Chapter 11

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AN: So, yes, you were all right, and yes this is extremely short but I did that on purpose because I like to torture you all (sorry in advance).

Katherine quickly got dressed and grabbed her father's keys before heading out to his car. She normally just walked, but she knew the car would get her there faster. And indeed it did, she got to the hospital in record time, it was a miracle she didn't get pulled over for speeding. She immediately parked and made her way to the waiting room that Crutchie had given her directions to. When she got there, she saw Crutchie sitting in a chair nervously fiddling with a loose thread on his shirt, and Davey pacing back and forth with such concentration that if they were in the maternity ward, Katherine would've thought he was an anxious father.

"Crutchie? Davey?" She got the attention of the two boys. "Whats wrong?" Davey stopped pacing. He looked exhausted, and Katherine could only assume he was also woken up to come here.

"It's Jack."

"Jack? You heard from him?"

"We heard from the doctor treating him," Crutchie shook his head. "Snyder hurt him bad, once he got here the doctor called me because apparently I'm his emergency contact."

"What?!" She was immediately alarmed. "Where is he now?"

"The doctors examining him, he might be in the operating room, we don't really know." Davey resumed his pacing.

"They didn't tell you?"

"They won't tell anyone but me anything and they started working on him so fast that I have no idea what's going on." Crutchie spoke up as Katherine took a seat next to him.

"So... now we wait?"

"Now we wait."

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