You Should Just Give Up

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White here :p

Sorry, the last chapter was actually made by Ryan because I was too busy on writing an essay about what I did during the holidays.

Man, was that tiring to write about xD

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy~

P.s. Apologies for any grammatical errors or spelling corrections, because English is not my first language.

Serena's POV

Darkness was all I could see in the room as echoes of familiar voices around me continue to mutter "Close you eyes" Or "He'll come to you".

This place was so lifeless that I just can't, even the stars felt dead even though the are one of the main source of light during the night. It makes me believe that, where I am isn't where the earth is.

Of course that's possible, but who knows, maybe I'm somewhere far from it and where stars don't shine. It's frustrating to think about it, but I just can't keep on pushing it aside.

Because it feels as if I'm pushing myself aside.

After awhile, I finally convinced myself that my eyes were opened and I began moving around this dark chamber. It wasn't like this since the last time I've been here, or maybe it's because I'm just here using my mother's....magic? I don't know.

It's been how many days was it? I've completely forgotten after everything that had happened, since Giovanni tried to take me till' now.

Whatever......or should I care?

Ugh, this human thoughts of mine are confusing, or are they emotions?

I sighed and shook my head and continued to look around but was having a hard time from not being able to see anything.

After awhile I gave up and fell on the ground, or what was I sitting on at the moment.

I look up and nothing was there, no moon or sun to greet a person after waking from slumber, how lonely can that be?


Why is that word so scary to a person? That's what I thought before I even got to where I am now, being lonely feels like your heart was missing so many pieces and it was begging you to find them but you can't.

An endless ocean of regrets and despair as you try to find those missing pieces of you heart, but you were unable to find them.

A missing piece which you desperately want to get but it was gone...forever.

I thought it was all over when I couldn't stay, but my friends...they are all special to me in so many ways even if we don't hang out ever since Giovanni came.

It...mostly felt like they are avoiding us, but who could blame them? I was dangerous, and they know it.

But even if they are avoiding me, I still cherish it...My memories with them. I am a part of their hearts as longs as they are a part of mine, I can never disappear even if just one person would still hold on.

Isn't that right?

"Arceus" I look up and like a predicted he was there, a fading light surrounded around the man as he coldly looks down at me.

"Why are you being so stubborn? You can't go back!! You'll only bring pain if you were to stay there!" He exclaimed and picked me up by the collar, I just let him do what he wanted.

"Why don't you just give up?! Why can't you see you ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE IN THAT PLANET!!?" He exclaimed, I flinched from how tight his grip got and the way his eyes was glaring deadly at me.

"You wanted to be normal? Is that what you were about to say? You CAN'T BE NORMAL AS LONG AS YOU HAVE THAT KIND OF POWER WITHIN YOUR GRASPS!!"

"THEN TELL ME WHAT IT IS!!" The man gasped and dropped me back on the ground, I glared back at him and said "I am here to find out who I am, and I AM NOT WILLING TO GIVE UP!!" After that a voice in my head said "Never give up till' the end!!" It made my heart skip a beat from how nostalgic it was.

The man grits his teeth and this chamber started to shake.

"Don't you realize how dangerous their lives would be if you were to stay?! Do you really think you would continue any further after you find out the truth!? You will never look at yourself the same way after you know!!" He exclaimed, I continued to ignore and push it away from me, I just can't let it put me down now!!

"I still want to know! I'm here for that reason, or I came here after being knocked out by my own mother but tha-"

"You have met YOUR MOTHER?!!" Arceus growled from the word "mother", what's so wrong about it?

The area continued to shake and I was starting to lose my balance as I lie down on the ground, I look up and saw a extremely furious God infront of my eyes.

"You know too much!! You must give up this instant!!" He demanded, but it almost felt like he was begging me to give up.

But I just can't!! This emotions were taking over and I don't know how I can even stop my own heart from reacting this way, is this really how humans react at times like these?

"Know too much? It feels like the opposite!! I know nothing about me, and heck, I might not even know who I'm in love with aswell!! I want to know! I need to know!! No, I DEMAND to know!!" I exclaimed and finally stood up to face him eye to eye even though I was shorter than him.

"Exactly! You think you know nothing but in reality you kno-" I cut him off by slapping him really hard on the face which was surprisingly satisfying for me.

"Don't give me that I know something!! I....want to know who I am...IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK?!" Tears began forming in my eyes as they roll down on my face, he just stood there in place and said nothing.

"Ever since I came down there, all I have felt was human emotions. It was confusing at first, but I have always liked them no matter how confusing it got. It made me think that.." I trailed off and looked around this dark chamber of mine, it was starting to light up and it made me feel hopeful for some reason.

"It made me think that I-"

"Don't you dare think that you-"

"I'm human"

I felt so broken and lonely everytime I think about leaving and disappearing right before their eyes, but now....

I can never think of ever leaving that home, or where I truly belong!

Arceus once again said nothing and I wanted to say something but couldn't.

But, I'll just put it in a simpler version..

"I'm never giving up till' the end until I get my memories back!"

Woah! The feels on this one xD
I never thought I would make another chapter like this in a long time! But, hey isn't that my specialty?

I hope you guys enjoyed and comment if you want more ^-^

Here's this chapter's Serena image.

If you know me, or have known me since the very beginning then you should know how much I love Serena cosplaying as Ash xD

I can't stop on saving pics of her ;w;

Well, Peace Out!

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