A Night To Remember

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Kay, here's the first chapter made by yours truly a.k.a White:p

Anyway, for the the next chapter Ryan will be posting will be tomorrow or if his not lazy like I am maybe 3 hours from now.

I hope you guys enjoy~

Ash's POV

It was 8:00 in the morning and I was already at school getting beaten up by my bullies.

I was pushed to the ground, getting continuously punched in the face, and many more. I don't care if they continue to beat me up, but their insults would affect me affectively.

"Why don't you fight Ashy boy?! Oh yeah! Because your a L-O-S-E-R" that guy is Gary Oak also known as the school's most popular boy, but to me he's the school's bully.

"Can't stop crying? Oh what a crybaby!" He laughed as he continued to kick me while I was on the ground begging for someone to help me, but as usual no one did.

A crowd of students surrounded us watching this little scene to unfold. How could they?! Watching someone as innocent as they are getting beaten up and no one is coming to the rescue! But..that's just my life.

"Oi, Gary! I told you to wait for us!" Oh great, Misty is here. Misty is Gary's girlfriend also one of my bullies, she hits like a truck and I can't believe people call her a lady.

"Yeah, you could atleast go easy on the nerd until we got here" That's Dawn also known as the school's prettiest girl, but to for she's the school's failed student.

Also Dawn has a boyfriend named Paul, but Paul and I are great friends and everytime Dawn is with Paul she acts like an angel around me.

"So, what to do with him?" Misty asked with an evil smile plastered on her face, Gary smirked at me and grabbed my hair to pull me up which hurts by the way.

"Actually, let's go easy on him today so he can actually get a girlfriend!" They all laughed at Gary's comment and left me lying on the floor crying.

The school bell rang and I slowly walked my way to my class only to be pushed by Gary who was hiding behind the lockers.

He laughed at me and walked inside the class, I slowly stood up and entered the class only to be scolded by my teacher.

"Ash Ketchum! Students have been complaining about you for a couple of days now! They say you bully them?! Unacceptable!" I looked at everyone who had evil smirks plastered on their faces, I can't believe she can't see this?!

"I'm don't! They are the ones who are bullying me!! Why can't you see a guy who can't even get a girl to like him would bully someone?!" I exclaimed as tear run down my face.

"Hey look! Ashy boy is crying!! Ahaha!!" Everyone laughed at me, everyone laughed at me...they are monsters! The teacher stood their looking at me in pity, I can't even be angry because it's true. People pity me even my own mother.

I just sat down on my seat and looked out of the window while the teachers teach us some history and useless stuff.

~After school~

I hopped on my mom's car and after a couple more minutes we arrived at our house, I quickly entered my room and slammed the door shut as loud as I can.

I plopped down on my bed and let all of my tears go.

"Why can't I just fight back?!" I sobbed "Why can't I just stay at home?! Why can't I just get a girl so no one can pick on me anymore!?" I rolled my body to the side to look out of the window.

After class my mom got called to talk to the principal, because like the teacher said Gary and the others told him that I was bullying them. My mom scolded me and I just got grounded for a week. As if I have friends to even go out of my house anyway.

I looked up at the sky and one star shone really bright, I never saw a star the shines like that.

People say when you wish on a star it will come true, but it's just a lie right? Nothing can come true from wishing right? You have to work hard for it right?

I'm really pathetic, I can't believe I'm actually believe a rumor like that. As if my wish to get a girlfriend would come true right?

I sighed and sat on the bed to look at the star, it was pretty to be honest. Seeing something beautiful today can ease up my pain, and maybe I can wish on it even if it's not true.

I folded both of my hands and took a deep breathe.

"I wish to get a girlfriend, or just a girl that would be there for me when I cry. To smile my worries away. To stand up for me and fight of my bullies. To change me from this coward to a hero.." the star began to shine even brighter and a white light appeared behind me.

The next thing I knew was a girl with short honey blonde hair standing infront of me.

"Hi Ash! I heard your wish! I'm Serena Yvonne, your girlfriend"

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