you lose some. And by some I mean money, since I did win getting my dad out of jail. Anyway, Malachi, are you sure you want to go through with dating Chelsea for publicity? I'm sure we can convince Agatha that it should be me."

       Junior sighed. "You know Agatha isn't going to be convinced of anything. When she has an idea in her head, she goes through with it."

       "It's still not fair for Malachi to be forced into a publicity stunt," Aviva said.

       "I know," Otis said. "My mom's best friend is one of the best lawyers I know. If anyone could find a way to legally break the contract, it will be her. But in the meantime, we just have to do everything Agatha says. So, are you up to it, Malachi?"

       "I don't really have a choice," I said.

       And I hated it. 


She's ba-ack. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )


And now, a gif because I don't know what else to say because I'm getting horrible at AN:

Malachi, my baby. <3 I love him.

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