Part 2..

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Ryan here :)

Soo, I have news for you guys :/

This is the last chapter..

But how?! You may ask..

Well, this story..was rushed and we kinda messed it up, but don't worry we made sure this would be the last chapter because the sequel would actually explain everything that this story left out.

But the sequel won't be out for awhile because we are terribly busy I'm life and school, especially Prez. Like Oh my Arceus you have no idea how much activities her school has during this month.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this last chapter...

It wasn't the beginning, nor the end of her story...

It wasn't perfect nor a waste..

It was just a depressing story that was left untold and hidden from the world, and from her.

That is until..

Her future went back to the past reliving every moment she ever experienced to know the meaning of her rebirth.

Why was she alone?

Why was she human?

Who knows..

But now she knows the reason..

She knows it as clear as water.

She watched her past self living and moving around the world, everytime her past moves she felt as if she remembered something important even if she has seen that a million times when she came to aid Ash.

Speaking of Ash..

Ever since she got to this world, the thought of the boy never crossed her mind. She never thought about him, not even once!

And she knew why..

She watches herself looking at an all too familiar figure at the distance. Someone weeping under a tree while people would kick him or punch him. She watched him with no emotion, she just watched him suffer like he deserved it.

But the current Serena couldn't help but want to help him. She wanted to get out of this state and reach out for the guy, why? It was her duty right?

Her mission for 40 days was to help him right? Now what was she doing? Doing something not involving him or even near him.

She watched him and....

"Help me!!"

"Let him go you bullies!"

To be continued...

Sequel: The Amour In Our Star

Okay, this sequel would be a part 2 of 3 for this book. Why? This part will explain  past Serena's life and how she know sent to that place.

Welp, hope you enjoy the last chapter and I know it was rushed and very incomplete. Because this isn't even the last chapter of this story. This is just the last chapter of part one of the story. Heck, this wasn't even 50% of what we have in store for you people.

So hope you enjoyed and we will publish the part 2 as soon as we can!

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