Secret is Safe With us

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White here :3 so you liked the last chapter? What could she mean by forgetting something 😉😉😉 time will tell, so for now...

Hope you enjoy the chapter ^_^

And here is Serena's outfit for today's chapter :3

Hehe jk, I just wanted to add this in a chapter XD

Serena's POV

I look out of my window to see Ash and couple of more people walking up to him. They seem friendly and once they were just infront of him they all have one big hug.

Another feeling coarse through my chest, was is it called again? Oh, jealousy I think. But I'm not jealous of Ash, I'm jealous that he could hangout with them even after 40 days. I know what I said to Ash if it were meant for true love, but time will tell if it's true or not.

I paid attention on the group once again, they were talking about something that I could have sworn was about me, because everytime they speak their lips would form my name and Ash would blush.

Just what are they talking about?

I sighed and walked back to my bed, I plopped down and closed my eyes. Once I did all I could see was stars, why stars though? Why do I see stars when I close both of my eyes?

Well I didn't want to overthink it and just let it slide. I slightly opened my right eye to see Ash smiling down on me.

"Hey, you okay?" I quickly sat up on my bed and I saw two people behind Ash "Who are they?" I asked, Ash smiles at me and signals the two to introduce yourself, but before they did the little girl kneeled down infront of me saying "You're a keeper! Please take care of my brother!" I sweatdropped and so did Ash, the little girl got dragged by her brother and the two argued for about 5 minutes or so and then they went back to my room.

"I'm sorry about earlier" the guy bowed apologetically, I look at Ash giving him the "Why is he bowing?" Look. He just shrug it off and I did the same.

"Well, care to tell me your names?" The two siblings nodded "I'm Clemont and this is my little sister Bonnie" Bonnie went infront of her brother once again and winked at me, I smile at young child and patted her head.

"Hey Ash, who were those people awhile ago?" I asked, Ash scratched his cheek like I wasn't supposed to know that. "They are just a group of fans of you, you have gotten very famous since well you stood up for me" I didn't even know that was a big deal though, I was just following what my heart was telling me.

Silence fell and all I could think about was about the stars, so I decided to make that as our conversation.

"Hey, have you ever wondered what would happen when you wish upon on a shooting star?" I asked, well directly at Bonnie. Bonnie's eyes glistened from my question while her brother looked...I don't know not amused.

"Nothing, shooting stars cannot make a wish come true " he said bluntly, Ash and Bonnie glared at Clemont making the boy shrink. Bonnie looks at me "Yes!! It will come true and would last forver until you die!" Well that's a shocker not really "Well I don't about forever" the three now looked at me clearly interested on what I'm about to say.

"In stories yes they say it would last forever, but in reality it would only last for 40 days depending on what kind of wish it was" I was like telling them what I really am, and I can't let that slip out of my mind though. They might call those scientist that would experiment on beings like us!

"Oh you mean a stardust creature" Was that how we were called here? Creatures? I slowly nod in reply and Clemont smirks at everyone. "Well, yes those creatures are indeed real. They have been here for thousands of years as a matter of fact! But if I manage to have one of those creatures in my disposal, I will do tests and experiments on it! I need to know if they are really made of stardust!"

"Oh, they are" I quickly covered my mouth with both of my hands, Clemont, Bonnie, and Ash raises their eyesbrows at me "How do you know so much? Could it be pos-"

"Nononono! I'm not one of them hehehe..." I look back at Ash telling him to help me, he shook his head telling me he won't. What is wrong with him today?!

Ash's POV

That yesterday evening when I went back to the living room, mom told me that it was time for Serena to know more about humans without any help.

She also told me that if people were to find out she is a creature from space some would try to disect her or worst experiment on her.

But it's a worth it at the end, she will surely not be lonely after having this. Clemont kept on staring at Serena like he wanted to know why was she talking about those stardust creatures, Serena also noticed this but kept quiet.

"Are you hiding something from us? We promise we won't tell anyone" Bonnie said with both of hers hands raised up as a sign of not telling anyone even her brother did it.

I look at Serena who clearly was in deep thought whether to tell them or not.

"Pretty please" Bonnie gave her the most cutest puppy dog eyes she ever saw in her life, well technically ever since she got here in earth.

She sighed in defeat "Fine, I'm a those creatures you call as stardust creatures" she said it in quite a cold tone as if she didn't want to mention it.

But why? Everytime she talked about it to us she would smile and be herself while right now that's the complete opposite.

"I see, well we promise we won't tell!" The two siblings exclaimed "Promise?" The two nods. Her uneasy expression was replaced by a smile as she hugged the two.

"Thank you"

Clemont's POV

We continued our talk and played awhile until the sun was setting. We said our goodbyes and once we were out of sight, I pick up my phone and dialed "his number".

"So did you find out anything about Serena?" The voice asked "Yeah, so please can you give back my little sister's pendant" I said "You did your job, all you have to do now is tell us the info you guys have learned" I feel so guilty about this, but I had to for Bonnie.

"Fine, Gary..."

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