Child Years

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Can't find any pics of Serena as a baby sooo....Yeah xD

I've been thinking for awhile and I don't care anymore. I should not have doubts about myself right?

Yeah, I guess I have been a little...doubtful for awhile.

But, enough of that and I hope you all enjoy this chapter of mine :)

A young honey blonde girl with a fox stuff toy in her hand as she run around the open meadow near her house.

Behind her is a man with the same hair colour as her smiling widely while trying to catch up to her pace.

"Serena dear! Please slow down your old man is getting older" the young girl slowed her pace and the older man finally catches up.

The girl beamed a toothy grin making the man chuckle and ruffles the little girls hair, the young girl giggles and tackles the man into a hug.

"Papa is warm!!" The young girl squealed and buried her face on the man's chest making him smile even wider.

'This seems...nice' Serena said but not outloud due to being just a spirit inside the young girl, or should she call her younger self.

After watching her baby years she confirmed that she was reliving her life, but she was just watching while her own mind and body do everything.

"You sure are lively today Serenity" Young Serena's father said and picked her up and snuggled his nose with hers. "Because papa is with me today!! Papa is here with me and I am happy!" Young Serena smiles widely and a small crimson blush appeared on her milky coloured cheek.

His father then spun Serena up in the air making the girl put her hands up in the air and laugh.

Inside young Serena's mind was Serena, smiling from how heartwarming this memory was. Serena placed her see through hand on her heart and a tear escaped from her eye.

'I wonder, why did I choose to leave?'

"Serena!! Xavier!! Lunch is ready!!" The two looked to where the voice came from and ran in that direction.

"Coming!!" The two exclaimed with a happy expression on their faces.

Serena chuckles from the sight of her younger self munching and laughing while there was food in her mouth from the sight of her parents acting all childish around her.

'A normal...happy family' The thought made her sad, but it was nice to see herself smiling so...freely and without a care about the problems and negativity of the world.


It was quite awhile now and her memory quickly progress to where her younger self was now 6 years old.

Serena attentively watches her younger self crying tears of joy as her friends, relatives, and family sing a happy birthday song for her. It made her heart flatter and her body loosen, was it really that powerful for her to be crying?

But then..

"Papa where do babies come frome?" Serena laughs clutching her stomach with her arms from seeing young Serena's father drop his fork and spoon with a terrified look.

'What gives anyway? Why won't parents tell their children where babies come from, isn't it normal?' She thought about explaining it to her future kids with Ash, but the thought of having a child with Ash then explaining to that child where he/she came from, she now understood why.

"What?! Huh?! W-Why would you wan-Wait!! Are you planning on havi-" The man was cut off by getting smacked by a load of mashed potato on the face making Serena laugh louder than before.

"Seriously honey? She's too young to be planning on that kind of thing isn't she?" Her mother said, but inside her head she was laughing her ass off from how Xavier reacted.

"What's wrong Papa?" Young Serena asked, completely oblivious about the whole child making thing. Xavier removes the mashed potato off his face and sighed.

"I'll tell you when you get older alright?" He said, young Serena nodded and beamed a toothy grin once more.

"What exactly do mean older Hun?" Her mother asked "Probably the day I die".


Serena runs around the open meadow, twirling endlessly and jumping as high as she could. It almost felt like she was in paradise from how she was acting.

She was smiling widely while playing around by herself on the meadow, she didn't kind being alone as long as she could see the sun and the blooming flowers. She was free like birds flying around without a care.

The future Serena who was in her mind looks around young Serena's surroundings, she would examine everything she sees and nostalgia would always hit her.

And the way her younger self moved so freely and carefree made her feel even more emotions as a human. It felt nice and warm, it was passion.

Passion to dance around and sing until the sun goes down and it was time for her to sleep once more. Passion to embrace the open sky and the beaming sun.

Yes, passion..

She had the passion to be free, but what could have been the reason why she chose not to?

"Serenity!! It's time for your house back riding lessons!!" Young Serena stopped and faced to where her mother was, a small smile and a nod came from the girl and ran to her mother's side.

'So it really is true, Grace Yvonne, my own mother. Now that I think about it, from how nostalgic and warm I feel from the mention of her name pretty much sums up that she is my mother. Who could blame me for not believing it though? All my life, I was alone in that lonely chamber of mine. To think I actually yelled at Lara's mother for not me having a mother from the start..' Serena thought as she looks at her mother eye to eye.

All she could see was what her past self sees and what she was looking at was her mother's eyes. She extends her arms to her mother wanting to embrace her, Grace smiles as Serena did that and quickly pulled her into a warming hug.

A tear suddenly ran down Serena's face from how warm she was feeling from the moment their bodies made contact.

The two then made their way to a small cabin like building, Serena wandered around the cottage and saw a white creature standing on the middle from the rest. It was so gorgeous to look at from how silky its fur was and how milky white it was.

Serena quickly went infront of it and petted its head, the horse cried from the contact and ran away from Serena as far as it could. Serena looks down and tears threatened to fall from her eyes from the thought of a creature afraid of her.

She didn't look scary right? She was friendly right? But, why did it ran away if she weren't?

Serena's past self fell on her knees and cried making the current Serena feel the emotion causing her to cry aswell.

'It was just a horse!! Why would I be so sad about that?!' As Serena pondered about it, Grace went up to her younger self and kneels down to her level.

"Dear, it's just a horse, you don't have to be so sad about not having to be friends with it" Grace said and softly rubs young Serena's back.

"But friendship is magic mama! Even if it is a horse, I still want to be friends with all of them" Past Serena stated in a serious expression that surprised Grace and even Serena herself was surprised how serious her younger self was with this whole friendship thing.

Grace chuckled and ruffled the young honey blonde girl's hair causing her to giggle.

"I see that now, well why don't we own one? It's a great idea no?" Young Serena's eyes sparkled and nodded "Yay!!".


'Seems legit' Serena said as she watch her parents flirt in her past self's point of view.

"No, you're the cutest" Her father said making Grace blush "Dear, I'm not the cutest, but Serena is" the two adults gaze went to Serena who was innocently watching the two.

She cutely tilts her head to the side causing her parents to have one of those fangirl moments.

The two adults pulled young Serena into a hug and the young girl returned the hug aswell.

It was like any other happy day for the family until...


'What the?!'

And that's it for this chapter ^-^

Cliffhangers are the worst!! Right? 😋😋

I hope you enjoyed and see you after Ryan's chapter :)

Peace out!!

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