The Truth And A Fading Smile

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White here :) Yeah, I know I haven't really been updating like I used to. Pretty much school is being quite strict about having homework and passing it on the very next day.

Like, I actually just guessed one of my homeworks and I still can't believe I got it all right 😂😂😂

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy~

Serena's POV

It was dark..
It was lonely..
It was..dull and lifeless..
Why am I here?
What am I even doing here?
Wait, where am I?

Oh right...
I'm back..

To where I was before. An empty infinite space of loneliness and darkness. A space of nothingness that which the sun, nor moon does not shine. I was back..

To where I was in before, the dark part of the galaxy. I walk around and look around, nothing changed. It empty, it made me feel empty.

It was like I never even left this place, and it felt like everything I have done in earth was nothing but a dream. There was no way out of this dull and boring space without someone wishing upon a star, yet in reality..I could have just got there without waiting for Ash to wish for me to come.

I could have just live there like any normal human being, but my heart disagreed with my idea. I don't know why I even felt that way with Ash before, it was like I knew he was the one from watching him from above.

It was like..I knew him from before or something. I stopped at the center of my chamber, or so I think it's the center and sat on the ground and curved into a ball. I had nothing to do in this boring space, all I could do was curve into a ball and sleep without anyone or anything to wake me up.

You could say I spent my whole life inside this chamber sleeping for hours or watching the boy. I'm pretty boring right? There were no stars around me, well there is but it's not like the ones I see on earth. How they twinkle because they were far away and how bright it is even if it was small it was shining brightly. While here it felt like it wasn't a star in my eyes.

Then I heard something for the first time here, it was footsteps. I look up and looked at where the footsteps was coming from and saw "him". The one who protected this boring and lifeless chamber of mine, Arceus.

"It's been awhile young one" he smiles at me, but half heartedly. It was like it wasn't allowed to smile at all. "Why am I here?" I ask, he looks up making me follow his action and saw a big clock. "What is that?" The hand was slowly reaching to the number 3, but it would take hours for it to finally reach the number.

"It's your time limit" he said bluntly, I look back at him with a serious expression which made him quite surprise. After all, I never showed anything other than a straight boring face.

"I'm not coming back, I decided on that...I will not return here ever again" his shock expression quickly got replaced with a face showing nothing but....nothing. what is wrong with this place?!

"You cannot, you're not like the other creatures. You are differ-"

"SO WHAT?! I decided on staying! Isn't that creatures like me are suppose to be doing? Fullfilling a person's wish, and making it come true right before their eyes?" I never felt this way before, was this really how and human felt? The urge to fight for freedom?

"You cannot, because you aren't made from stardust alone. You were made by the sun's tear and a whole star along with how humans are made off. You see? If you leave this chamber you will create conflict, you don't know anything young one" He said with no emotion, it was like I was talking to all machine!

"Can you atleast talk like you have emotions for once?! I don't know if I'm dreaming or not, but there is one thing I know. And that is I am not leaving earth!" I exclaimed, he was utterly shock and to be honest so was I.

Why am I answering like this? I never felt so...independent before, and I was only there for 11 days or so...

Arceus did not move and just stared at me, it felt like he was trying to contain his composure without bursting something out. He's hiding something..

"I still have 29 days left Arceus, I can decide on my own! Whatever I am made off doesn't matter, because I am human!" I exclaimed, and that's when his eyes widened. "How did you know?!" He yelled in anger, why is he angry?

"I found out about it when someone came to rescue me along with Ash. I may not know that person, but atleast I know what I really am" I said as I stood up and looked into his eyes not wanting to look away.

"No.." he murmured "I belong to that world, I belong there because that's my home!" I exclaimed "No! Because you were human but got turned into another creature! If you were to stay human before you would be the same age as Delia!" He snapped, I stepped back and felt a painful feeling in my chest, my heart was beating really fast for some reason.

Then an image of a young girl and a young boy popped in my mind. My eyes widened, that girl was me..but it was 19 years ago.

"You know nothing about it young one, and it's best if you don't. After the limit you will come back and to never return to that planet forever" he said, and after that my vision blurred out.

The next thing I knew was that I was back in my bed. I got out from it and walked up to the window. I glance at the stars and a tear ran down.

I extended my hand out trying to reach those stars, not the ones that were big. But the ones that were twinkling brightly up there.

I glance back to my bed and saw Ash sleeping peacefully. I went to his side and kissed his forehead.

I couldn't take it anymore and fully broke down, but I made sure it won't wake him up.

After all, if I were to disappear and go back. I want him to be happy and make sure everything I do will make me happy.

I'm sorry Ash..

Guess I can't really fullfill that wish of yours..

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