A Place Where You Can Go Home

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Pretty much you know who this is XD here's a hint "SERENA IS SOO KAWAIII!!!!".

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy~

Serena's POV


I was helping Mrs. Ketchum do the laundry, she was taking out the ones that were already washed while I put the dirty laundry.

After that, I was about to go and check on Ash until Mrs. Ketchum pulled my arm. I turned around and saw her having a serious, yet calm expression.

"Is something the matter Mrs. Ketchum?" I  asked "Serena just call me Delia if you don't want to call me mom" I nodded in reply and was about to turn around and walk away, but she pulled me towards her way again.

"You have made my son so happy, and it's just been a day since you came. Thank you Serena, for everything" She embraced me into a hug and I returned the happy gesture, she pulled away from the hug and her soft expression  suddenly turned to a serious one.

"But, don't you have a home? You know, your mom and a family?" She asked, I never really thought about that...

I shooked my head as an answer "I was made from stardust from the Galaxy, I don't have a home. I was a mere star until I took form into a human like being" I explained "But still, everyone has a home. Even the homeless has a home" Delia pointed out "I guess I'm unique then" I chuckled quietly, but deep inside I was hurting. Why?

A tear ran down my cheek and Delia noticed my sad expression and hugged me "I'm so sorry! I didn't know..you are sensitive with this kind of conversation" she uttered, but honestly I don't know myself. Why am I hurting? Or where is my home?

~End of flashback~

Ash's POV

Serena continued to cry on my chest as I try to comfort her, her grip on my shirt got stronger as she mumbled words that I couldn't understand. All I could understand was "Home" and "Where".

"Serena, I want to help you..please tell me what happened" she didn't reply, but she turned away from me and looked up at the stars.

"Serena I-" she cut me off as a bright light surrounded her and her clothes turned back from the clothes she originally wore.

"Ash..." she mumbled as she leaned closer to me "Serena..." I also leaned closer, but she turned her head to the side and looked down to the ground.

"Ash, I'm..not human and you know that right?" I nodded "That's right, and every human has a home.." she mumbled, but her voice sounded hurt and raspy "What about home?" I asked as I put both of my hands on her both of her shoulders "You know, I never really thought about until Mrs. Ketchum asked me awhile ago. If I have a home or a family, I honestly don't know. I didn't even know why I'm crying right now, I feel as if my heart is trying to tear itself apart" she smiled even though tears continued to running down her face as she spoke.

"But do you have a family?" I asked, she looked at me with the blank expression, but in her eyes she was hurting pretty bad.

"That's what I want to know, do I? I'm made from stardust, but that's what I think" she giggled from the thought "...." I honestly don't know what to say. This is the first time I ever talk to a girl about this kinds of things, and it's not helping from the fact the girl is emotionally hurt.

"Ash, you don't need to worry ok? Even though I don't know where I really came from or if I even have a family" she smiled at me, but I know she was forcing it.

From looking at her, I feel pain from seeing her cry. I feel sad when she's sad. I feel lonely when she's not around me. Was this love?

"Look, I'm just someone you can forget after 40 days if you don't really want me around" I can't believe she said that! What is she thinking?!

I didn't know what came over me, but I forced her to look at me straight in the eyes as she stared at my Auburn ones. I was getting lost in her eyes once again, she was trying to lead me back to the open sea as if she was a mermaid. This wasn't time to be dumbstruck Ash!

"Serena, you have no idea how much you made me happy just from today and yesterday! Don't say your someone I can forget taut easily, because I can't! You say you don't believe in live at first sight but I do! Because I think I'm in love with you!" Serena's eyes were wide open from my sudden outburst, but I just couldn't control my feelings!

I closed my eyes and prepared for rejection even if she is in love with me. She may hate me now..

But I was wrong, I just heard a giggle then laughter. I opened my eyes and saw her smiling at me without any force or pain. She was truly smiling.

"So you do have the guts to tell a girl to stop crying?" She giggled at me, I stayed silent from her change of mood. Girls and their mood swings...

"Ash, I told you that I don't believe in love and first sight. Yet, you decided to fall in love with me at first sight. Love is something I want to cherish forever Ash, and if you think you really are in love with me then I love you Ash"

"Serena, I love you too"

We both leaned in closer and closer. Our lips were about to meet and I could feel her breath and I know she could mine as well. I closed my eyes and she did the same.

This was the perfect moment to kiss..

"Ash? DID I JUST RUIN ANOTHER MOMENT?!" I fell anime style and Serena looked at my mom who just came in crying on the floor.

"MOOOOMM!!!!" I groaned "I'M SORRY!!" She said groaning as well, Serena chuckled at the two of us.

"Thank you Ash" She said "Why are you thanking me?" I asked "Because I found my home" she replied "Really? Where?" My mom asked "My home is in Ash's heart"

Hah! No kissing today XD honestly, I want to beat myself up because I seriously want the two to kiss already, but NO! Ryan said maybe next chapter or the next chapter after that ;w;

Anyway, I hope you hugs enjoyed.

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