Bullies vs Serena

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Heyyo! White here :) So how was the last chapter? Been 1 day since the wish I wonder how it will progress ;)

Well, I hope you guys enjoy~

Serena's POV

We entered Ash's class and everyone and I mean everyone looked at me. Girls glared at me while boys..is it weird for them to look at me with such lustful eyes or is it just me?

I looked at Ash who just shrugged the feeling off, so I did the same. Then class started and the teacher entered the class 5 minutes after we came.

Everyone stood up from their seats and greeted, and so did I with the help of Ash telling me to stand up and greet the man who just came.

"Class, I would like to introduce to you our new friend. Serena, won't you walk infront of the class and introduce yourself?" I looked at Ash with the look "What should I do?" He instructed me to go infront and just tell something about myself other from the fact I'm not human that is.

I walked infront and looked at everyone, I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled to keep myself calm.

Let's do this!!!

"Hi! My name is Serena Yvonne, I'm 15 years old and I'm Ash's Ketchum's girlfriend" I said with and bug bright smile, I looked at Ash who sweatdropped and was glared at by everyone. The boys were crying while the girls were glaring at Ash for some reason.

"I would like to be your friend!" I said and quickly went back to my seat.

Ash's POV

Why. Did. She. Have. To. Say. She. Is. My. Girlfriend?!

Once she sat back beside me, I facepalmed. She looked at me rather confused on why did I just facepalmed.

"Quick question, Why did you have to blurt out I'm your boyfriend?!" I whispered yelled so the teacher won't get interrupted "Well, I want everyone to know that I'm taken to let them know you're not some guy that will be forever alone" she replied with the same innocent smile that I cannot freaking hate!

"Your unbelievably brave to blurt that out Serena" I whispered only to be chuckled softly by her "What?" I asked "Ash, I'm only brave because you are brave" she said as she pointed at my chest.

"You two love birds paying attention?" We both looked infront of us to see our teacher glaring deep into our souls, I swear this was my mom in disguise.

Serena simply smiled at him causing the man to slightly hesitate, Serena and her cuteness can never be beaten huh?

"I'm sorry for distracting you Mr. Rowan. You may continue" Serena said politely, Mr. Rowan smiled at Serena and continued to lecture. Ok, Mr. Rowan never smiles! HE JUST SMILED! Serena the miracle worker!!

Everyone stared at Serena in shock and with respect, she managed to make a man that never smiled smile?!

Then the school bell rang meaning it's break, Serena and I went to the back of the school where there was one Sakura tree ontop of a hill. Honestly, I never thought of ever sitting down there, but that was when Serena came.

We were eating the sandwiches Serena prepared before school, but then our little picnic was interrupted when my bullies approached us with death glares.

"Well, Ashy boy finally got a girlfriend. That is, if she does love you" Misty smirked and the rest laughed at her comment, Serena stood up to look directly at Misty and glared at her causing Misty to lose her composure.

"Excuse me, I love him! And you are just nothing but pest! What achievement would you get for beating this guy up?! What makes it satisfying to see someone suffering from your actions?!" She growled at them with hate in her eyes and the tension in the air was uncomfortable to be honest.

Misty, Dawn, and Gary stepped back. Serena looked at me then at the bullies. A smirk could be easily seen by the girl's face.

"What? You scared? A girl like me scaring bullies like you?" Serena said in a teasing voice, Gary and the rest gritted their teeth in anger from Serena's actions. What made her so powerful tat they couldn't bully her? Was it because she beaten Gary up?

"You'll pay for this! Just like that boy you will suffer!" After that the three stormed off away from our sight, Serena sat back down beside me eating her sandwich like nothing happened.

"Serena, why?" She turned her gaze at me with eyes as innocent as a child. "What do you mean?" She tilts her head cutely while the sandwich was still on her mouth "Why did you even bother to stand up for me?" I asked not looking at her or even bothering to turn my head at her.

Then I felt pressure on my left shoulder, I looked at Serena who's head was resting on my shoulder with her eyes fully close and a small smile formed on her lips with a relaxing sigh.

"Remember what I said? That I never believe in love at first sight, because when I was a kid I have been watching you and wanting to be with you since I saw you. Why I never believed in live at first sight is, because I never saw you in real life. Only just from my imagination. I love you Ash, I really do. I want to help you get stronger and I want you to fall in love with me just like the way I did to you, and that is taking time to fully realise if you live me or not" After that she stood up from ground and looked down at me with a full bright smile.

"Sere-" she cut me off by kissing me on the forehead "Remember, Serena vs the bullies. I will always win, for you" She winked at me causing me to blush furiously.

This girl...do I love her or not? I feel like I do, but how do I prove it to her that I do?

"Oh, and Ash" My thoughts were cut of when I saw a worried look from Serena "Yes?" I asked in concern "Do I look like some anime girl?" Really, now you ask?

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